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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. I think you can probably buy a new Hot Rods crank for close to what it would cost to rebuild one. I had a stock one rebuilt a few years back but don't remember what it cost. Almost as much as a new one if I remember right. With the right connections you might be able to find someone to do it cheaply enough. SP
  2. Works for me also. Nice work Kevin. Going to Dyno mine again in March. Need them new domes first! You want to post it on your site too? I can send you a PDF of the graph. SP
  3. LS is the only "dune" place I have ridden so I can't give you a comparison but there are some trails. SP
  4. Actually, the entire park is only about 1500 acres. Just FYI. http://www.duneguide.com/sand_dune_guide_l...e_sahara_ok.htm SP
  5. I checked on line and I couldn't find anything different there either. SP
  6. I give up! All we are saying is be a little conscience of the people you are expecting to read your posts. We don't have time and usually don't want to have to decipher them. And to be honest, no, your not a retard. You can type decent when you want to cause your last post have been sooooo much better. That is all we are getting at. SP
  7. I think a lot of you have missed the main point to what loco is saying. Nobody is bashing people for making spelling or grammar mistakes. It is the ridiculous complete lack of using any type of punctuation and multiple short hand or whatever the F*** you call it when posting. It just makes posts not worth reading. And then this guy is busting someone's nuts for not knowing what he's got in his PD head? Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, bro. You reap what you sow kid. Then, to top it all off, he stands up and says "yeah, I'm a dumbass, just like 2/3rds of the rest of America. WTF is that? Have a little pride. I find that appalling to come out of a youngsters mouth. WOW! I sure hope my kids grow up with a little more self esteem then that. What would it be like if everyone had that attitude? I think it would be a pretty sorry place. SP
  8. Never heard such a thing. Wasn't like that when I was down last year in Oct. Anybody else know if something has changed? SP
  9. Wait a minute! Your original post is still the same. WTF?
  10. Dude, could you use a capital letter once in awhile? Like at the beginning of your sentences? Really makes your posts hard to read. LOL! SP
  11. Well put! I'm with stupid to! Just don't know how to do the funny little guy! SP
  12. Like I said, most mistakes are one thing. But these 300 word sentences are different. And I am a middle aged Field Service Technician, I carry a company supplied BlackBerry and I can text with the best of em! I still use punctuation and separate my thoughts. It is just a matter of doing it. It doesn't take anymore time or effort. Just like typing on a keyboard after awhile. SP
  13. You can usually fond one on ebay cheap. I sold mine there for around $10. SP
  14. You spelled illiterate wrong. And honestly, that is why this country has a lot of the problems it does. While we all sit by and watch this happen, we will continue through the complacency stage and before you (or your) kids know it, the good ole US of A will not be what it once was. History will repeat itself, time and time again. It's just that we are too arrogant to see it. But thanks for contributing! SP
  15. I agree, life is too short to try and decipher some of the messes people post up here. Misspellings and improper use of verbs, adverbs, and just words (as per the dictionary meanings) are one thing. But damn! Some of these posts just make your head spin. It doesn't make you wonder why all these other countries are kicking our ass in academics today anymore! SP
  16. I think the easiest way to answer that is to say, you can't have water in your carbs. Now, you have to decide, to you ride in mud or do you ride in water? Outerwears are fairly fine meshed but won't keep out water from splashing through creeks and water holes. You could be mindful when you get around water. That's what I do and I have no issues. I don't like getting my shit muddy either though. I like shiney! SP
  17. A lot depends on the port job. High flow porting is flowing more fuel. Stock doesn't flow worth a shit and different ports jobs flow differently. Just like when you change your intake track. More air flow means you need more fuel, same reason you increase your jet sizes. SP
  18. http://www.bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?...ighlite=%2B4mil Try the search button. SP
  19. Most everyone will tell you, and I agree, if your cooling system is functioning correctly, your jetted right, timing isn't advanced too much, and your compression is right you will not overheat. I ran an oversized radiator, billet impeller and engine ice just because it is cheap insurance. I really don't think the cool head does much for increased cooling. SP
  20. What's really sad is this site has a spell check! Just like the lazy people that don't want to park at the back of the parking lot and sit there with they're blinker on holding everyone else up just to park close. Why IS everyone so lazy today? SP
  21. Daves domes will work in the Modquad head. I have ran a set of Kevin's domes in one I had and Dave cuts his domes for him. Pro Design domes are the same, they will work with the Modquad head. SP
  22. What about a slot behind the shift shaft so you don't have to remove it (or nerf bars if you have them) to take it off. Loose a bit more weight too (lol). It is something that I have done to every billet cover I've bought and never understood why it wasn't done to begin with. SP
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