Before I pay 120 for new pedals, let me know if anyone knows where I can get them cheaper. People are selling the full assembly for less then the cost of new pedals
and that's the attitude that fucks it up. I just saw a pic on Instagram that sand2k posted of a crash he saw at the drags. Luckily he said the walked away bruised. I hope some one can contact him and have him throw up the pic here
So one A arm is worth 215?You came here and sold a set of tires for a good price but shoot way off for stock arms.
Just saying, I got a set of Stockers off a 06 never ran for 50 bucks. Tie rods bolts nuts everything.
I'm not saying I would pay this much for a swing arm, but I do have this one that I got used which I guess I really got on a steal seeing how much new they are. And man that fucker is tough. My bike cartwheeled and bounced on the thing and it did not budge.