My girlfriends banshee has been getting harder and harder to start. We went out yesterday bike was kicking ass all day, no problems. We went back to the truck to fuel up and then no start. I was leaning towards the reeds the whole time giving me the problem. Now today when I got home from work I started to mess around, still no start. I pulled the reeds they look good. Still gonna get new ones but they sealed for the most part. I pulled the stator cover and flywheel and stator look good. I plug in my inline spark checker and the bike sputters with one plug out and the in line checker in. either side. It sometimes back fires when I kick it too like the timing is off. I'm gonna go back to the garage and take the coil off my bike first and start from there. Any ideas appreciated thanks
just for shits
21 cc domes
stock carbs no tors
no parking brake
fmf fatty
25/280 one up from middle on needle
oem flywheel and stator