WAIT. That is what your building? A drag bike? That has all this sweet work done to it?
And your thinking about spray painting chrome on it?!
You must be huffing that paint.
Okay. You have 2k for the bike. How much do you have to spend on upgrades?
Your up to like 4500 in up grades. There's a lot that goes into doing things like this. Bearings seals bushings. It'll add up fast.
4mil? 7mil? No lock out? Basket? Straight cuts? Why is nothing bolted on? Domes? Gas? alky?
Looks like you just slammed K&T cylinders on a different junk motor.
I know the company. And I've ran into him a few times riding. They used to do cool shit but now they are losing all there good guys and are basically just a storage place for all there toys. He's told me that he has no clue what's done to the bike, that he just needs something fast and looks good and all cascade parts. So he got an alky bike and dosent know what to do and never got it tuned in right.
FFS. That guy is a moron. Bike never ran worth a fuck. His business is going under and all he does is put money into his shitty rzr that dosent run worth a fuck.
the first time I ever had a run away was a blaster. I was messing with the carb fucker was idling fine then took off. kill switch did nothing. I ripped the carb out of the intake because I didn't know what to do. good times.
I don't care how good you are. You can drill straighter and file the body way easier with them off the bike.
Also you don't want shavings falling into your engine. I've done dozens of carbs and not once have I thought of doing them on the bike. That just sounds silly.