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Everything posted by LiftdT4R

  1. I have for sale a 1991 YZ80, everything is in good shape, nothing broken. It has a new top end about 8 hours of ride time, a new clutch done at the same time, and new tires front and rear with only about an hour of ride time. Bike is ready to run, looking for $500 OBO, and I'll consider any reasonable offer. I bought a TTR50 and I no longer ride this bike.
  2. Ohhh, I see what your talking about on the aeration part, makes sense, I personally always leave them in, just wondering what they were always for.
  3. Yeah I know, I tried power washing them, but to no avail. I picked up a beat motor for $75 a couple months back, so even for 50, I figure what the heck with it, its a good deal for somebody that has the time to clean them up.
  4. Sounds good, I might chop up another bike when I get back from Maine.
  5. Hey, I'll take the clutch, I'm seinding you a PM right now.
  6. Hey, what's up everyone? I'm leaving this Sunday, staying in NY for a couple days, and I'll be up there on Wed. the 19th, and riding until the 24th. As far as bars and hotels I'm not sure, this is my first time up, some of my buddies got a cabin at Northlands or something, and Ill either find a hotel or sleep in my trailer as long as it isnt too hot. Supposedly the place up there has wireless so I'll have my computer, if anyones interested in going its basically in Bingham Maine, and we'll be up there all those days, just shoot me a PM, or post up here. Thanks!!!
  7. :yelrotflmao: That made my day!!! Ask them for short stay next time!!! All the skeevy hotels do short stay up here by me.
  8. Did you have both the cylinders bored or just one? Both cylinders should be on the same bore. If not, that could be the start of your problems. Also, what mods do you have? If you let us in on the mods, and riding conditions (temp, elevation, etc) we can give you a good start on where the jetting should be.
  9. Sweeeeeet, could never get my girls interested in anything with wheels. But......
  10. I'm diggin it!! The big tank isnt for everybody, most people that Ive talked to don't like it no matter what fenders it's with. I like it, I dont think it looks bad at all, and in the end it doesnt matter how it looks when your still runnin and everyone else is outta gas. edit: how come nobody can spell Banshee!!!!??? Bangiee? come on really!!
  11. Depends on how much loot you wanna sink into it. I had a milled head on my 02 and I have a cool head on my 01. The cool head is nice, but if your strapped for cash the milled head will work just fine. I do like the cool head a bit better because I ride a lot of tight trails so I'm always looking to keep the temps down.
  12. Yeah, some good ones, I get these e-mails all the time from my college buddies that took jobs in the cube farms.
  13. LiftdT4R

    Funny Army Pics

    Some new some old. Glad to see these dudes have a sense of humor of there!!!
  14. Ohhhh, makes sense, but every post before yours said don't run them. I'm trying to remember back to my days in school as to what factors cause cavitation, the only one that comes to mind is when the velocity of the liquid is to high. Does this actually occur in the stock carbs? I cant imagine the fuel flowing through there fast enough to cause cavitiation, but I really wouldnt know. Also, when you say aearation, what is that? I would think you would want the fuel to be better aerated. (mixed better?)
  15. Welcome!!! Good luck on your build!! As you probably know there is a ton of info here.
  16. They only ended up going for $50, they were in decent shape, sealed up just fine. If you keep your eyes open on flea bay there will be more, Ill send you a PM if I come across anymore.
  17. Good to know, I guess I wont put them in on the next time around. What exactly does it do though? Prevent fuel in the bowls from splashing into the main/pilot? My YZ80, and 250s have them too, and so do most bike Ive seen.
  18. Hey, what's up? Ive always wondered, and never asked, on almost any set of carbs I take apart, dirtbike, quad, almost anything, I always come across a plastic umbrella type piece that sits in the main and pilot jet. Its on stock Banshee carbs. Ive never thought anything of it, and always put it back in after taking apart carbs. But, I got into a heated argument with a buddy of mine over what it does and how nessiscary it is. I didn't really have an answer other then Yamaha put it in there so I keep on using it. (not a great answer). I was wondering if anyone knew what the purpose of this piece is. It's part # 18 on the microfiche below.
  19. Even the worst Banshees Ive seen are still better then that hunk of junk. Seriously, I can't even make this stuff up.
  20. I think this is a good idea!! I'm going to start a j-arm build soon, and Ive been pretty disappointed at how expensive +2+1 j-arms are for how simple they look. I only spent $200 for a used set of +2+1 A-arms, and they were in awesome shape!! Let us know how you progress if you had some build pics that would be awesome too!! Good luck!!
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