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  • My Banshee (optional)
    88, power pistons. 4degree key reed spacers, vitos carb kits umi 2into1, fmf pipes

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  1. pipes


    need a set of engine cases. Rod shot through mine right at the joint so I need a matched set
  2. Interested in cylinders, email me at jchandlr@merlin.mb.ca or reply here.
  3. pot is stock with 20 over bore in real nice shape. Sorry I don't have a digital camera at this time but may be able to send picture in a day or two. 4 tanks of fuel from time it was put together so cross hatch marks are still very visible in the sleeve with little if any time on it showing.
  4. one cylinder 20 over,can still see cross hatch marks. 150 one vitos 20 over piston to match 30 complete tranny bo stock clutch great shape 50 engine covers bo stock reed cages bo stator 50 flywheel. offers kicker offers rebuilt stock crank 300 stock head 20 stock pipes 3 rides 50
  5. one cylinder 20 over,can still see cross hatch marks. 150 one vitos 20 over piston to match 30 complete tranny bo stock clutch great shape 50 engine covers bo stock reed cages bo stator 50 flywheel. offers kicker offers rebuilt stock crank 300 stock head 20 stock pipes 3 rides 50
  6. Do you still have your motor and if you do, what will you take for it. I need a bunch of parts for mine as a kid overreved it and made a bit of a mess. Please respond or email at jchandlr@merlin.mb.ca
  7. Interested in your bike. Email me at jchandlr@merlin.mb.ca
  8. Really interested in motor and willing to get deal done quickly! Reply email or here jchandllr@merlin.mb.ca
  9. If you still have motor please email me @ jchandlr@merlin.mb.ca
  10. Very interested in your motor. will be asap if you still have it. Please email or respond Email address is jchandlr@merlin.mb.ca Thanx Pipes.
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