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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Man that sucks. I didn't realize that a ticket for riding on the road was so crazy. I'm one of those jackasses that runs from them every chance I get (except at Silver Lake). Most of my riding is in the Ludington area near the parents place. The closest call was when I was younger and riding a little ATC70 and the DNR came up behind me when riding the shoulder of a road. took off through some farm land. They only pursue so far The cops on the other hand... 3 days after buying my first CR500.. lemme tell you the wheelies were addicting! Riding the road was a great time. Had the county sheriff's dept looking for me for a couple hours after I out ran them. They apparently went up and down a couple country roads asking everybody if they knew who owned the Honda dirtbike. Luckily I'd just bought it. Had a couple run-ins with them but never as bad as the first time. Hehehehe... moral of the story... do the right thing, or be ready to run fast and long, and hide well. An extra set of plastics makes it a little easier
  2. That is a possibility. My old Tecate 4 had a super leaky needle valve. Guess where all the gas would go? not out the plugged overflow! When you start it up, it'd spray premix in back for a few feet if I had forgotten to shut the fuel off. Is this just when you are starting it up, or all the while when it is running?
  3. 45 minutes? Dang. Mine takes me like 5 and only because the skid is slightly in the way. Just have to put some serious elbow grease into it and the chain stays adjusted where I leave it. Don't get me wrong... planning to upgrade to a round housing twin bearing row setup shortly and I don't like the stocker but it isn't like super horrible.
  4. Sounds like you found whats going on. The stock plastic impellers are known to break over time. It might be that yours has broken the fins off and needs to be replaced. I'd pull the water pump cover and see if its okay, and if it is, pull the clutch side cover and see if the plastic water pump gear is still OK. You may want to kick it over a few times with the water pump cover off to see if the impeller is turning properly also. If it isn't, there's something up with the pump drive gear.
  5. Sounds like the adjuster bolt inside the cover is loose. There's a locknut on the end of it that has worked itself loose for other folks as well. Then, the stud/bolt that is used for adjusting will just loosen in a few clutch pulls.
  6. Haha.. I hated the card game in 9. Never played it so when I eventually did it was out of necessity later on in the game and it sucked. Just have to have some buffed out characters with like.. Life 3 or whatever the auto-revive spell is in that one.. and go to town on it. Not an easy battle. Great game though. Still remember seeing the opening seen in Midgar at the beginning for the first time.. was just like "woahhh" and then the gameplay starts.. like.. DAMN WTF! hehehe. pissed me off that they cut off the US version so you couldn't bring back Aeris or anything. Woulda made it a better game, for sure.
  7. Are 22s too large? I'm running stock gearing on mine right now and it just spins spins spins.. and I have very little clearance and am constantly getting hung up, especially at the top of certain hills Just wondering if anyone's had experience w/ the 22s and how well they work...
  8. Pretty sure you got it right there.. I got the hidden switch rig-up on mine and remember both of those..
  9. My swig arm is my right, unless the little lady happens to get me a beer for the other one too!
  10. I've got Works triple rates on the front.. they're nice but pretty damn stiff for me right now, as the guy before me weighed a bit more. They bounce me around quite a bit. Gonna order some Quicksand +2+1 a-arms anyway, so will try with that before figuring how to adjust 'em... they're nice though, when landing from a jump. (sorry, dirty pic!)
  11. I got it originally because it was "scuffed" slightly and a fantastic deal due to that. No real scuffings but hey, whatever! Its a .22LR and you can loose all the rounds in it in no time at all. Its extremely accurate, too. I can consistently plink stuff at 25yds with it with no problem, and so its not hard to point and click for self defense. Another pic of the pop-up barrel (not needed but just to show..)
  12. My Glock model 30 and a Beretta Bobcat 21 (.22LR). Another pic of the Beretta if you thought it was real small... heheh... The beretta is easy as hell to toss in a coat pocket or elsewhere if you don't want to carry with a holster or another "normal" style. The Glock 30 is fantastic and I love it as a carry weapon. 10 rounds of .45 Glasier slugs or Federal Hydro-shok is nothing to scoff at...
  13. Hooray! I, too, stopped playing as much, but after 9. It came out at a slow point in my college life and even though people here seemed to not like it... I kept at it and whooped it and it got to be pretty decent later on. Just sucks for like the whole first disk.
  14. Yup, I got the FF Anthology and FF Chronicles also. Well, as gifts.. couldn't see buying 'em since I already have the SNES carts of 2 and 3 (4 and 6 Japan). FF2 rules though. When you really wanted a "jump start" in it, financially, you could duplicate any weapon you wanted, and sell the extras.. You wouldn't believe how much damage something like that legendary Excaliber does when you have 99 of them and can Throw them all the time..hehehehe. Awesome game though. They just don't make 'em difficult like that nowadays.
