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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Ocean's 11. Funny stuff. "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" (the gf brought that movie quote up)
  2. You probably want to invest in a TORS removal kit, also. Seems that Toomey makes one that seems to be pretty nice.
  3. Been using RK for quite a while, never a problem with their stuff, and the sprockets seem to last for quite a while. I've given their stuff some serious abuse and its always done well.
  4. Before breaking down and buying an impact wrench... a strap wrench was the tool Get one of those lifetime warranty Craftsman deals and it popped off with some elbow grease. But yeah, impact wrenches are the shiz...
  5. Someone else asked the same thing like a week ago. Turns out that they're apparently putting O-rings on the new ones to keep the bearing from walking around.
  6. "computer systems specialist" (my job title). in essence, I do a lot of computer stuff. everything from networking to designing software images for deployment in a large (1000+ puters) scale environment, to whatever else.. you name it and on the side, designing/building Linux servers for companies, some security consulting, whatever. translated: Ubergeek!
  7. My 200w Rickystator stator did that exact thing -- except it was from about 2/3 throttle onward (right when it starts getting fun!). Just went BLAAAAAHHHh and cut out, and randomly pop or backfire. Turned out it was the stator -- but being the cool folks that they are, its getting replaced for free. Moral of the story is that stators can do that exact thing. Case in point, above. As for troubleshooting and finding which it is, I'd just check the resistance and make sure its within spec and go from there.
  8. A few people in here have done that to aid in quick clutch installation. There's a rubber gasket type thing in there already so all you have to do is drill or cut it and make sure the insert is in there tight, and it shouldn't leak.
  9. Pretty sure it is clockwise. The + marks are above the 0 and the - marks are below, and they're on the righthand side. So if you rotate it clockwise, you get into the +1, +2 and so on, or rotate it counterclockwise for reversed. If ya squint or blow it up some... Ricky's pic shows it. (bottom) http://www.rickystator.com/pages/YamahaBanshee200stator.html
  10. Before buying my impact wrench, thats how I got mine off. take the pick-up coil off so there's room for a strap wrench. Then, just a big breaker bar and the strap wrench and some elbow grease to pop it loose. If you don't have or can't afford an impact wrench, those strap wrenches work wonders.
  11. Stealership wanted $50+ for the lower end seal set when I re-did mine. If you can find 'em cheaper at Napa, definitely go for it! That "copper" look is normal -- that seal should still pry right out, no problem.
  12. Bill and Teds excellent adventure. I think Keanu says that in every one of his movies, though..
  13. Ah thats from Austin Powers 3.. "Oh my lucky stars, a Negro!"
  14. haha.. I didn't read the rules but just quoted another quote from the original joe dirt movie yeah i know.. dumbass.. "No man, Dave's not here..."
  15. I'd consider it if it doesn't go on e-bay You know though, boring the engine out might give it that extra 40mph. Those $1000 plastics probably help. Sounds like he busted up the stockers and went to the Stealership and got bent over the table for replacement ones. @ 120MPH those front fenders would probably go *snap*
  16. One of my riding buddies has duct tape nets on his beat up LT250. will definitely get some pics next time I'm up north riding with 'em. He musta used like 3 rolls.. they are sturdy. Just ghetttooooooo!
  17. Yup, you're about right there with the elevation. At least in many places here in MI it is. I've got 22cc domes (uck! they came on it..) and a ported engine and pushing about 138lbs of compression. Gonna bump it to 21s -- 20s would probably be pushing it for pump gas, at least at our elevation. You should be fine with 21s. the chart: http://www.thebansheezone.com/Bansheezone/CoolheadChart.htm
  18. Wow. Officially gonna keep the ProDesign intake then..hehe! Dang..
  19. T5 pipes haven't caused me any problems hehehe
  20. Ah... I was just pointing out that it was capped off, in case you were hoping for AC
  21. Hehe... always gotta be wary of new user accounts that are created and instantly start promoting someone's products. Like it isn't that obvious...
  22. oh, and it looks like they did a good job of capping off the AC pump. Just remember that you won't have any AC in it Another trade-off for putting in a larger engine..
  23. When you shoehorn a larger engine in, you always run the risk of cooling issues. They might have slapped a small e-fan into it which won't cut it for cooling with a 5.0. The folks that slap 350s into S10 frames have the same thing, and end up using a Taurus dual-speed e-fan or other high-CFM setup for cooling. Plus, a lower thermostat always helps. I guess if you're curious as to what to ask... would definitely ask on the cooling aspect, which e-fan they used, etc. What they used to mount the motor (e.g., aftermarket mounts, custom mounts.. rubber or poly, etc).
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