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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Dirtrider? a.k.a. BrokeStonedBiker? why... he's never ticked anyone off...
  2. Yeah it is usually a tad bit crazy out there... its about as close as we get to "international waters" for a par-tay
  3. Sorta irked. Got a CV shaft for it but lo and behold, it came w/o a nut. Go figure! At least they knocked a couple of bucks off the price. Stopped at 4 parts stores and nobody had a clue, and nobody else had a CV shaft in stock that i could check it with. Blahhhhhhhhh... talk about silly! Oh well. To add insult to injury, I rolled into the Murray's parking lot (always had good luck w/ them) at 8:51 (they close "at" 9) and this guy hurried out and locked the door before I could get in. I looked at my watch, raised my hands in the "WTF?" expression.. he just looked at me and walked inside. Grrrrr... heh oh well.
  4. Dave, My Verizon Wireless phone does it for "free". I have just the basic phone service @ $35/month. Got the USB connection kit for like $20 offa Fleabay. I don't pay for their internet service -- using the service my work provides me, I can just use the phone in modem mode and dial to that number. Technically no phone company should charge you extra, because its just air time you're using, whether it be for voice or data -- which is more or less one in the same. Anyway if you already have a dial-up service, that might be something to look into. Pretty much free, save for paying for the minutes and dial-up service through whoever. The speeds suck, also, but its functional for checking e-mail, lite surfing, and so on.
  5. Yup, much improved shifting! Considered it a lucky day if I could find neutral, and now it is no problem at all. Shifts easiest. Definitely a good mod.
  6. Would be mucho appreciated if you can find it out and its not too much hassle for ya. Thanks!
  7. Sounds like the supply is toast. Usually that'll catch the brunt of any shock. Sounds like its giving just enough juice to "spool up" all the internals and then crapping out. An ATX should work but yeah.. gotta be careful. If its a P4 system, which I'm sure it is, you'll need something designed for that. p3 and older power supplies won't work. It could be the system board, so they might ship you a tech with both. Power button kicks the supply on via the motherboard, so if thats fried it can exhibit the same symptoms. Pretty sure at least the power supply is toasted though, if it gets going and then poofs off.
  8. Thanks guys! I planned on checking on the new one with the axle (getting it tonight) but ya never quite know with aftermarket stuff. Banshee169, thanks a ton for the info also.. if you happen to know what socket fits that (I'm new to threads and sizes and etc) , that'd be perfect. Just don't want to get the thing torn apart and be like.. damn.. and have to waste like 4 hours till someone gets home from work and can drive me to the store for a different socket... and no, riding the shee there isn't an option
  9. You guys and gals are always so helpful so hopefully someone here knows this... Just need the nut size (like 30, 32, 36mm) for the CV shafts for a 93 Grand Am. 2.3L engine, auto trans in it. The Pontiac stealer gave me grief on the phone for asking because I wouldn't pay $600+ for the shaft from them vs $70 for a lifetime replacement warranty *new* one from an auto store and "couldn't look it up for me". Don't have the larger sockets and don't want to buy 'em all to get the right size Thanks for any info folks...
  10. Any cylinders in that batch of parts? just need a set, stock ported if possible. thanks!
  11. Need a set of Banshee cylinders/jugs in halfway decent shape, stock porting, to send out for my new engine build. Mine are too ported to send anyway either PM me or e-mail at nathano@hotmail.com. This is sorta a re-post.. the previous one was erased in that last month of stuff lost. Still looking for cylinders.. thanks!
  12. A bit of extra noise, especially after it gets worn in Haven't heard really any goods or bads, short of not having to worry about chain adjustment.
  13. chop 'em! bought mine with cut fenders (crappy cut job) and compared it to a similar looking one with uncut fenders.. and man I wouldn't go back to those if i could (just cut teh current ones better! hehe) like 99% of my mud/etc that gets me is from the rear tires anyway
  14. Kinda a stupid movie in some ways but had some really funny stuff in it... "I present to you the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Would Like To Do Other Things"
  15. Been discovering that stock gearing doesn't really cut it with porting and pipes and stuff. The bloody thing just spins. I have the stock gearing (14/41) and a stock sized chain (106 links i think it is? can't remember). Anyway.. anyone know what the largest sprocket is I could bump up to on the front without having to change my chain to a larger one? Figured a 15 tooth would help with the wheel spin, or possibly a 16 if the 15 just isn't enough. Anyway, thanks!
  16. Best part about the bottom... you really don't have to take the top end apart. banshee370 gave me the info on this when my 2nd gear was shot and I got both gear clusters replaced w/o taking the top end off. Buy all the seals you need. Don't reuse 'em by any means. Yamabond #4 is what you want to put on the case halves before resealing them.
  17. THey're supposed to be pretty good if you're not going to heavily modify the bike. If you plan on doing some medium-heavy engine work, the T5s are supposed to be better. As for best... depends on what you want. CPI in-frames are some pretty good pipes.
  18. Just a side note on that... no matter what chat ends up being the "official" setup, the web interface is nice but having it open to conventional IRC clients is an absolute must... those of us mIRC (or xchat in my case) users will appreciate it!
  19. Don't worry.. that'll be changed *really* quick if it hasn't already.
  20. Drove about 400 miles yesterday... ick! Saw so many people pulled over by the State police it wasn't even funny. After seeing the first couple, I resolved to drive no more than a few MPH above the speed limit for the weekend. Man did that pay off. They weren't just sitting in the median, radaring people as usual. Some off of overpasses, some in the middle of construction zones, etc. Saw 2 in a 12 mile stretch of construction, clocking. Crazy. It was definitely a good weekend for them. They're definitely cracking down more in the last couple weeks. Even got the "This is a Seatbelt Enforcement Zone" signs up...
  21. Yup, the Tecate is ugly.. used to have one though we can just call it... unique.
  22. Use ad-aware http://www.lavasoftusa.com or... Spybot S&D. http://security.kolla.de/ Both are good programs. Run the updates after you install, and they'll take care of you. Spybot, right off the bat, prompts you to make a backup of your registry, etc, just in case. If you aren't familier with Windows or editing the registry by hand to bust a cap in that shiz, run one of the above and it should take care of you. Also, go into yoru Internet Explorer settings and change the security settings back to Medium or higher. -- Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab. Click "Custom Level" and make sure the little box at the bottom reads "Medium" and click Reset. Restart IE. I've seen some stuff lately that is changing the settings to low or setting it to run all activex (bad bad bad! ... aka How to Put a Nuclear Bomb In a Webpage) controls. EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeek!
  23. Yep, upgrade to Internet Exploder 6. 5.5 was a pretty good version, but the previous ones are pretty unstable. 6 is pretty robust. You'd want to do that anyway, regardless if AIM fixes the problem, so your web surfing is as secure as it can be. Unfortunately with Micro$oft products, often times you just have to update them to fix them. If you don't like ads... try GAIM sometime. Its an open source version of AIM -- minus the stupid ads. I use it in Linux all the time -- and just found recently that they have a version ported to Windoze. Its a slightly different feel but functionally is the same -- minus taking over your machine with AOL shortcuts, ads, and more. http://gaim.sourceforge.net (if thats not it, just google for Gaim)
  24. Yup, pretty similar here. Its at like a $90 fine currently though, supposedly. They've been sitting in a lot of construction zones with lane closures, watching every car creep through, and just radioing to the line of cop cars down the road.
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