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Everything posted by nater006

  1. The 6 and 0 relation were the dead giveaway (other than the obvious score). Otherwise, not too shabby.
  2. damn. i just got to the second island. Was a little PO that they stripped all of my hard earned weapons and gave me a bloody camera but.. now just an excuse to kill some more gangstas and get me a gun. BTW, anyone got any secrets to quick & dirty ways (non-cheating) to get some firearms? i've just been running over gangstas and ganking their stuff.
  3. An easy way to learn... put one of your feet on the bar. I did that just to find the balence point, plus it makes it a bit easier to bring the front end up (e.g., your center of gravity is further back)... and, if.. no wait, *when* you take it too far back over, you can step right off of it and push the bars forward so A) you land on your feet unless you were hauling serious arse, and the quad lands on all fours and kills (if you have a tether) or just rolls. hint: do not do this while riding towards something that could damage your quad (read: anything, period!)
  4. I agree. Why would you continually post Suzuki questions in a Banshee forum?
  5. anybody got a "thread shot down" smiley face?
  6. First off, you've got a lot of adware/spyware installed from the looks of it. Use Ad-Aware or Spybot S&D and clean it up. O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Zenet] rundll32.exe C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~2\TOOLBAR\CNBabe.dll,DllStartup That looks like the line you want to get rid of, using Hijack This -- which it kinda looks like you used to print that list
  7. You can get a tire knife for doing any sort of cutting work, etc.. good for turf tamers
  8. not to mention he fills in his location as "mass" every single time.
  9. thanks homies.. i've had a lil too much which is just about right..hehe. desperately trying to keep my typing "OK" hehe. thanks though.. it has been a day an evneing to remember.
  10. If it is a D-link router, it should be protecting you relatively well. At least most of the Netgear/Linksys ones are pretty good. Overall the majority of them are a firewall also, but there may be exceptions to the rule.
  11. It *is* a very viable alternative at this point. I recommend Fedora (Redhat) or Mandrake for people just getting into it. Both have easy-to-follow GUI installs, and at least Fedora prompts you to set up at least a minimal firewall during the process and it is pretty secure. Much more secure than a basic unpatched version of Windows at this point. The two major hurdles that prevent people from using Linux at this point are... 1) difficulty in setup, which is not really any more in some distros (Fedora, etc) as they have nice GUI setups 2) difficulty adapting to a different look and feel (e.g., not Explorer). Gnome is close and pretty easy to adapt to. I, too, use Debian, but Sid all the way.. (/me ducks and grabs my RHCE and runs). A few of the Redhat folks like Debian too though.. Walter will probably testify to the rather... interesting.. Debian setup routine. hehe.
  12. thanks ya'll!! not 99.. more like mid 20s musta set the year wrong
  13. Got my hands on one of these from a family member who's car it wouldn't work in... the Carchip E\X. It always reads speed, accel, braking, but can read up to 4 more items from manifold pressure, O2 sensor readings, coolant temp, fuel pressure, timing (which, as you'll see, is not reading so well on mine but it works on other vehicles well), and a ton of other stuff. Just have to select which ones. This one goes up to like 300 hours of monitoring. Table chart (600KB) That's just a quickie one I did last night for a short while. Drove like a sissy and hit only 55mph once but its in the city so.. Speeds (100KB) That's the speed readings from a lil city driving. Not a bad thing to keep track of your kid when driving..hehehe. It also monitors hard accel and hard braking. I stomped on the pedal hard and it only got 1 hard brake (not "extreme brake" though.. doubt my truck could..hehe) and the threshold is adjustable. http://www.davisnet.com/drive/products/carchip_products.asp Just in case anyone is lookin for a quick, easy, and pretty economical way to monitor OBDII systems while driving.
  14. Does anybody else not want to hear anything more political for... ~3.5 more years? Bush won, end of story, so bitchin about it after the fact is just kinda... useless..
  15. Just depends on the company. A lot of them just breed paranoia though by mislabeling stuff. Thats why I like routers. They're 1) simple, 2) secure, and 3) its a layer of hardware before your PC, so it isn't depending on valuable system resources (CPU, memory) to process the rules on every packet that arrives. anyway enough of my ranting..
  16. I love how some companies classify everything as intrusions. Makes ya think someone's trying to break in, when it might be the cable company pinging you, or the firewall not knowing any better and blocking UDP packets from the DHCP server in the network, etc..
  17. Because broadband connections = fast surfing and also = faster getting your machine compromised or infected, because Windows is a security-hole ridden piece of garbage. If you don't believe me, look at CERT's article on just IE... http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/713878 [use FireFox -- http://www.mozilla.com/firefox] A small home router, wireless or non, is by far the most efficient firewall. You can even turn off ICMP echoing (read: pinging) so script kiddies will have a bit of a harder time determining if your address is online. Some now even come with SPI (stateful packet inspection) to keep even more nasties out, though that isn't necessary on 99.99% of home users networks. I use iptables, but since we have like next to no Linux users in here.. don't mind me Zonealarm and Blackice are both good. Conseal used to (perhaps still does) make a great firewall for home and corporate users alike. My $.02 is to buy a basic Linksys/Netgear router for $30-60, vs spending money on software that is always going to be slightly picky to configure. The routers are easy, plug & pray, basically.
  18. Mine's at like... 1/100th I just run around in my "Homies" white T-shirt and pop ganstas with dual pistols, and run people over. No hoes, yet. can't afford 'em when there's house payments to be made! ($120,000 mansion, now)
  19. Ya might get a lil extra smoke, almost like the Valve Seal Special, but.. it shouldn't really hurt it! My dad's '84 S10 still runs like a champ. Only problems were the 4WD system. Otherwise the 2.8 in it has been a trooper too. And like.. 1/2 of its mileage is offroad, doing farm work.. some trucks just last! Hopefully my '96 S10 does too..
  20. Gotta be careful of those things with moving parts in 'em. I only use ones with flash mem in them now.. demolished one of the ones with one of the microdrives in them from jogging with it. If you're just looking for a couple hours of music for gym time or whatever, might want to get a flash-based one
  21. The "This Land" one got them on the map.. they had a lot of features in the media about it. Definitely put 'em on the map!
  22. Theoretically, especially on a single cylinder engine that relies on the momentum to keep it from stalling, yeah, that might be right -- but on the shee engine, its a power stroke every 180 degrees, thus eliminating the need for a heavy flywheel to carry the engine back to TDC. So, really, it shouldn't be much.. if at all.. easier to stall.
  23. They're slower, yeah, being a 250 and all. Frame is junk? I love my '89 R. It doesn't get much usage right now but want to get a good practical big bore kit for it one of these days. Its a great quad... just, a 250, so its not terribly hard to top out. Only has a few mods though but. Still.. nothing wrong with 'em. If you're happy with your shee, keep it -- nothing worse than looking back and knowing you made the wrong choice.
  24. yah.. thanks for the reviews guys. Guess that won't be a future addition to the PS2 shelf. games like that... price will drop and it'll be in the $7,99 bin in a month.
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