  15. Wow. Everybody hating on 9! hehe.. it had a really slow beginning but got a bit better. I'm not a big fan of the ones with 800 different characters to choose from. You want a hard game? Play FF2 sometime. I've beat 'em all from 1-9. The "good ol days" for me were FF2 and FF3 (4 and 6, in Japan) I'm a Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross fan also.
  16. MotulMonsta, How much are those Wiseco cranks? Mine's gotta be welded here before very long.. before I separate it and get into a huge mess. If the Wiseco one is cheaper and seems to be better, I'll hit that route up.. I'm assuming that those are "welded" or otherwise constructed in a way that won't have it blow to pieces...
  17. Ya know... I had a '91 shee a while back. Sold it and bought a 250R because it spun a crank bearing and we had to dump a new welded crank in it and I got tired of the issues. Still have the 250R at my parents place. Its nice and handles nice but its a way different machine. Depending on what type of riding I want to be doing... especially if I want to just go out and rip and go wayyy faster than I should... the Banshee is always the first choice! The 250R handles nice and all that but... there is nothing like the acceleration and speed of the shee.
  18. Honda ATC 70! Wooot! Been riding since I was just before 4 years old. Dumped it a few times, scraped myself up, and learned to take corners on two wheels. Then... Honda ATC 110 Honda ATC 185 (still have all 3 of the above) Then on to the Tecate, Banshees, 250R, and CR500s.
  19. Otis, that is a kickass avatar! Growing up on a fruit farm gives me a little appreciation for getting the front (or rear) tires off the ground on a piece of heavy (in whatever context you want to take the word "heavy") machinery. Our Shockwave cherry tree shaker (OMC) was great for that. Had a slant-6 in the back of it and if you gave it even slightly too much brake, the shaker boom in front was so heavy that the rear tires would be up and off the ground (kiss your steering capability goodbye). Or, backing away from a tree and having to back up a hill...hehe. Needed bloody skid plates for under the front of that boom practically...
  20. In all reality it doesn't matter that much. Like it has been mentioned, just don't ride it wide open in 6th all the time or keep it at a constant RPM. I've had two CR500Rs and I have to admit that the first one got more street miles than dirt! Had it for over a year and rode year round and never had a single problem -- save my bald rear tire. Rode it all up and down the back roads out in the country, here. You also have to keep in mind that unless you're running enough ponies to squak the tires, all of that force is getting put DIRECTLY into the pavement. No tire spin (usually). So it is a little harder on the parts but... as mentioned above.. I've never had a problem because of it and haven't heard of anyone else that has, either.
  21. Mmmm. Craftsman tools. I broke 2 wrenches and a ratchet in the last year working on my truck.. only worked on it a few times, but some stuff was so welded on with rust (Michigan salty roads). Gotta love lifetime replacement tools...
  22. If you want a slightly quicker way... remove the shifter lever, and the stator cover bolts, and simply rotate the cover up and out of the way -- it'll still be on the shifter shaft though, but will rotate out of way and leave you lots of room to work.
  23. They do make fittings to flush it out with a garden hose, at least for automotive applications. You remove the thermostat and lower radiator hose and basically garden hose out the whole thing. Seems to work well. But, they do also have an acid flush product that's supposed to help remove some of the junk that builds up. Not sure how it'd like that plastic impeller though... but it works fine with rubber hoses, etc. If Autozone/Advance doesn't have it, a GM Stealership does..
  24. There's an actual acid flush you can run through the cooling system. Did that on my S10. You'd want to check and make sure it wouldn't hurt anything on the banshee, though. I got mine at Autozone if I remember right...
  25. There's some stuff called Seafoam that I've used for automotive stuff. It can go in your gas, oil, or suck it into the throttle body via the brake booster hose. Its basically a carbon cleaner / solvent. One of the very few products actually endorsed by the FTC (one of the few additives/cleaners, that is). Anyway you can dump it in your oil and run it a bit and it will help to clean it out. Dumped some in the crankcase on my truck like 300 miles changing my oil and wow.. oil came out blacker than black. The next oil change it came out quite a bit cleaner than usual. The first time putting it through the brake booster hose into the throttle body, it cleared up hesitation in my truck that I didn't even know was there till after it was gone. Great stuff. Might be something you'll find a use for... its available at Napa, and some Advance Auto parts stores. http://www.seafoamsales.com
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