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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. You can usually buy a new crank for the price of rebuilding one. The cost of a 4mm crank isn't much more than a stock stroke, however, there is more to it like porting, bigger carbs do to increased flow (30s maybe ok). To pull 65hp from a stock stroke everything is gonna have to be matched, all components complimenting each other. SP
  2. Stock Stroke Cub M&M 4mm Cub M&M 10mm Cub M&M 4mm DM M&M 10mm DM M&M 4mm DMX M&M 4mil cub - FAST 10mil cub - McCoy 10mil super cub - Titan Racing 14mil DM - McCoy FAST 4mil 688cc dm 10mil Twister 10mil cub - Redline stock stroke/cylinder - HJR 4mm cub F.A.S.T stoke stroke/cylinder-Flotek 4mm Stk Cyl HJR
  3. X2 a 421 is a 4 mil crank. 90 hp is gonna be really quick but not insane. Unless you moved to it from a stock stroke stock port. With a 10 over swinger it may be tough to wheelie at 90 hp (sounds like stock ported). I've a buddy running a heavily ported 421 cub with an 8 over and it was a handful to keep down. He went to a 10 over to help, so a 10 over on a 90 hp cub should stay down pretty easily. SP
  4. I've seen that threebond stuff on a buddies set of cases we split and I must say I really don't think I like it. It wasn't very pliable, almost brittle. I would use the old standby, yamabond. Never used hondabond. But that's just me. I like what I know has worked. SP
  5. I've got a buddy that had a Cheetah Cub motor and he loved the power distribution. Know up front that most people, including me, think Trinity's customer service is the worst. The pricing should be found on their website. Can't comment on the porting you should get. And Trinity will tell you that only their pipes will work. I don't believe that bu t I doubt T6s would be the way to go. Fuel consumption will be determined by carb size and more importantly by porting flow. SP
  6. I'll let you borrow my nuts so you can ride that 421 cub! Biatch!
  7. If done well it will likely be ok. However, chrome requires a lot of care. Powder is easier to care for from my experience. SP
  8. Lol! My summer is flying by! I just hope I have time to get stuff together before Oct rolls in! how is that bike coming back together, Tanner? SP
  9. Savage, I think this may need to be determined by the reed being used and the inside size of the spacer. I run V2s and need a spacer fro my 35s also. If I put my spacer after the reed cage it will not capture the reed cage inside the frame on the V2s. the V3s are different dimensionally and work fine with my spacers but not with my V2s. The intake manifold captures them in place just fine and the spacers go in front of the reed. I am just saying, if you run a 2 piece reed watch for this. A 2 stroke runs like shit without the reed doing its job! I checked in front of and behind the reed on a previous motor on a dyno and had no noticeable difference over several pulls. SP
  10. Stock cylinders are a 64mm bore. The life of your cylinders is in the material available to overbore. You can safely bore up to 66mm (2mm over stock or 0.080"). Some go to 66.25mm or 0.100" over with good luck but your cooling jackets get pretty thin. As said before, your cylinders need to be measured for taper and oblong as well as gouges to see who far they will need to be bored so evaluate the cylinders before ordering pistons. Usually, the shop that bores them can provide you with the correct pistons for you. Again, just to reiterate, there is no power gain from running a bigger piston in this sense. The increased CC size in minimal. Best routes for more power are timing, pipes, porting, increased fuel and intake, increased stroke, then after market cylinders. Not necessarily in that exact order (depends on needs and set up) but pretty close. Keep in mind that the best set up will be built as a unit with each part complimenting the others. Everything goes hand in hand. SP
  11. Do the new containers of Yamalube really say 25:1? I thought that was just in the old manuals and old labels on bikes from back in the day when 2 stroke oil didn't have the lubricating properties it does today. I had an '87 banshee that had a label on the fender that said 20:1 or 25:1 and I thought that was the reason. I ran 32:1 for a while but have run 40:1 for years now. SP
  12. It doesn't matter how you slice it Jason, I DON'T make a good bitch! Lol! I have little tits, I don't shave my legs, I don't shower for days when I am at the dunes, I sometimes pick my nose in public, and I can out drink the best of your guy friends! But you can still share my sleeping bag if Tim doesn't mind SP
  13. What water pump you running? Sometimes cheap after market billet water pumps have shitty shafts. The seal wears a groove in the shaft and that is what leaks. Good seal and all but the shaft is the problem. Just make sure while you have it apart that the shaft isn't grooved. No good seal will fix that. SP
  14. Matt, the only thing horribly wrong there was your advice. No offense but the flywheel is behind the primary drive side cover. The clutch is behind the clutch cover. Like I said bro, no offense, I'm just saying..... Sp
  15. WHAT??? Wait! Didn't someone say in the beginning *no woman allowed!*? Lmao! Jk, but we all know the wives damper our events! Mine is staying at home for sure! Lol! Tyler, your ole lady coming? Ryan? Tim? Zac? Cam? Gary? Well, Lexi can come cause she is way cool....Jason? Wait, you aint got one yet JK fellas! Just thought that was funny! Sp
  16. spurdy


    It probably won't take 2 years but probably a year anyway. Ethan is only 10 and I am not in that big of a hurry to strap him on the back of a banshee. We have everything to put it together with but I want him to do most of the work. He took the entire thing apart by himself. I only helped with pulling the motor out. We have had the discussion on cranks and he surprisingly has an understanding of stroke and piston position. Far beyond what I understood at his age! It is a learning project for him so we are in no rush. When it is complete, I don't want 2 banshees to care for. He will be on his own! Lol! SP
  17. AMEN! Or the people that come hauling ass out of the trails across the end of the strip! I just about plowed a little blasty over last weekend. I think we both shit ourselves. Oh, and the one that is out it front knows he won and that's all that matters! SP
  18. Or an after market intake to change the angle of the carbs. Sometimes you can bend the actuator arm down enough to miss the bowl. When I ran 34 Mikunis I had reed spacers and a Trinity manifold and they cleared ok. SP
  19. Ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Carb-Sync-Airflow-Meter-Dual-Carburetor-VW-Triumph-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c55050450QQitemZ190404953168QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories SP
  20. Somebody dress him and I'll bolt on the hangers since he prolly can't do either by himself! SP (how's that for razzing!)
  21. You can use just about anything suited for a we clutch. ATF, 10/30, 10/40, 75 weight, 80 weight, 85 weight. Just make sure it is suited for a wet clutch. I use ATF and it is good for about a day to a day and a half of dune riding, but I ride pretty hard. SP
  22. I really can't believe i read all that but I have to agree with Bob. X2 Cam just calls it as he sees it. We all say shit when we are upset that we can't take back. 90% or 20%, it was an expression so to speak. He is still a stand up guy and we all can be dumb asses from time to time (well, maybe accept for myself ). Just 2 more cents for Cam. Oh, and Bob, you still won't beat me! Lol! SP
  23. I asked Greg about it and he said it wasn't necessary until you got up into high HP motors. I didn't ask what he considered *high* but I am guessing anything over 100 hp is what he meant. SP
  24. Mine is not back cut nor is Quaddad's. I don't think Matt's is back cut either but not 100% sure. I notice the angle cuts are different and the springs added to the shift fork shafts in addition to between the sliders. Also the floating spacer is removed and replaced with another spring. Mine and Jason's also came back micro polished. (Just run through a vibra-die). SP
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