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Everything posted by nater006

  1. They're cracking down all over the city here. Seatbelt traps. They peep into your car at a major intersection, and pull you over down the street if you aren't wearing one. 5 cop cars at one intersection waiting, this morning. Anybody else got this going on? Its most likely in line with the coast-to-coast Click-It or Ticket thing they've implemented. Serious crackdowns here though.
  2. You aren't missing much. Essentially 4 pages of hating on people with different skin color. You didn't miss much. NYUK's comment was rather well placed though... It brought out one of the more ignorant people who basically admitted to hating on black people because of how they talk. How stupid can you get...
  3. They forgot to mention that they kicked it over 233 times before noticing the kill switch was still off.
  4. I'll third the notion about stuck needle valves and clogged overflows. My tecate4 used to have the fuel run right through the motor like that. The first time I didn't know and got it actually started, it sprayed everywhere out the silencer. That sounds like a potential.
  5. Send me a price for just the flywheel if you would PM or e-mail works.. whichever! If its decent, consider it sold Thanks!
  6. That thread redefines the word "ignorant"
  7. Otis, Yeah it is totally different, but the principle of having a ton of power beneath a wheelie monster and some crazy acceleration is still the same Not me on the 750! Took mine about 5 years ago on a lil zuki 125. cycle qualification is cycle qualification.. or at least it was. I've got the CY on my license.. i'll take it
  8. My first bike was my 900RR -- but i'd been playing on CR500s for a few years prior and understood the theory of pointing it in the right direction with plenty of road before really playing with the throttle. Insurance will be hell, yup. In MI we just qualify on whatever size and go! My test was taken on a 125cc zuki enduro. No qualifying on larger bikes. On the 900RR vs the 600R, the big difference is when you're either a larger rider or ride double. The 900RR makes it a bit nicer to ride double.. thats where I noticed a huge diff (buddies with CBR600Rs). The R1/R6 is probably a similar thing. You won't really notice a huge difference unless you're always riding excessively (100+ mph) fast, riding double, or are all about wheelies and 0-100 speeds and all that. Good luck with whatever you get. Ride safe.
  9. Thank goodness that road racing stuff hasn't caught on around here. Good way for people to get killed. On the plus side, the drivers education program, at least in my hometown, did a good job at scaring drivers into not doing as much stupid stuff. We saw a couple stomach-turning videos throughout the course and they didn't hesitate to show you pieces of skull, body parts, etc, and tell you that the person driving was being a moron. The problem is that people don't understand the whole momentum = mass * velocity formula. You might be going *only* 55mph on some back roads, but when you hit something that isn't.. or worse, that is coming your way at the same speed.. the sheer force is unbelievable. Good advice though... thats one of the things I hope they really crack down on.
  10. Crashing mine (2 CR500Rs) didn't hurt as bad as crashing any of my quads. The only thing that sucked is if I wasn't wearing riding boots, the pegs would cause hell to my legs if the bike ended up on me. Other than that... like people say , you'll eventually crash but hey, everybody does eventually!
  11. 130MPH... like.. off a cliff Too bad terminal velocity is appoximately 123MPH (55 m/s) so it wouldn't even hit that...
  12. I'm pretty sure its about 1mm to a degree though I may be wrong.. if you look at the pics on Ricky Stator's site you can get an approximate idea of size, etc. I got the RS plate. Didn't have a dremel or drill press at the time to modify my stocker. But, either way will do you fine. The RS plate is nice because it's clearly marked all the way from -10 degrees to +10 degrees. Fits real snug... nothing about 60 seconds with a fine file couldn't take care of!
  13. Got the shift forks properly seated? I had a little fun getting mine back together too but once they were seated properly on the gear clusters it worked fine again. If you didn't take the clusters apart and you're sure they're seated correctly with the half clips in the cases, it might be the shift forks, possibly not seated correctly or bent.
  14. Wow thats a crazy chemical reaction... interesting! You may want to just poke a small hole in the end of one with a scratch awl or dentist pick to let it relieve the pressure if something is reacting funkily which it seems it is.
  15. Yep, its on Meat's site. http://www.thebansheezone.com/Bansheezone/CoolheadChart.htm
  16. I just have to say thanks, Dave, for taking the time to answer all of our questions! The insight is MUCH appreciated!
