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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. I know there are post whores on here. However, Cam isn't one of them. As far as some RTV being impervious to fuel, can't say that I disagree with you just because I haven't seen it or used it. What I would say is that not all RTV is and with that I wouldn't recommend it simply because some poor unsuspecting soul may buy the wrong stuff (because it is $2 cheaper) and have issues such as have been discussed. Didn't mean to come across like I was disputing you (reading back it kinda sounds like that) just that I wouldn't use RTV simply because I have had good luck with another product and am comfortable with it. I agree with the prep work, in fact I'd say it is more important than the sealer used because if it isn't clean, nothing will seal it. SP
  2. Wow Coupe, was just asking. You didn't have to be a dick about it. Little Man syndrome I guess. SP
  3. I am now confused. You said those arms got sold, then said you still have it as a reminder???? I was talking about adding the YFZ a arms and the YFZ shocks. Not mixing parts. SP
  4. I don't think you can use those photos without paying Ethan a royalty fee. SP
  5. Never seen a timesert. Just becareful if you are using a head that has o-rings that the drilled hole for the thread insert doesn't interfere with the o-rings ability to seal around the stud. I def wouldn't size it up to an M10. Pretty sure the super glue comment was a joke. You didn't honestly think that might have a snowballs chance in hell of working, did you? SP
  6. Round house carriers are much better than the stock carrier. Roundhouse carrier http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-YAMAHA-BANSHEE-YFZ350-BEARING-CARRIER-35mm-/250959385906?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3a6e585532&vxp=mtr Stock Carrier http://www.ebay.com/itm/SRP-Dual-Row-Bearing-Carrier-YFZ350-Banshee-All-Years-Stock-Swing-Arm-/150743225285?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2318ff13c5&vxp=mtr Not sure what you are asking as far as the diferences. BTW, Stellar uses roundhouse carriers on his swingarms. SP
  7. When people wanna argue about stuff like using RTV to seal cases together because of a couple of bucks price difference, they kinda deserve a good bashing . Hell, even if the appropriate product was $20 difference in price, people might say "Dammit" but wouldn't risk a crank case air leak over the extra cost. Besides, all bashing aside, Cam is good shit :cheers: SP
  8. Front end set up, suspension front and rear are a must to change how it will handle regardless of thetype of riding you do. I've got a set of YFZ 450 arms and shocks currently listed on ebay if your interested. SP
  9. I know, right? Buy em books and buy em books and all they wanna do is fuck the teacher. Some people just have to learn the hard way. Go use your RTV on your cases and learn from your own experiences, don't take anybody's word for it. Especially somebody like Cam, I mean he's only got 3600+ posts on here. He probably doesn't know shit. SP
  10. No sweat. I've never used Hondabond so I can't say anything bad about it. I am sure it works fine. I've always used Yamabond. i hear it is messier but I have learned a few tricks to deal with it and have never had a failure. So I look at it like this, if it aint broke, don't fix it. It works for me and I know what I am dealing with. Being comfortable with a product is a good thing. Doesn't make it better than the others necessarily. But I would never trust RTV even if the label said it was impervious to petroleum, only because I've seen bikes fail using it. I don't think the adhesion properties are adequate and I question their ability to stand up to the vibration. Maybei am all wet, but again, if it aint broke, don't fix it. I know what works and I am not about to venture into something questionable to save a few dollars or because I am out and can't get what I want at the local retailer. I'll spend the extra $2 (or more) and wait 3 days for it to get here and rest assured that when it comes time to ride, that's what I will be doing. SP
  11. I've been running K&N filters with outerwears for years with no issues. Only time was a night ride at LS and I wound up in the middle a a huge water puddle (becasue it was dark) about 3 ft deep. That of course was a mess. But it did start and clean out fine. Would likely have been the same situation if I'd had an airbox without a lid anyway. SP
  12. That makes absolutely no difference if the RTV deteriorates from the fuel and causes an air leak. The seating arrangement of your bearsings means nothing at that point. However, regardless of how thick RTV is pressure will thin it out. Epic fail non the less. SP
  13. Exactly why I said I wouldn't run them. I don't think tigging cast aluminum is that easy. I've seen some welding on the outside that looks like shit where they break through the outside adding the boost ports, worm holes, whatever you wanna call them. Any leak like that can lead to huge issues, whether it si an air leak or coolant leak. Blown top end, trashed crank, etc, all over a set of stock cylinders that you tried to salvage. Not worth it in my book considering that you are only looking to salvage them as a spare set. SP
  14. X3 never use RTV in an application where it will be in contact with a fuel mixture. I like Yamabond myself. I also won't go to the local shop here. But there are more places than that to get it. Order it online or from a site sponsor. SP
  15. I wouldn't run them. stock cylinders aren't so hardto comeby these days if your looking for a spare set. SP
  16. If it were me I wouldn't use any filters on the fuel line. There is a reason Pingel doesn't put them on and I am guessing the reason you are using one is to increase flow. A filter will restrict flow and that could cause problems depending on fuel demand. If you check with most of the guys on here thatgive credible advise, I bet you'll find that they don't run filters either. I would rather flush any debri through the motor than have one filter clog and stomp fuel to that cylinder while the other cylinder continued to run. That is a recipe for siezure. JMHO. SP
  17. I shipped a set to picklesznbeets postal and was 13$. wrapped in bubble, paper and insulation. They showed up perfect. Key is to make sure they can't move around inside the box. Pack it tight. SP
  18. Wow, how did I miss that? Lol! SP
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BANSHEE-3-UP-1-PRO-X-A-ARMS-LINES-ENDS-9-COLORS-By-American-Star-/360433536509?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53eb834dfd&vxp=mtr These????I don't think these are ASRs.
  20. haha! that would have been fun to watch! Those are pretty nibble critters! No way loco could have caught one! SP
  21. Looking for a set of A Arms for my son's bike. Seen some kits on ebay and came across these a arms. Never heard of them. Anyone see these? SP
  22. Sorry, can't do that. Just sold them.....PARTY time! Lol! SP
  23. Lol! I'd love to but I have bikes to get together and these things eat up too much of my time! Better idea, you buy them and bring them to Tyler's. I'd pay to watch! SP
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