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Everything posted by greg_banshee

  1. YFZ shocks are VERY nice, if ya don't wana dish out the extra 250$ for works ... and u have all the adjustments to with rezies !
  2. ya i drilled & tapped mine out to 12x1.5 after i snaped a bolt jumpin er, no problem since !
  3. ya i second that ! haha poor fella was just asking a general question & someone stated there opinion (which is cool) and world war 3 started ... i think "polish" has to settle down tho. Comical fourm tho ! but i do have to agree Pikes Peek is still & probley will always be OWNED by Banshee's !!
  4. If you GREASE it on a regular basis ... it won't seize up ! (thats why u have grease nipples)
  5. You got er dead on ! "rate of flow" stays the same, only Velocity & Pressure change. velocity goes up pressure goes down, velocity goes down pressure goes up. (haha Physics course i took for my EMT program at NSCC) lol i actually learned something in that course...
  6. Got Love Duals ! but depends on what ya like !
  7. Hey guys just wondering what size domes to go with i'm almost at sea level here in Nova Scotia Canada & here are my mods ... UNI filter, Air Box Cut inside, TORS removed, FMF ram Valve Reeds & cages, Intakes are cut, head shaved .030", 280 mains, 40 pilots, Pro Circuit pipes. want to get a bit more power out of er, was thinkin 21cc domes with cool head or Noss head, & advancing the timming 4+ ? will it make that much of a difference to actually notice it ?
  8. gettin 2+ a-arms anyways this spring... Stock ball joints r shit anyways there fucked in no time anyways.
  9. Pro Circuits ! i say i have them on mine & work aswome Good power all around ! i also have a buddie that says he had FMF SST's & he said they were the best pipe but i duno lol i'd say Pro-circuit Platiums, Aswome sound & good power !
  10. BR8EIX's & make sure there solid caps so they don't screw off !
  11. i made mine in shop class haha Paid 0$ hahahahahahahahaha made others for friends to at no cost hahahahaha
  12. The YFZ shock i put on my banshee REALLY helped improve handling 150% ! i snpaed a stock front shock off my 40' gap & said fuck that haha i'm just gona snap another stocker if i put one back on so i went out & got yfz's they are MUCH more stronger & have all the adjustments ! i'm impressed ! little modifaction required but no biggie, as long as u know how to us a grinder
  13. Yes aluninum in-line engine cooler in ur rad hoses do cool the engine i cooled my by 12 degree ! i have a 21 fin on my bottom rad hose & an 18 fin on my top rad hose ... it use to run around 174 F dregees and now it runs 162 F degrees ! & i made a few for my buddies in the machine shop at school i poped out 6 of them for free for them !
  14. u do mean reed spacers right ? well if ya do i say junk ... i didn't like how they made mine work .. i had no top end with them on the front side of the reed (had a bit more bottom end), & had absoutly no bottom end with them on the back side of the reeds. up to u to try & see if u like.
  15. I'd do a rebuild, i'm at pretty much see level here in Nova Scotia (Canada) and my Shee has stock pistons in it & its a 99 only had one ring change, we checked it, it had 120psi a side just before summer ran Great all summer started 1st kick everytime ! now thats what i call reliablility ! haha and i don't putt around on it. but i am doing a rebuild this upcomming spring just before summer because i know i don't want shit to fly apart inside flying down a dirt road wide open haha & just like Shee-Male said ... "spend a little now or spend ALOT very soon" u can get a Wiseco Kit with all gaskets, pistons, rings, clips, wrisp pin bearings, etc everything needed for rebuild & then all u need is ur local machine shop or where ever ur gona get it boar'd/honed out at to do it then ur ready to go. Good luck.
  16. BR8EIX ! NGK Iriduims ! best plug out there i have run mine for almost 2 season now & still work great !
  17. ya man i found either just plain old Razr's do the trick or i have them IRazr's on right now & we do a lot of open pit running and i find there just as good as any now my buddie runs Razr2's but there BEEFY .. i but i'm sure they'd be nice to i'm actually going to try them next.
  18. Haulin' Ass = Suckin' Gas, live with it !
  19. "Quinlan" will be able to help you on this topic ... he has done this & it works, not as quick & easy as people think, & he told me the only thing he noticed was that it had a smooth powerband. not much of a difference.
  20. has anyone ever strengthen'd there frame before ? its a 99 frame and i do lots of jumping & i have 2 Minor hair line cracks on each side of the rear cross-member (top of rear shock) i'm gona weld it but just wondering if anyone ever strengthen'd there frame before?
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