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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Get me a link and I can host it off of *super* bandwidth for all... HQers only, obviously..
  2. ...why didn't ya let me know.. My hats off to you folks that have quit. I've never started, for fear that I would not be able to quit. My best friend quit cold turkey immediately after his wedding, and had a helluva time but pulled it off. Saw him struggle, but succeed. It can't be easy -- I applaud those of you who have done it, or at least tried to the best of your ability.
  3. Oh it "wasn't a Banshee", it was just "a Trinity Racing quad", which of course had nothing to do with Yamaha not getting in on that game, hehe. They have all the specific Honda and Kawa models though, and their names on the box... When we play it, we just want the fastest stuff and all the tracks to play tag on or mess around on so we cheated and unlocked 'em all... the shee is a pretty good choice! Ah and yeah, ORF2 has lots o' 2-strokes -- just gotta be patient and unlock, or cheat. There's an LSR 250R (i believe), and some other misc 2-strokes, all pretty good.
  4. Used to hang out at http://www.rrzone.com but dunno if its still got any life.. was mostly 900/929 info but lots of general CBR info.
  5. thanks.. was so excited could barely go to bed last night. After a 6+ hour drive home, thinking the whole time that I'd botched the second part... wooooooooooo!
  6. I'd always heard 160, but, close enough also, if you're bumping your compression up to the max it will run safely on pump fuel, you won't be able to advance your timing or anything on top of that, w/o running a mix of pump and race, or just straight race.
  7. Had (2) CR500s, one after the other. Only road a KX500 once.. it was a few years newer than my CRs and didn't handle worth beans. Really nice when going fast in a straight line. Dunno.. to each their own.
  8. Talk about the exam from heck! Due to the stuff they made me sign, can't give any details, but... the second portion was downright insane. It blew away anything I had ever taken... SAT, ACT, AP tests, you name it. Thought i might have failed.. but ended up with a 90.75% average overall. p.s., for those that don't know.. RHCE = Redhat Certified Engineer (http://www.redhat.com) Anyway just had to share..
  9. http://www.lojack.com/ Those are for cars at least... that's about the only brand name I've ever heard being thrown around but surely there are plenty more companies.
  10. He's got the right idea... the front does have to come up higher than you'd think. Otherwise you have to be accelerating pretty well to keep the front end up for a lower wheelie. I personally put one foot in the rear grab bar when doing a wheelie so its really easy to step off the back (no, no high speed ones here..) if something goes awry, and it helps with the balence and get the front end off the ground but i'm a sissy..
  11. 500 ninja is a great bike to start on and for commuting and fast enough to get you a ticket. Yup. Nothing wrong with those 500's and 250's. Wish I had one for commuting, and for weekend commutes. I learned on my '93 900RR but rode really gently until getting a feel for it. With patience you can learn on anything, but if you're one of those that just gets on and pins the throttle... eh.. start smaller
  12. Last I knew they were a 350cc engine in them. The Honda Pilot is where *the crazy* is for those deals but don't expect to find any for cheap... the Odysseys were a heckuva fun time too
  13. out of curiousity (and not because I'm a 900RR rider..) why did you pick the GSXR series? All of the bikes are pretty kickin now -- go to a stealership and sit on a few and find out what fits you, also. My 900RR wasn't the fastest bike out when I got it but it felt a lot better than the others did for me. Also, like the others said, if its your first bike, start small. The GSXRs are bitchy but fast, and a 600 will probably be overkill as it is. Oh and.. *don't* buy a Harley. Yeah its an American made cruiser, etc etc, but it is just a name. The metric cruisers have it in every catagory, from reliability right on down to price.. by a long shot!
  14. Everyone will have a different awnser, depending how hard you ride, and the type of oil. Blah,Blah, Blah. I change mine every ride or 2. Yup, he hit the nail on the head. Some of the gear saver stuff lasts for a darn long time, whereas stuff like ATF type F only is good for a few rides.
  15. "ActiveX -- Or How To Put A Nuclear Bomb In A Webpage" http://www.halcyon.com/mclain/ActiveX/Exploder/FAQ.htm A good article if you're ever wondering why you're getting all that spyware, or why a lot of us hate Internet Exploder. Its old (1997) -- but that stuff still pertains to today's versions of IE. Just skip the "Exploder" stuff at the beginning and read up on the parts of why ActiveX does what it does... Spyware/Adware/Malware will no longer be a mystery.
  16. Yessuh.. the Redhat deal. 6 hours of tests, all real-life computer stuff (just in a lab ). Will be making the 4 hour drive to Chicago to git-r-done. Shouldn't be too difficult.. been doing the stuff for years, but am just finally getting around to getting the official testing and cert done. And afterwards, surfing this thread for some good drinkies
  17. worn needle valve will do that too, but, if it just started doing that after not being ridden in a while, probably just needs a de-gunking and adjustment like the others have mentioned..
  18. After blowing the $$$ to take my RHCE test this Friday, you're damn straight i'm getting liquored up after so... boonman just posted a nice shopping list
  19. http://www.mozilla.com Oh, and to pages that appear to have glitches.. you have to keep in mind that Microsoft has basically distributed all sorts of proprietary web code that work fine with IE -- but not with other browsers. Anything that adheres with the proper W3C standards will show up fine in Firefox. Haven't had any issues though. Microsoft did the same thing with Java... and lost in court to Sun. Hence SP1a for XP... no Java VM. Firefox is good though..
  20. No complaints here, either. On a long day of riding, the twist makes a difference, at least for me. Just be careful when tapping those holes.. use lots of cutting oil, as you *do not* want to break a tap off in that aluminum.
  21. Had my first experience with this earlier in the year.. took the 8 nuts off of the bottom, and whacked it with a deadblow hammer a few dozen times. Nothing. Finally RTFM and found there were 8 on top also Anyway, what worked perfectly for me was [after] removing the nuts, just smack it with a dead-blow hammer with a rubber head on it. It started drifting right apart after a few good hits. Just RTFM and take all the studs out or nuts off first (mine came out about.. 50% studs, 50% of the nuts came off..hehe) and have at 'er.
  22. 'round hear that's callec a yaeger-bomber... kinda tastes like them little candy root beer barrels from the boardwalk.. Yep, Jager bomb here too. Drinking is all fine and dandy, but, never really understood the whole mixing of depressants and stimulants.. sredish, you should try Kettel One vodka in that drink.. its so smooth, you can mix a lil bit more than normal in and its good stuff As for me, I just do shots... git-r-done.
  23. Yup, i'm a happy Firefox user since its very first days. I don't have the Internet Exploder option, being a Linux user, but who needs it when you have Firefox? Haven't really given the Windoze version a whirl, but haven't heard any complaints (save for folks not being used to it) from users about it.
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