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  • My Banshee (optional)
    red/white 2004 banshee bonestock

mastarosa's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. i have a completely stock 04 banshee. it starting to make this loud clicking noise on the left side and when i checked the transmission the oil was low so i filld it up but this noise kept going on. when i rev it at high rpm's it goes away but when i just let it idle it comes back. what the hell is wrong thanks
  2. ill prolly go with lid for now
  3. fatties with powercore 2 at 4000ft what should jetting be? thanks
  4. whats the difference of the fmf powercore 2 and the fmf powercore 2 shorty silencer?
  5. are there any exhaust systems for the banshee that sound like a street bike and also perform well?
  6. well i live in BC canada and theh temp from summer to winter is totaly different and where i ride it goes any where from 3000 -4500 ft. so would they be useful to me?
  7. How does Dial-a-jet actually work, what does it do? if you add new pipes an du have dial a jet do u have to rejet?
  8. ok then that what ill do get T5's and K&N
  9. If i get T5's now and dont port or anything will it run the pipes or engine or anything? cus i can only get the T5's right now
  10. should i just get the T5 kit or the one with the unifilter air filter and the jetting kit?
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