Up for sale is my '03 KX 125 that I bought off Ellison445 a while back. I love this bike, but never have time to ride it anymore (work part-time/school full time). A few members on this board can vouch for the condition of this bike. It's in GREAT condition and is plenty fast! It has a few mods, including an Eric Gorr woods port, Tag Fat bars/clamps, V-Force 3 reeds, and a FMF Fatty pipe/shorty silencer. I have only put minimal hours on the bike since I purchased it, and it's sat in my garage the rest of the time. It may need a quick carb cleaning from sitting so long, but it does start up first kick each and every time and runs like a bat out of hell. I'm looking to get $1500 for this bike, but also open to trades. Feel free to respond here/PM/email me at spitfire557@gmail.com.
I can get more pictures upon request, also.