  17. Stealerships should be able to pump 'em back up after a rebuild. Ours here has a nitrogen tank and does them, at least. Or you can just be like my buddy and figure that air is like 71% nitrogen.. RM250 rear shock hehe
  18. Get a Noss head Uses the same domes and you can get it in kickin anodized colors. As for a sizing chart... check out thebansheezone.com. Meat's got a spiffy dome size chart up there. The domes are the same for the Noss head and Pro Design Cool Head.
  19. Thanks for the info... actually, should temporarily edit that out of the sig as I just threw the stock stator and plate back on while my 200w one is getting replaced by Ricky. Would the +4 be a better gain than the 21cc domes? sorry.. pretyt new to this.. and thanks!
  20. Hehe.. was going to ask the same 600 ft above seal level, with the "other" brand (came w/ the quad). running 93 also... T5s, K&N, 30mm carbs, and its ported. Currently running 138lbs in each side on 22cc domes.
  21. No kidding? I guess I should give him a call I'd go gusset-less also because I like how they look without. Not a big fan of chrome stuff on my bike honestly.. at least not yet. Got a red frame, white plastics, red radiator shroud. Current A-arms are powdercoated red (done when the frame was done). What'd look good for a color? (now i'm just nitpicking into the silly questions!) Just like a little variety but don't really want like.. the rainbow cruiser... Those look real nice though nice shee! And thanks for the info..
  22. Gonna buy some QSM +2+1 a-arms here shortl y. For all around riding... lots of farm land, 2-tracks, trails, wheelies (yay!), jumping, some duning, and just overall going too fast usually... the .120 gauge ones would probably be the ticket? Probably with gussets? Not sure how much these weigh, compared to stock or compared to the .065 thick ones. Just lookin to get the best fit for how I ride...
  23. Aha! Disable that badboy (Norton Internet Security). Lots of times it will mistakenly block traffic from the DHCP server -- thats the server that gives your computer its IP address, DNS server addresses, etc. everything it needs to function normally on a network and the internet. Take that Norton firewall down... that could very well have some corrupted rules on it or similar that are causing the problem. If you want a terrific buy... get the Netgear MR814 from Circuit City. Its $30 after rebate now. If anything, it'll be a hardware firewall between you and the outside world -- much more secure than the NOrton software would make it. Plus you get wireless LAN capabilities and then some Good info,a lso, Led!
  24. fixitrod -- how much did that run you, if you don't mind me asking? Trying to get some ballpark figures on mine (maybe going to do a stroker). want some more oooomph out of pump gas. Probably will send it to Patriot but am just looking at the whole price thing at the moment...
  25. 1) uninstall AOL if its there (not AIM though..) as it tends to do some funky stuff with the network adapters. You'd be surprised -- it can hose 'em up pretty good though. 2) the 169.254.*.* IP is autoassigned by Windoze to keep it happy if it doesn't have a valid connection to the outside or an IP assigned by that connection 3) in the Network Connections area, you should see like 2-3 things. The "Local Area Connection" is the only one you care about. Anything else (Bridges, in particular) can pretty much be trashed and you probably don't need any dial-up connections but those don't hurt anything. 4) in the Properties of that Local Area Connection, under the General tab, there should be some stuff listed. The only stuff you really need checked is "Internet Protocol TCP/IP" and Client for Microsoft Networks if you have any home networking going on. The good thing is that if you are getting an autoassigned IP, the network card driver is intact.. it can be a PITA if its not. Did you try cutting the power to your cable modem, waiting 60 seconds, and plugging it back in? I've seen where they don't initialize to the PC correctly and won't dish a IP address so when the PC times out it just goes to the autoconfiguration (169.254) IP. My bet is that its a software thing -- possibly caused by AOL. Trash the Bridges, any virtual AOL adapters, etc, and see what happens. The sucky part is you can't remove the TCP/IP component in XP.. its listed as a core component and thus is not removable.. so if it ended up corrupted and the system hasn't bitched about the file integrity being compromised, you may have to just reinstall. As for reinstalling... back up your stuff to a floppy or whatever, and then reboot with the XP cd in the drive. If it doesn't prompt you to boot off the CD, reboot again.. and press F12 while its at the first "Dell" screen. It should then ask you if you want to boot off the CD... at least most newer Dells have the BIOS capability to do this. The reinstall is pretty straight forward -- just remember to back up anything you want to save, beforehand!
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