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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. It was disappointing that the races got rained out, but shit happens. Was a good time anyway. What sucked was I had all of the family come out to watch my kids race and when it was cancelled (at the end of the day) they didn't give the spectators their money back. My wife and aunts and uncles came to watch the kids race and all they got was stuck with $50 worth of admission fees! We will still come out and race when we can but I don't think any of the family will come back to watch SP
  2. Yeah, I'm with Cam. I don't think I would build a strioker on a tight budget. Puts too many limits on things like good bearing in the bottom, carbs, clutch, all the lettle extras that go with a bigger motor add up. Just build a nice strong stoke stroke. Besdies, we don't have any clue what is current ly done to your cylinders that may make it more expesnsive to change stroke length or even make it not possible. SP
  3. Damn! That's dedication right there! Hope you find a few more to make that trip with! Good luck! SP
  4. [/quote Im going to snatch that $100 out of your "SNATCH BITCH ASS" (when your not looking) then Im going spend it on your ole lady (CAM).......lol Thats ok, you can beat me all this year you want, since I beat your ass all last year. But next year I will drop some money in my bike and beat you for the whole year. Has anyone noticed that no one wants to beat the little "fat kid" (SPURDY) anymore. I guess he quit talking shit after everyone else got a 4mil like he has......lol Lmao! Nobody else got a "4 mil" like me! You guys got 4 mil cubs......If you can't beat my little stock cylinder "Super Duner" with your strutted drag bike with after market cylinders, then something is seriously wrong! I'm just sayin.........
  5. x2. 0.040" is equal tio 1 mm. So you went from a stock size bore of 64mm to 65mm. The bore sizes has nothing to dowith reliability. You don't gain performance unles you over bore a large amount or change the crank to increase the stroke thus increase displacement. Over boring is mostly done on bigger engines like cars and trucks. Even in the 4 stroke market, they don't over bore a large amount, they purchase larger cylinders. Reliability comes from proper care and maintenence. SP
  6. Actually, especially for the cases, I would steer clear of a helicoil for thread repair. They are ok in a pinch but they are the most inadeguate thread repair components out there. If there is enough meat around the original hole to drill it out for a Keen Sert that is what I would use. It is a solid insert instead of just a *spring*. Anouther nice thing about them is the outside thread is also a common metric size so there is no need for a special tap. They come in diferent styles. The one I like has tabs at the top that you drive in flush after it is installed and it prevents the insert from coming back out. We use these in manufacturing aluminum parts were threaded holes are needed for frequently removed items. SP
  7. We install all of our bearings with a hammer. Never had an issue......... Lol! come to sand jam and have a mojito cam! SP
  8. If you are getting good spark out of one wire then it has to be the coil. Actually, the wire on the coil as there is only one promary circuit feeding the coil to start with. If one sparks the the stator/cdi/coil is fine. Both wires should spark at the same time. At TDC and BDC with the *wasted spark* at BDC. Pick up gap, ohm readings on the stator, load readings on the coil all mean nothing if one plug wire is sparking fine. The problem *has* to be with the wire that isn't giving you spark. SP
  9. Cut a couple of coils off of the springs. Everyone does this. No need to buy special springs . SP
  10. Did you really post this 3 different times? SP
  11. Water pump seal is a common place to leak coolant into the tranny. Some of the aftermarket impellers are made with a shaft that is really soft and the seal can groove the shaft to the point that it leaks. SP
  12. I've never had 13 or 17 in any of my clutches. I know 13 keeps the clutch plates under a little tension when disengaged to prevent excessive noise. 17 may be for the same reason. SP
  13. Yep, rider preference. Madquad sells a really nice one that is both a twist or a thumb and can bechanged back and forth with a spring loaded pin and rotating a knob. SP
  14. Hope I have my toy hauler by then! Thats what the plan is, anyway. Then Tyler and I will have a place to spoon SP
  15. You're kidding, right? Adjusting your gearing changes the *speed* you are going when you come into the powerband but does nothing for the time the powerband hits in relationship to the RPMs of the motor. This is primarily controlled by the exhaust pipes. Drag pipes come on higher and mid pipes come on lower. However, everything works together as a system. The bike has to be built around the kind of riding you are going to do and how you want it to perform. It's kind of like a cake recipe, fuck up and put the wrong ingredients in and you wind up with something not so much like a cake. SP
  16. I have spot 140. When it gets closer maybe we should talk about a little caravan or something. I may leave Wednesday night though. SP
  17. Yep, those offset keys are not so good if the flywheel isn't install correctly. If I were gonna use one I would definatetly lap my flywheel into place. I prefer the timing plate for the adjustability of the timing. SP
  18. HP questions usually generate a plethora of not so nice responses. Some will have an opinion but most will be guesses at best. Porting can vary widely and the biggest HP gain is proper tuning on any given set up. If you really are interested in HP numbers, throw it on a dyno, and even still you'll have a guess at best since dynos can vary in their numbers depending on several factors. SP
  19. I always yamabond the hell out of the gears and keyway there. I like everything tight. Makes me sleep better. SP
  20. I haven't run a res tank for years. The one under the water pump is just a vent and can be routed to T into the line connected with the vent on the rear of the transmission upper case have or plugged. Only the line under the water pump can be plugged (the new direct drive covers don't even have this vent), the vent on the rear of the tranny needs to be vented to atmosphere. SP
  21. Could be a timing issue. Check the pick up gap and check your timing if you have an adjustable plate. Check to make sure the flywheel is mounted correctly and rotates without a wobble (bent crank). Back firing isn't a good thing, obviously, but it can damage your reed petals. Hard to start could also be timing but most likely fuel related. Too rich on the pilot, bad fuel, etc. SP
  22. That is wrong on sooo many levels! Did big daddy teach you that one personally? SP
  23. Welcome to the HQ. It seems Trinity isn't thought very highly of on here, and not all of the threads have been removed. It will be interesting to see if they can step up to the plate and provide the level of customer service we are used to from our current sponsers. I suppose everyone needs a chance. Good luck Tinity! You have ka tough road ahead of you. SP
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