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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Big fan of the dual-lever deals.. my dad got a 0-turning radius Toro things -- one of the Timecutter series I think. We have a hella large yard out in the country so it was a good investment. Now he got one of those Kubota sub-compact tractors. I think its a BX23. I remember its 23HP, has a 3-cylinder diesel, hydrostatic 4WD, etc. Its one helluva toy! Kubota's design flipped the engine 180 in it so the flywheel is in the front and the radiator/etc sits between the driver and the engine (draws air from the driver towards the front of the tractor) -- apparently it gave more space underneath, not having the flywheel there, so you can fit a wicked large mowing deck underneath. Got numerous full-sized tractors too, and a couple large bush hog mowers for orchard grass and brush cutting... but that Toro with the levers is still a trip to drive
  2. I read that too fast and almost thought you said you use it on all the time machines was like... WTF? yellow DeLorean
  3. Seafoam is great. You can get it at Napa, Advance, Murrays if you have 'em. http://www.seafoamsales.com (so you know what the old school can looks like in the store, and some info) I ran it through the brake booster hose in my S10 like people recommended and it smoked like hell for 5 minutes while it did its work but took away a ton of hesitation. Great stuff. like $5-6 a can. You may be able to find a way to utilize it to clean the deposits. It works wonders on intakes and the insides of engines though, lemme tell you. Also, Seafoam is one of the very few products actually endorsed by the FTC because what it claims to do... it does! imagine that for an additive/cleaner... GM Top End Cleaner and Mopar cleaner are two other good similar products.
  4. Forgive the ugly tablecloth and the crappy resolution.. the yellow looked a bit brighter in person than the pic does it justice... but once again, it was very durable and relatively inexpensive. Single stage urethane. It was pretty glossy too... you could just wipe the stuff down really easily.
  5. "...then hurriedly departs before the female has a chance to grab and eat him" Funny. Screw and run!
  6. That's what I have...I'm pretty sure. They're progrips, I know that...and they have gel pads in the center for your palms. I like'm a lot. Yessuh, those are it then! They make a few different styles.. but they all are great. Used to notice the vibration more on the 900rr w/ the old waffle grips, but these seem to absorb quite a bit of it.
  7. Yup, do NOT Western Union him. If you're buying actual goods -- not something digital like an Everquest profile or whatever -- you can get your money back through PayPal. Western Union is used in so many scams its not even funny.
  8. banshee370 hooked me up with some good info a few years back... Did the frame on my first CR500. Sandblasted all the stock white paint off, and painted it yellow (looked nice..hehe). After sandblasting I used an etch primer, and then a single-stage urethane (PPG stuff he recommended, mixing with reducer/hardener) and sprayed it. Think it got about 3 coats maybe? no more than that though... and no clear on top, even. Anyway... the end result. I'm an extremely newbie painter and used a ghetto spray gun, pretty much one step up from a Wagner powerpainter It came out to a pretty smooth finish, very glossy... and extremely hard/durable! Wiped out on it a few times, rode the bike pretty hard, tunked a few rocks, whacked the frame a few times getting the bike reassembled, and so on... and it held up really well. Ironically I ran into the ad on the internet a year after I sold it, from the guy selling it again -- still had the yellow frame and the close-ups showed that it still looked great! No complaints here...
  9. Haven't changed my shee grips yet... But I have these on my 900RR. They're extremely comfortable, a couple years old, easy to keep clean -- yet still tacky. http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_cata...leafCatId=41004 Pro Grips -- "gel" grips. Gonna see if they offer anything similar for the shee.
  10. Correct-o-mundo. Who needs reverse anyway... Reverse is for sissies
  11. Here's my little update. (Bump..hehe) Hearing is scheduled for ~1 month from now. And ohhhh guess what... MDOT (michigan dept of transportation) says that the minimum sign height in an urban area is 7' (bottom of sign). The "Do Not Enter" sign is not nearly that, and the "Road closed" sign *may* be but doesn't matter as it can be coupled with a "local traffic only" or other various signs -- which is why they don't leave it flyin' solo. Someone's going to get an ass whoopin in front of the magistrate.
  12. Talk to boonman for that shift star mod... I got mine off of fleabay.. pretty similar. And the stocker... all pointy. sorry for the small pic..
  13. Love mine. They're a little stiff but they work well.
  14. Yep... it'll say its US Forest Service approved. Last time to SL they didn't even do the flexi-rod thing in mine on the R... they just looked at the silencer and saw the print and were like "cool"
  15. You don't? j/p Get the shift star mod done while its apart. Definitely was a two thumbs up mod! Can find neutral now.. most of the time
  16. Lower end seals... should be 7 I believe: (2) crank seals (1) kicker shaft seal (1) water pump seal (1) clutch arm seal (top of case) (1) counter sprocket seal (1) shifter lever seal I think thats it? Thats what I got when re-doing my tranny a couple months ago. But yeah, what MotulMonsta said -- DO NOT reuse any of the existing seals! Spend a few bucks and get a kit by Moose or Cometic. You don't want to be sucking air or anything else into the crank chamber, or leaking gear oil everywhere..
