So as many of you know a bunch of us went down to Busco beach like 2 weeks ago, when I go away riding for the weekend or even for the day I bring shit loads of parts, I've had my share of weekends where little shit broke that could have been fixed but I didn't have it with me!
Now a days I'm come alittle bit more prepared, guys witnessed first hand I dont mind helping out and keeping everyone riding for the weekend!
Sucks seeing people tooling all weekend or down bc of something stupid, surf need a sprocket we worked something out- No biggie
252 needed some shit we worked something out!
Now Willaduncan rolls up and his bike barely runs sounds like shit etc
He was trying to ride it as is but was cracking popping wouldn't idle
Million kicks to start it etc
Long story short I tune and sync his carbs, bike really responded well to this, idled nice, would start 2-3 kicks oppose to 10 wateva
Anyway wasn't 100%, DDQ and I pulled the intakes and his reeds were JACKED THE FUCK UP, I had a EXTRA set of vforce 2's that were going in my other bike that's why I DID NOT want to sell them, I volunteered to let him borrow them for the weekend so he could keep riding! We exchanged number, agreement was run them for the weekend and Monday he would ship them back!
Well, I'll give y'all one guess where I'm going with this, exactly they still haven't showed up! I've sent him a few pm's and I'm under the impression that a few people reached to him for me!
Still haven't heard from him, I understand life gets in the way and shit comes up but get in touch with me and let me know the deal!
I just want my dam reeds back WTF
shit like this makes ya bitter next time someone needs a hand or wants to borrow something!
Once he gets Intouch with me and we get this straightened out I'll delete this rant