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Everything posted by BB3

  1. It looks better now....The wife did almost all the work to it....its her little cruiser.
  2. Look for this and you will find my wife or myself. Tapa Talk 2 bitchez
  3. I am in Spot 532....just down from the south bathroom. Trust me you wont miss us....big ole SandSlingers Banner and a little bitty 18' white toyhauler...lol
  4. I seen one of your guys yfz drag tank....Top notch work....tank was a work of Art.
  5. BB3


    This thread takes the cake for the dumbest damn thread yet.
  6. Look for the bikes out front with nerf bars....prob where i will be.
  7. Agree'd Tyler.....Trying to go way to light weight for a dune setup.
  8. The racing will be fine guys.....dont get worried about it being ruff there are like 3-4 different spots to race @ out there.
  9. If the end of the track is good...it will just be the starting line that will need to be smoothed from time to time....IMO. Only issue i see is people will start complaining if its not smooth enough for them or just being cry babies...and all the peps that go to LS know what im talking about.
  10. There was one yr it was smooth....but then you get the little 4 strokes and wanna be drag banshee's that just tear up the smooth area....so everyone gave up. If we can actually get everyone to start back farther and slowly move up it should last a while.....but alot of people keep moving the starting line up....
  11. thats a bad thing?....lol The percentage isnt that high green....smh.
  12. Bikes are ready....going to get the trailer and rzr tomorrow....lets do this.
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