  17. Yup, couldn't have said it better. Works are a good step up from stock, but if you're going to be doing some serious racing and have the budget... Elkas are the way to go!
  18. I'd bet on a vacuum leak or similar. To reset the puter in any of these vehicles, you basically leave one of the battery terminals off for like 30 minutes or whatever. Maybe a little more.. i think 30 is probably plenty though
  19. Bleh.. didn't realize the driveway was that close. That sucks. At least I got a pic of a guy almost getting clobbered backing out of it,also I was coming from the right, ran around that minicade, and up a street thats just to the left of the pic. Oh well. See the little "don't turn right" arrow in the driveway? Thats the *only* drive on this "one way street" that has it... hence the reason I went back that way. The street that that "blocks off" is right where the forth orange barrel from the left is sitting.just didn't quite get it in the pic.. that wuold have helped. Hence another reason i ran around stupid small barricade.
  20. Thanks for the good idea. I got some pics. gotta get them loaded on the craptop and resized and I'll schtick a couple online. It wasn't really *too* late to turn into the driveway unfortunately but it was a shitty situation and I would have had to back my bike out into oncoming traffic, and back it downhill, on a gravel covered driveway. The only drive that had the sign is the VERY last one, right next to the roadblock (the above mentioned one). All the others are barren. The entire street is barren of signs until the very end. Seeing as though I didn't come through the OTHER end and see the signs, wtf was I supposed to do? Thanks for the advice though. I was going to check and see if there is a regulation height that the "Do Not Enter" sign had to be posted (perhaps you know?) at. The "Road closed" sign was higher but the DNE sign was like 2' off the ground. Go kart level. No way I could see it over the friggin SUV in front of me. In MI its 12 points in 24 months and its pulled.
  21. Yeah, I tried to be as polite as possible, but it was obvious he was going to write me a ticket. Didn't ask for insurance or registration even.. just my license and walked away. Didn't even tell me what it was for until I innocently asked, and then he didn't even tell me -- he asked it in a rather rude manner in the form of a question. "Didn't you even SEE the barricades on both sides of the street? You COULD NOT miss them". Well, whatever... Ironically, I did ask how to just get rid of the ticket -- meaning, what the quickest way was to pay it off, like via mail or if they could do it online or if i could give him my card right then (not that I would have... they don't offer that here yet) Thanks for the advice though, Boonman. At the time I knew I was getting the ticket so to hell with flattering the guy. He didn't write anything in the comments section except for something scribbled that looks like "fat" or "fast" (even though I was <15mph at the time of pull over) so not much in the line of details. I got pics of the intersection now (not clearly marked unless you are using it as a through street -- which I was not -- especially if other traffic is present, AND on a motorcycle). If he shows up to court, cool. If I lose, oh well. Will run it by a lawyer and see if its worth it to appeal, and win-able. If he doesn't show up, way cool. Either way it'll work itself out. Worst case scenario is that I get 2 points.
  22. What is that thing? It looks like one of those propane torch attachments you use for doing roofing or tar or whatever, rigged to look like a jet engine.
  23. Oh, and thanks for the idea on the poster board. A neat sketch would compliment the pictures well, just showing why there wasn't really a good choice for unknowing local traffic (like myself) passing through.
  24. Yeah, problem with it is that even for local traffic that end of the road is *closed* to any traffic -- only for about 10' though, max. The signs were behind me on the way in so of course I didn't see them (not to mention the traffic about-to-be pulled over was blocking them) and it wasn't a really safe U-turn situation on the way back. Last night I took pics (in case they should put up more signs! hehe) and will get more today for the magistrate. There was one small "Do not enter" sign about 1.5' off the ground, which I wouldn't see until I was on top of it, and another "Road closed sign" a little higher but further back. Either way I think they'll understand that I just tried to go with the flow and not create an unsafe situation for myself or others. Should be more than enough to at least get them to drop the points -- the money is all they care about anyway. Think it even goes to a charity... at least it does in my hometown.
  25. If I "didn't see the sign" they'll just tell me I was following traffic too damn close since it was a 1-lane each way setup. I just plan to say that I didn't see it till it was far too late to do anything BUT an illegal move. It sucks one way or another, so hopefully I can show that I chose the best option for the situation -- going with the flow of traffic, not breaking a law intentionally, and not even knowing it was posted due to not using it as a "thru" street. Oh well. Will get pics of the intersection and put 'em on the web tomorrow if anyone has any *extra* advice after seeing them. First round will be attorney-less, just Me vs Cop. I have a feeling if I explain the situations and be remorseful, they'll strip the points. Ppl here at work have done really similar stuff and gotten the points gone -- thats if the cop shows up even (probably will). No need paying for a lawyer this early if I can just be a good behavior person, explain a valid story, and hopefully catch a break. If it sucks and they keep it, I'll just appeal w/ an attorney. Its *JUST* 2 points but will be over $1G by the time insurance gets done sticking me in the arse, especially since I'm going to buy a new car in the next year or so. Thanks for the advice though. I'm new to the whole court thing and any advice is always appreciated. Probably am making a big deal out of it but its a lot of money and I never get in trouble... where's the angel smiley?
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