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  • Location
    Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Atvs and ATCs<br />3wheelers forever!

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    I have a 1986 Yamaha Tri-Z

Kintore's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Hey, I got a 86 Z and had it ported as well. I went to a man Named Jason Hall. I met him via 3WW www.3wheelerworldforums.com His name is Jason Hall on the boards, he does excellent work on all trikes and my machine really stepped up a notch with it. I HIGHLY reccomend him, I got his all around port job and mine is a absoulute monster! Look him up, PM him hes a good guy met him alota times before.
  2. Hey guys, Im heading to Silver lake this summer, and I wanted to know about what I need. I know I need a whip, MI registration, ORV voucher? Im still a tad lost when it comes to these vouchers, any help? Any tips when there? Where to park? Best Campground? Anything will be helpful guys, thanks!
  3. http://www.bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=60883 Theres the video I was talking about!
  4. Yah Im totally in for sure, My trailer is up for use anytime. The Z will be ready to fly soon enough, shes getting all redone! Porting, pipe, piston, all new painting, new front springs, rear shock Im all in, and my vinyls, umm make them if you can like white strips or red to match the Z! Ill email ya tonight too, and ill post me riding the Z of some jumps tonight and link you guys over, ill reply when I get home tonight too!
  5. Me and a few buds are planning/thinking a ride. How good is it? Any tips? tricks? where to park? What do I need to get it? like registration? vouchers and passes. All that, thanks for the help!
  6. Im in for it, but im a triker assuming that wont matter.
  7. Hello BHQ! I need your help- I need close up shots of your footpegs, both sides. Stock please, if not ill take others. I need a very clear view of the mounting, peferably a straight on shot of the peg. Thanks so much guys!
  8. WORD! Got the ole atc200 out last night, god that the best damn time of my life out there. Powerslides, 360's, donuts and no brakes except for a crappy front one. Man that was fun! And today, we even got more and a snow cancellation from school, wonder what im going to be doing?
  9. I like that story, makes me want to go ride dunes REAL bad. Maybe one day.... 2 strokes in the morning are the best!
  10. You know what sounds really extreme, I was at the dealers looking at a banshee just for kicks. Guy told my dad and I ever 10 hours it should have a rebuild!
  11. Yea i usually shake it everytime before i start it, it still kinda pings when i give it throttle, so im not sure whats going on....and im mixing it at 32:1
  12. On your way down still give it throttle so it wont hit as hard.
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