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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. I switched from CPIs to Shearers and I love the Shearers. Seem to have more power all around then the CPIs, even down low. I liked the CPIs, but I think the Shearers perform better. I am sure you'll be pleased with your choice. SP
  2. Highlight the address in the address bar of the page you want linked, ctrl C to copy. Click in your Post window and ctrl V to paste your address in the post. SP
  3. I am running 105 octane fuel and have mine set at 0.042". I know some guys run them pretty tight but I think most everyone is between 0.040" and 0.050". SP
  4. Washers are fine as long as you have at least 1.5 x the diameter of the bolt (M6 in this case) with thread engagement. SP
  5. Keihin carbs don't have cross over tubes. Just vents and overflows. They are designed to run as a single unit. It just so happens that we use two single units. SP
  6. Savage is exactly right. The vertical play in the claw can cause the claw to come over the front of the pins on the star and wind up rammed in the middle of the star. If this happens you will likely have to pull the clutch cover to un jam it. It's not worth trying to replace the claw. The item comes as a single piece and is about $50 form FAST. You can also buy a billet shift star with longer pins from "blowit" out of Wichita KS. If you where just having issues shifting it was most likely the eccentric bolt as savage described. SP
  7. ZAC! You stole my wiener! Good thing the PoPo didn't catch us playing with that or more woulda went to the Alva Hyatt! SP
  8. Dave also makes heads for HJR and FAST with their logos milled into the head, just FYI. And they are both site sponsors as well. SP
  9. Yep, 1500mL Manual calls for 10W40. I've used 75 and 80W gear oil. I currently use ATF type F. SP
  10. No, I am not bringing a ride. I fly in on friday and have to work setting up the equipment to demo for the show. Then I have to be available during the show if anything goes down and to answer technical questions for customers and keep the sales guys from telling to tall of tales about the performance of the shit we make! Really just looking to hang out. SP
  11. He needs to hold the flywheel to get the flywheel nut off first. Best way is a flywheel clamp. Its a set of vise grips with 1 pin on each lever. The pins go into the holes on your flywheel and basically gives you a long handle attached to your flywheel. If you don't have that an impact will spin it off easily. Next, I would try a large pair of channellocks (460 pair) and hold onto the flange that the flywheel is riveted to. Don't hold onto the outside diameter of the flywheel as you could mess up the pick up flags, or damage the magnets inside by squeezing on it. SP
  12. Hey guys, I am gonna be in Vegas Oct 2 - 9 for a trade show. I would like to check out some riding spots if they are close or a drag strip or something. Or maybe just have a beer and shoot the shit with other HQer's. Let me know if anything is going on during those dates. SP
  13. They sure are a lot of work to keep up with cruising through the dunes, that's for sure! I think I was able to hang with them cause of the HJR port and the new Elkas! Lol! Sure was worn out by the time we made it to the drag strip! You gotta send me those pics you took, Bob. Shane will get a kick out of them. We should try to get a picture of the 2 of you wheeling down the side of a dune next time! That would be kick ass! SP
  14. The only problem is exactly like Gary said, following bad advice could cause a $300 problem to turn into a 1k problem. Not an issue for me, but the ole boy you give the advice to might be a little peeved. If it doesn't work the way it is supposed to work, then something is wrong. Forcing it is the wrong route. Take it apart and find out what is not right and fix that. Just offering my humble opinion. No disrespect intended. SP
  15. I run a pingle valve as well as a vast majority of guys and gals on here. They have no screen at all. If I ran a stock petcock I would remove the screen to prevent restriction from it and remove the tubes making the reserve as well. The reason for this is simple, a good port job will flow a lot more fuel and as we build our shit bigger the fuel demands go up. Some guys even have to run bigger bowls on the carbs to keep enough fuel on hand for delivery during a 300ft pass. And yes, a little restriction is worse the running crap through the carbs. Your fuel carries your engine lubrication. How long does it take to run without lube to damage your engine? SP
