I get stuff from Lew and I've found its best to leave a voice mail and wait a couple days. So if the language isn't a barrier, I'd give it a go even though it'll be an expensive call.
However, I'd urge you to consider looking in to the CP Industries stuff. The Twister stuff is nice, but it can be a dance getting parts and I honestly don't see the company being around to much longer. Lew is getting old, and it seems Jr. is looking at other avenues. So parts would be even harder to get. As far as the CP Industries stuff, it's been proven, and just about any combo from trail to drag in every stroke and bore combo you could dream of. Not to mention how many dealers they have that are willing to return your calls and ship over seas ASAP.
As far as comparing the two, there are several obvious differences, but in the end it boils down to cost vs performance. Not to mention headache. The CP stuff typically makes better numbers per cc out of the box, and once ported they really shine. The Twister stuff can run hard and there are a few out there, but they are high dollar motors done by very capable hands. Definitely not the norm.