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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. Cool. How can I get in touch with you on Friday? If you'd like I can take some with me and sell them while I am down there. I am meeting up with a bunch of HQ guys. Will be traveling through wichita around 9pm tonight. I wouldn't want anything for doing it but I'd be willing to help you get them out there. Let me know. SP
  2. Wow, removed every week for inspection! That's impressive! I have had mine in for a couple of seasons and haven't given them a second thought. Don't think there is any performance gain with the 2s over the 3s. Bump for a kick ass price though. SP
  3. Always, always, always, better safe the sorry, especially when your not the lucky type! SP
  4. Yeah, I got that. His post was up before my reply. I hate it when that happens. SP
  5. I am confused as to why this is genius. Metric fasteners are not hard to come by. Why mix the 2. Just asking for trouble in my opinion.
  6. Tim is right, if your gonna keep them a while, haulers are worth it. If you can't shell out that much the ITP SandStars are a good all around tire. I have a set for the DVX 400 and they work well. However, I would imagine your 4mil can handle more tire then that. I run an 21" 9 paddle hauler on my 4mil and would never go back to 8 paddles or a molded tire. SP
  7. Brandon, I am heading to LS tomorrow for Sand Fest. You going down for that? If so, I'd pick one up from you then or maybe on my way back through Wichita on sunday if that is possible. SP
  8. I agree with loco, a motor could backfire at anytime and destroy the petals. Good to have a spare set on hand just in case. I have several seasons on my V2s but always carry a spare set. Had a motor backfire once on a set only a few rides old and shattered all the petals on one side. Shit happens. SP
  9. Hey Zach, did you say Trent and Rachel were going to be able to back it? SP
  10. Nobody can tell if the crank is shot based on the information given. You will have to inspect the crank to determine this. If debris got into the crankcase there is a possibility of damage. The crank may need to be removed to determine if it is within tolerance and to check the bearings. SP
  11. Really? Those are just as good as worn out! You gotta ask yourself, would you spend 150 on a set of cyls that are in need of a bore and their last one at that or 300 one a set of cyls that have several bores left. SP
  12. I think Loco was thinking of an E clip from the tranny. What I want to know is how you are going to find a circlip after it has been chewed up? If it was chewed up then you need to split the cases and flush everything really good. Bottom line is everything in the lower end needs to be free of debris and you need to do whatever you feel necessary to ensure this. It is ultimately your call, no body can answer this question for you. Do you feel lucky? Sometimes I just can't get over the silly questions! SP
  13. Damn boy! You do live in the ghetto! You bringing rocks with you? Lol! SP
  14. I believe my pilot is a 48, CEL needle middle clip (I think), 152 main. We can check when we get together and make sure. SP
  15. Bob, Just checked again and it states 0% friday, 20% saturday and 0% sunday. Probably wont know until we get there! SP
  16. What size? What kind of rims? Just fyi, last set I bought earlier this year were $155 each at LSPS in Oklahoma. Brand new condition. SP
  17. Just checked the forecast and it is saying 20% chance of showers on Friday and 80% chance on Saturday and Sunday. If it doesn't look better then that I'll probably be down there Wednesday late early Thursday morning. Could turn into another Snake Hunt mud fest! SP
  18. Oh come on man! That's way too cheap. I'll make you one for $150 and you pay the shipping. SP
  19. Anybody who is anybody doesn't forget to bring real beer! The only place to get real beer in OK is the liquor store and then you have to ice it down. Good beer and liquor is really expensive in Waynoka. Bring your own shit fo sho. And don't get caught with anything over 3.2 in the state park, right Zac? SP
  20. Oh my God! Is this even english......wickedshee, reread some of your shit before you hit the enter button. My 9 year old spells better then you. Tony cub said he would buy your crank back before the question came up about whether or not it was a 7 or a 10. If your trying to say otherwise all you have to do is go back and reread the post, but then again that would be torture. You really crack me up. I get a good roll everytime I read your stuff. Keep it coming! Just like mia said, we all know guys like you. All ways talking shit on some one else to make yourself feel good. I used to laugh my ass off while my sister whipped the ass of guys like you! LOL! Oh, to have the good ole days back! Peace out! You'll never stop talking shit but I can say that I would put my money on Tony Cub all day just based on this post. Waiting for the video! SP
  21. I'll be down either Wednesday nite or early on Thursday with a buddy or two. Wife is staying home this trip. Hey Zac, Levings said he would be down on Thursday or Friday evening also. SP
  22. Wow, this has sure been an interesting thread! But dude, you sound like your about 12 years old with all the name calling and "your slow" stuff. All the "I don't really care anymore" and "I need this goneeeeeeee" and "I'm just trying to make someone a really good deal here" is silly. Your not trying to give anyone a good deal, your just trying to sell a motor cause your strapped for cash (or were a few days ago). Get real, stop the name calling, it just makes you look bad. I agree completely with rubberneck, and you said you do also. Then you turn right around with the name calling again. I have no clue who any of you are out in Miami but I would sure like to see some videos of all this "your slow, no I am not, yes you are cause you know so and so, prove it, no you prove your fast, no your slow, no I am fast". Put up or shut up already! SP
  23. If it was rebuilt correctly with OEM or proven aftermarket parts it should be just as reliable if not more so then a brand new one. Reliability comes from proper maintenance as well. I would want to know what parts were replaced and what parts were reused. Is the crank new? Are the bearings in the tranny new? New pistons or just new rings? If it is a good deal as far as price you can afford to upgrade the motor if something fails. SP
  24. Hey Tyler, Not to jack this guys thread or anything but, could you throw out some numbers on the price difference in a 4 mil crank and a 10 mil? What's does the trenching run? Would a 10 mil make a good dune motor or is it more geared for point and shoot / drag racing? SP
  25. Zac.....see, great minds think alike! Bob.......yeah, work has been crazy. Spent a week in western MO, then a week and a half in chicago, and this week in middlesboro Kentucky. I guess good to be busy instead of looking for a job though! See you all in a few days! You better be ready to get your drink on too! SP
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