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Everything posted by spurdy

  1. Yes. They don't take kindly to smart ass dune riders. But if you have good buddies to ride with, you'll be out by morning. SP
  2. Maybe I'll get ole yeller all spit shined up! Yeah, well, maybe not. Lol! SP
  3. Did you notice he said "send"? I think that is an indicator that he wouldn't be there for collection. Lol! SP
  4. Yeah, you had me worried that they sold my site out from under me! I had to call them this morning and check the situation out! Lol! It's all good though. Just gotta get back home so I can get my junk put back together! SP
  5. The last of my shit shipped from Cam today. We be ready to roll without a hitch. And E's duner ain't never gonna catch me! Lol! He is lookin to switch out them pipes though!
  6. We will be Rollin in on ties or Wednesday. Slim, I think I got 109. I also have 121 that Fouledout is gettin from me.
  7. I hear ya. I'm out of town next week on the east coast. I don't have 10 at the house but I could get them from work tomorrow and have my wife drop them to you Monday. Where are you located? SP
  8. Not sure how to get to my PMs on my phone with tapatalk. I can get with you tomorrow. You looking to do one or both cyls?
  9. Or did you mean there is not enough material to thread in the heli coil? If you can't find what you need, PM me and I can send you a few. SP.
  10. Keen sert is an M10 x 1.50. Not sure on a time sert. I use the self tapping kind though. And there is enough material on a stock sleeve. I posted a photo previously indicating such. SP
  11. You don't need to buy the kit. The tool to install them with isn't necessary. I just use a bolt with a jam nut. Lock the jam nut to the keen sert and install with a wrench on the jam nut. Once it is flush, hold the bolt with another wrench and loosen the jam nut and thread the bolt out. SP
  12. Just about any sponsor can sell you stock head studs. SP
  13. Personally I would use a keen sert instead of a heli coil. They are a much better thread repair but the have a larger outside diameter. An M8 keen sert has an outside dimensioned an M10 bolt. You Gould have room for that on your cyls. SP
  14. Tyler, I don't "know" Greg's work to be more hit than miss. That is the only point I was making. That all of his stuff isn't junk. Merely flipping the coin to the other side. Is there a better tranny out there? Quite possibly. As a matter of fact I have Cam at Redline cutting me one now just because I want to see how it works in my diner based on your claims that you can't tear it up. John, I am not openly suggesting you or anyone else buy from Greg. I was, again, merely being fair by expressing my experience. And yes, his customer service for me was top notch at the time and has since cut two other trannies for me. I would trust CamATV with any work also. He's a straight up guy and a good friend. A little goofy but hey, we've all got those characters. As for seasons being ruined over a tranny. Well, not sure what to say about that. Maybe have a spare tranny, I mean I can guarantee you my season wouldn't be ruined over a tranny, a set of cases or something like that. Shit can happen at anytime for a number of reasons. You got to be prepared in a game like this would be my advice there. We knew that the extreme was new back then. I took the same chance as everyone else. Maybe I did get lucky. Btw, my other tranny is just a dunable., not an extreme. And I don't know what changes were made to the extreme back when it originally failed. SP
  15. Matt, I've had a similar trans in my yellow bike before I changed an override and ran it with a DD lockup. It is now in Ethan's bike and it shifts really good. Bearings on both sides of the drum and both sides of the shift shaft also, every other dog and web removed. We have beat the hell out of it and it has held up nicely. Absolutely the next best ring to an override and without the maintenance of wearing out shift forks. I Kevin may still be doing a modification like this also. There are a lot of others that do this also.
  16. Well John, instead of only bashing on someone why don't you paint the entire picture? My trans isn't the only trans of Greg's that runs well out there. Funny thing is that when these topics come up it is only the negative stuff people remember or are willing to talk about. I guess I just got SUPER DUPPER lucky to have 2 unicorns! What are the odds? SP
  17. Not Exactly true. I've got 2 of Greg's Transmissions currently. My first one is the one Tyler likes to talk about grenading in his driveway. Which it did, and was one of the first extremes. It took Greg awhile to get it worked out and back to me but that tranny has spent 3 or 4 hard seasons in my dune bike and I have to say that I am happy with it's performance. Make no mistake, I abuse the fuck out of it and it goes through shift forks about every other season. I have the same tranny in my drag bike and it isn't subject to the same abuse and it shifts like a dream. I wouldn't say that WCR is junk by any means and he took good care of my shit when we had issues. Isn't that what it is about? I mean, yes, we all want everything perfect, but that isn't realistic. When the chips were down, Greg did me right. I would have no issue running his trans again. Just my two cents. SP
  18. Ya, I didn't dick it up. I think you dicked up the interpretation. But that's all good. I never said the radial clearance of anything was 2mm. I said the connecting rod small end free play was 2 mm at the service limit. It is 0.36 mm to 0.98 mm new (0.014" - 0.038"). It isn't 2 mm connecting rod side clearance, it is .25.-.75 as stated which is actually 0.010" to 0.030" which you have pretty close. Happy measuring! SP
  19. Really? You think your gonna have any luck selling a site next to one a site that I have? Lol! That's fuckin hilarious! You would have to pay someone to stay next to me. I might take off the front of their truck! Just ask Andy! Just kidding. I'll play nice, no fire bombs or "fountains" or any of that nonsense. I promise! SP
  20. Side clearance of the rod to the web is 0.25-0.75 mm. Vertical movement service limit of the small end of the connecting rod is 2.0 mm. Assembly width is 53.95 mm - 54 mm of individual web sets. Assembly width of both web sets is 155.90 mm - 156.05 mm. Crankshaft run out is 0.05 mm. SP
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