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  1. hey wizard, was watchin monster garage, so cal (Riverside) was reppin! cool , i might make it to your open house this weekend...
  2. thats cool if you hate Riverside, i hate SD, last time i was there all i saw was homos, seriously i heard its like the new frisco or something, hey wiz where in riverside, i live on the north end by berdoo, let me know
  3. extreme expo is pretty cool if you have never been, mostly sand rails, lots of chicks though
  4. i really just need to know what amps on switch, i found a weatherproof switch that is a 10 amp
  5. i want to put an on off switch instead of key, any hints, what amps etc.
  6. i must not have payed attention, but they send you some aluminum plates as spacers, i think it lookes a little better with button head bolts and aluminum round stock as spacers
  7. the seller on ebay is bling-racing , go in there ebay store they have some, the spacers that come with the kit don't fit for shit,
  8. thank you brooke, i don't expect everyone to have the same opinions, but some of the comments where really sad to hear, i wasn't even born in mexico, but my parents were,i'm proud to be american, and so is every mexican i know.
  9. well said keleigh, the running over, shooting and scalping of mexicans pushed a button...thats ridiculous,
  10. i said it from the start, i know everyone has their own opinions, my problem was when i here about running mexicans over, shooting them, scalping them, as far as mr 100% mexican , jesse,your weak its more like mr coconut, your worst than the rest of these guys that talk about shooting mexicans, what the fuck do you think they say about you behind your back retard
  11. you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck the ones of you who have all the shit talking to say......i enjoyed coming on the hq to talk and learn about banshees but knowing how alot of you feel i don't need to come back.....so i'll let you go back to dating your sisters and eating road kill....later ...bitches
  12. it's really sad to hear some of the words you guys put down......i guess i don't belong here
  13. as far as tax dollars go, not all illegals work for cash,,,,yeah some do, but alot get payed by check like all of us do....there is milllions of tax dollars that go unclaimed because they don't file taxes, but you don't hear that in the media, if they are taking jobs from americans who profits more....them or the companies that hire them...as far as the american flag being held upside down , that is just stupid....but they are just stupid kids.....but the media doesn't show you how the police were all dressed up in riot gear like a bunch of kids were going to start a riot......if all illegals where gone, the cost of living for all of us would skyrocket..my pint is they are here to work , nothing else....how many do you looking for a handout..i understand california might be a little more liberal because mexicans have been here since the begining, it seems like you guys just watch the news and illegals are new to your community, also these illegals are not all mexicans.....the illegals we need to watch out for are the ones that like to blow stuff up....once again everyone has the right to their opinion but there is alot of hate in some of your guys words....thats too bad
  14. moto man you don'y even know what your talking about.... sounds lot theres alot of hate in you....so whatever.......its easy to talk like a bad ass when your not face to face with some one.....me being mexican i take that very personal....so luckilly i'll never have to see you....peace out bitch
  15. i agree with you on that poly carbon...it just upsets me when people make all mexicans.... sure there are some that we don't want here....but for the most part they just want to come here and work.....i'm sure my point of view will not be very appreciated , i have a few family members who are here illegally and they work hard and love this country, and many of my family over the years have become american citizens, including both of my parents who have been here since the late 60's, the sad thing is people who don't know them probably look down on them, oh well this is something that i don't see changing
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