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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. We all know who will have the most beer! Lol! Putting for the vacation days now! SP
  2. If you get arrested, you can sign our "support Woods County" banner that Magz made up! Lol! We might have to see if we can swing it for spring break since snake hunt is likely out this year. SP
  3. I think I know someone that owes you for working Super Bowl weekend! Lol! SP
  4. Lol! I was in Germany for 2 weeks and had trouble with my laptop. My phone was the only internet access I had. Ever seen a German calender? Need to check with LSPS and see if they have anything left. Don't want to camp in town. I can't make plans yet, our annual service meeting is that weekend right now but may need to be changed due to another conflict. I may be able to influence that a bit also! Hope to be there! Just getting my motor back together after more upgrades! SP
  5. I know that! Lol! But I don't know when Easter is this year. That's the wife's department! SP
  6. when is Snake Hunt this year? I've been slacking and haven't even though to look. Are all the sites reserved already? SP
  7. I've had aluminum shifters on my last 2 banshees and have never had an issue. With stripping splines or with the bolt coming loose. Don't know what to tell you accept check it and re tighten more frequently. Predictive maintenance as well as preventive maintenance. SP
  8. Hey! I wanna race him first! I only got a lil 390cc. He should be able to start facing the other direction, turn around and still beat me! Lmao! How come none of these ass clowns live closer to us Jason? We never get to have any fun! SP
  9. Now we are talking! Let's make plans for next winter. We should have all our shit back together and tuned in by then!
  10. The engaging dogs are back cut at an angle on the drive side. Under cut is when they machine the mating surfaces of the driven sides so that they cannot become disengaged under load to prevent the gears from popping out while riding. Under cut is usually only needed on very high HP engines.
  11. X2.......definitely syn those carbs , that isnt why you are burning so much gas though SP
  12. Not exactly true. Some say that the spacer before the reed valve and after the reed valve changes performance from low end to top end. I haven't noticed either. I use the spacer for, exactly as you said, carb clearance. Now for placement, if i put the spacer behind the reed with my VF2s, it will allow the cage to come out of the frame, thus allowing the fuel charge to not be trapped in the tract once past the reed valve. The dimensions of my reed spacer are smaller then the cage dimensions and don't trap the cage inside the VF frame. This is corrected on mine by placing the spacer against the cylinder and allowing the intake manifold to capture the reed cage in the VF frame. This is not an issue with VF3s because of the design changes. Just something to look for during assembly. SP
  13. Damn dude! Did you steal my dike? That looks just like mine down to the yellow jugs! Except my frame is black and my seat is gray where yours is checkered. It looks damn good! Yeah, mud, water, Uh hu! I wash the sand off with a garden hose and use a magic eraser for the scuffs on the plastic. SP
  14. Yeah, we go down 6-7 times a year and it is a blast. Big weekends, slow weekends, they are all good depending what your looking for. An 8 p 20" or 21" will be good. Fronts are a luxury. From KC it takes me 6 hours door to door. Tyler must drive like a maniac to make it in 6 for St Joe cause I'm no slouch! Lol! I can make to Des Moines in 2.5 hours. Pulling a trailer I have to stop at least once for gas on the way to LS. I guess I can make it in 5.5 without the kids. Maybe he isn't such a maniac (but I doubt it). Anyway, you gotta go at least once and see if you like it. Hotels are cheap and camping is fun. Pick your poison. Always a good time. Post up when your going, everyone's spring break varies a little. We usually go for at least 4 days, sometimes up to 7 or 8. There are lots of us that get together down there and you won't find a better group of guys! SP
  15. Lol! Good call but I only see 2 mistakes. And you can't use "you yourself" either. It is incorrect grammar!
  16. Sounds typical of a constant mesh transmission. I would say that the important thing is that it does engage each gear and when it is engaged to each gear it rotates smoothly. I would definitely inspect each gear to make sure all the teeth are in good shape. A crack in a tooth can be catastrophic inside a case at high RPMs. But that is exactly how I check mine as I go back together. It is also good to bolt the cases together before applying sealant and check shifting again. Just to insure everything is located and seated correctly. SP
  17. Welcome bro. You could port your existing cyls. Since you've done nothing to them they should be on stock bore (64mm) they have all their life left in them. If you think you may go to a 4 mil down the road then I would do it now. Depending on who does the porting and what kind you may not be able to change from stock stroke to 4 mil in the future. Advancing the timing will wake her up even on stock stroke with stock porting. That is cheap and easy. Timing plate is 35$ off ebay or you can mod you stock plate. Bigger carbs are an option but stockers can run well also. A Noss head to control your compression. Higher compression will typically increase you low end but at some point you will need to increase your octane to prevent detonation. Good luck! SP
  18. Oh yeah! Quaddaddy knows all about rebuilding a perfectly good running bike! Lol! Right? JK. But its true. If he doesn't know what he has, then your gonna have to find out. And it aint worth 3k SP
  19. I have to agree with these guys. Buy something from someone who knows what they have. I think your just asking for trouble buying from someone that doesn't even understand what it is they are selling. Like Loco said, your area will determine the price. Bikes seem to be cheaper now though, and for 3k you should be able to get something decent. SP
  20. They're website it awesome! It has more spelling mistakes and incorrect use of punctuation then a 3 grade classroom! I know I am a dick about grammer but DAMN! If your gonna put up a website like that then you deserve to be called a Douche Bag! SP
  21. Thanks Dave, I've got a Hinson basket in now and it looks like brand new still. I have another motor I am putting together for my boy and the stock basket in that one is grooved so badly it looks like it is supposed to be that way! I was gonna give him mine and buy me a new one (complete) but if there is no gain I'll just look into getting another billet basket for that motor also. SP
  22. Thanks Jeff. What is the benefit to the billet inner hub and billet pressure plate? SP
  23. I don't have an opinion based on experience, however, I am running a plus 4 and am having issues maintaining the front end. I ride 90% at the dunes and all my buddies tell me to go to a plus 6. Everyone has told me exactly what Tyler said, not much differnce and you'll get used to it. I just bought a plus 6 and am going to give it a shot. That deal from Tyler's brother is a sweet deal! If I hadn't already bought a swinger, I'd jump all over that! Good luck with your choice! SP
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