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About Ahamay04

  • Birthday 03/24/1981

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Cherry Point, NC
  • Interests
    Riding, Hunting, Fishing... Riding

Previous Fields

  • My Banshee (optional)
    2004 Team Yamaha Blue/White, FMF Fatty Pipes, Power Core 2 Silencers, K&N Filter, Alba Girlz Grill

Ahamay04's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Depending on how close you are to Havelock, myself and a couple of buddies can hook you up. There's an MX track on Route 58 close to Maysville, The state is finishing up an ATV park in the Croatan National Forest, and there are trails here and there that we could point out. We tend to stick more to the MX because coastal Carolina mud can be a b*tch to wash off.
  2. Name a town or city close by. I don't think you have the spelling right. I don't recognize it. When are you going?
  3. Sweet f#cking fenders. I've never seen that before.
  4. Holy crap, what hostility! Nobody sees the point in the dry humored post I made? Jesus. No sarcasm allowed I guess. I never said anthing about being bestowed with the power to be a smart ass. My first pick WAS a banshee. I'd wanted one since I rode my buddy's back in 97. I figured a 35 year old man who's ridden before could make the call... and come up with a better insult than "ahomo". Especially with cum in his handle.
  5. I'm gonna start joining other ATV/Dirtbike sites and ask if I should buy whatever they ride... or something else. Lets join the HQ and ask if I should buy a Banshee!!! Yeah, yeah!
  6. Ripped it out, gave it a good cleaning. The float wasn't stuck, the jets weren't clogged, I don't know what I did unless, while cleaning it, whatever it was unf*cked itself. It works as advertised now. Thanks for the help ladies and gentlemen.
  7. Alright, I tapped the bowl. Now fuel is coming out of the short hose on the side of the carb AND the long bottom hose. I guess it's time to take it out and clean it. That's too much fuel to let drain out while I'm riding and shut it off when I'm done. I'm not doing it with these gas prices.
  8. My right Carb started pouring fuel out of the line that connects to the float chamber just as I got done riding the other day. It only stops when I shut the fuel off. I'm puzzled as to why it would just start doing that. Carbs aren't my specialty so I'd appreciate a little info as to what to look for when I rip it out.
  9. Man, Nick just don't KNOW! He'll have to lose her to me to find out how much he really needed that ass! She's his money train too!
  10. That's f*cked up. But sadly, your story is one in a million. It is pretty custom though, you have better odds of finding it as is than if it had been bone stock. Good luck.
  11. I didn't think I'd be able to get on the site with the fire wall here, I'm damn glad I can. At least I can still communicate with you guys. I need a little bit of dignity out here. This place is a shit hole. Sure could use some pics of Brooke to put up on the wall of my tent. You know, missing Christmas and all. Hint hint, pity party. No beer, no shee for half a year... jeez. No really, all and all it ain't that bad out here. Oh, out here is where all the Marines are deploying to if you havn't already figured it out. If you still havn't, you live under a rock. I guess I can't really say where I am or the monitors throw a fit about Operational Security and this, that, and the other thing. I can't even look at the "GOOD" pics in the images forum. Against the rules. No porn of any kind. I guess a couple Army guys tried to put a nude calendar together of service women, but were shut down. Good initiative, bad judgement. However, some barely there pics wouldn't be bad. Or some cool Banshee shots, jumps, wheelies, whatever. Humor me, PLEASE. Keep it real while I'm gone. Later.
  12. warwgn, You bet your ass I'm the best of the best. I'm still not a boot though damnit. Quit it. My official job title is Aviation Egress Mechanic. I work on the EA-6B. Ejection seats & CADs. Environmental systems, canopies & their related systems, Liquid Oxygen (the fun part of the job). You wouldn't believe how fast some things freeze with that shit. Living and inanimate. Cures a hang-over like a champ too. I completed boot camp in Sept. 2000, and came out as an E-1. Picked up PFC 6 months later, Lance 6 after that, Cpl a year after that, and Sgt a year after that. Can't complain. Would you? As far as quals go anyway, I have my CDI and CDQAR. I'm certified for all the ordanance I work with, and I have to many GSE licenses to list. I can operate almost any piece of gear the squadron has. I have a gov. white license for an 8 pax and a BUS! Gotta love the bus license. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use outta that one. Now if I can only get my license for a humvee. Where you at now anyway? I'm going out West here shortly for an exercise; again. I'd like to bring the shee 'cause there's some dunes not to far from Yuma. It's a long haul from here though. We'll see.
  13. So a 6412, 8531 as a B- billet. I'm sorry, my bad. You worked in MALS more than likely. You probably worked on a few electrical boxes that held a minimum clearance and returned them to the squadrons. Then you went on to be a range coach. And now you're a rookie as I am on the HQ. But a BOOT? Come on now. I'm on my second tour as a 3 year Sergeant. Please. And yeah, I love Cherry Point. You should print this post out when you're done reading it, shred it, then burn it if it makes you feel better.
  14. warwgn, watch what the f*ck you're posting you jackass. I'm a 6283 in the Corps, and I know you can't go airing your shit. Nobody needs to know your clearance.
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