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Everything posted by brugal

  1. I was just gonna say ask Snopczynski.
  2. Adjust your airscrews then adjust your idle screws.
  3. Where on the throttle does it do this?
  4. 1/4 to 3/4 on the throttle your needle clip position may rich or lean.
  5. Do you mean the front oring.Or the exhaust clamp?
  6. How long will it take to ship after you get the paypal money 60 or 90 days.
  7. R.M.A.T.V. has it online. Your local dealership should carry it.
  8. You can tie it to the back of a truck and have one of your buddies pull you around the block.
  9. Whats the matter did you find some pubic hairs in your bigmac.
  10. What are you guys doing a port n polish or putting in a boost bottle?I cant tell from that angle.
  11. It took me about 15 minutes and less then $10.00.
  12. Thats like HOLYMAN's mod the difference is you wont have to worry about tha kicker ever again.Repacement parts always have to be replaced.This mod is bullet proof. :thumbsup:
  13. bigred took pictures of him splitting the cases.Type splitting cases in the search bar.
  14. Ricky Stator fell off like 3 years ago.Their timing plates are made of silly puddy.
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