  16. Float is either stuck, needs adjusted or your needle is not seated against the seat correctly. This could be because the tip of the needle is worn or you have shit in the tank that is getting stuck between the two. Clean fuel, clean tank = clean fuel delivery to the carbs. If the float isn't adjusted right the needle never closes against the sea and the bowls will overfill and run out the overflow. If the needle doesn't seat properly the same thing happens. The stock petcock has a screen to prevent shit in the fuel lines and other then that I wouldn't add any find of in line filter as stated before. The jets only need to be change if your jetting is off. Check this out in the jetting forum. SP
  17. Did you see any of the Long Travels with the SuperCharged LS7s? There is one with flaming $100 bills on it that belongs to Aaron Suchy and a black and nean green one that belongs to a cousin of mine. They put out some serious numbers! Another buddy has the John Deere car, he just got it right after Snake Hunt and another buddy just put his naturally aspirated car on NOS. They are a blast to ride with and all have 2 way communication in them for safety. Couple of others run V6s with twin turbos but none of my buddies have any V8s on a turbo. It's a hell of a ride if you can get one of them to take you out! SP
  18. Lol! Big fucking deal is right! My buddies bike wouldn't start so he tried to drag it. Flooded the crankcase with fuel and bent a connecting rod. Big fucking deal now! NEVER pull start something. If it has to be forced then something is in a bind and forcing it is only gonna break more shit. Pull the clutch cover and check the kicker gear. Rotate the flywheel by hand to check if it is engine seizure. SP
  19. Almost forgot to thank Matt for dragging in my buddies 4 x 4! If we couldn't have pulled that thing we would have been screwed! He got it running Saturday night. Thanks a gain Matt, you were a life saver on that one! SP
  20. I wish we could have gotten together sooner on this. I'd love to do an HQ ride with everyone. I can't swing the 1st weekend though (especially after all the excitement from Sand Jam!). I have a job in Vegas that weekend. We are getting together the 14th - 18th of Oct like Timmy said. SP
  21. Even though the events turned a little sour at the end Saturday night it was still a blast. Besides, its gonna take more then one sawed off, bad attitude cop to ruin my good time! It was good to meet you also and I may be in touch with you on those cylinders I have when I get ready to build that motor if your interested. You guys are a blast to party with! I made it back to KC ok on that shitty trailer tire also. Zac, Thanks so much for coming to pick me up in Alva and thanks to you, Melly, Trent and Rachel for all the great hospitality! Glad Parker had a good time too. Bob, Thanks also for getting me outa the clink! As always, it was great riding and hanging with you. Tanner, Got you added to my friends list also. Good luck with all the future work on your motor and glad to help with the timing plate and all. Sure did wanna see it run again after, but maybe next time! Your wife was a blast to party with as well! CJ, I got the money you left. Thanks a lot and your are more then welcome to share a camp site with us anytime. I hope Krista had a good time too. JJ, Boy! I thought you were gonna share a ride with me there for a minute! We sure didn't have room for you at the "hotel" though! 14 of us in a 6 man bunk cell! 7 of us sleeping on the floor! What a lovely time! Hope you get that R put back together! That thing is a screamer fo sho! Timmy, You sure did miss a good time! I bet Cabo will have a hard time competing all the action we had this weekend brotha! To anyone that I missed, thanks for making it a great time. I really had a blast! We will have to be sure to get together next time. SP
  22. Well, I got an early start by about an hour. Thought I'd make it in time to have a few beers before calling it a nite. Now, here I sit on the side of the road with a blown out tire on my trailer 1.5 hrs from LS. Waiting on the tire shop to see if they can hook me up with another tire and get me back on my way. Oh well, such is life. One thing surprised me, and that was the number of ATV trailers that past and didn't stop to see if I needed help! You can bet if one of you was broke down on the side of the road and I drove by, I would stop and lend a hand! SP
  23. Didn't get any emails today. Your box seems to be full I cannot PM you. Call me at 816.213.8504. Just outside wichita now. SP
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