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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Thats one of the better things I've [attempted to] read in a while. Talk about grasping at anything... taking someone's nickname and ripping them over what *you* think it means.
  2. He had mentioned before about shipping a set to try, and if you didn't like them, you're just out of return shipping costs. If he still has that going, well, you can't beat that deal. Can't think of many performance parts you can try before you buy.
  3. You beat me to it. Though, they'll probably teach him some other "tricks" in there..
  4. Unplug it. If its just shutting off, that may be the entire problem.
  5. I've dealt with some a-hole cops that will twist the law to write you a ticket... but, they deal with worse crap on a day to day basis than I would ever want to. Some might be dicks to little ol me but... you can't group everybody into one group. Sure, they might not be the most pleasant to deal with... but think of what they do, the crap they go through, etc, and be thankful they're there.
  6. For an upgrade from the stockers, they're worth it. I've got the triple-rate fronts w/ remote rezzies. If you're racing, spend the big bucks for Elkas or similar. Otherwise, Works are a good upgrade from stock.
  7. The biggest thing is... like they taught ya in drivers ed.. leave yourself an out! Haven't stopped for them yet, but the only spot they stand a chance of trapping me is on a decent sized overpass I cross on occasion to get to other trail systems. Just have to keep an eye peeled at all times along any public roads.
  8. sweetshee, The copper ring is actually part of the seal. Some of the replacement ones are just jet black. A couple of small flathead screwdrivers or a set of dentist picks work well. But, you can wreck the copper looking part at will -- its just part of the seal that will be replaced.
  9. Being chased by the 5-0 and caught! (read: felony)
  10. Man, be glad! Eluding is a felony conviction here! And, as with everything, (no offense to any cops here, but..).. all of the cops I've dealth with take everything as the worst possible thing.. totally arbitrary. So if you didn't see them and just turned and drove home, they'd still get you on that since they can. Anyway glad you got out of it pretty well... good luck with the fines and getting it out of impound, etc. Hope it goes smoothly.
  11. Got a set of their nerfs and they aren't bad at all. Pretty durable construction. Aren't the best out there but they are still pretty decent.
  12. Surveeeeey saaaaaaaaaaaays.... Patriot is great!
  13. Couldn't find bulbs for my shee at any auto store.. had to go Stealership. They're a narrower bulb than the average. But you may be able to patch some H3s in there and get it going for cheap, instead. Just check your auto stores for those.. even Kmart/Wal-mart/Meijer or whoever else you have usually has bulbs but they'll be limited.
  14. Dan's got my RZ jugs now, Walt I'll let you ride it at the next Roostfest as long as you don't put any scratches on my less than pristine plastic Mine hopefully sent to him by August/September. Gonna have the shee built from the ground up for next year.. thank goodness. I, too, couldn't agree more with what banshee370 said.
  15. Did you do the Kelso voice with that?
  16. Non-geek breakdown! Comcast cable (3mbps) maxes out at 375 kB/sec. DSL (1.5mbps) maxes out at 187.5 kB/sec T1 maxes out at 192kB/sec I was getting 9400+ kB/sec. Even during heavier usage, 5000-6000 kB/sec isn't unusual, even to places outside of MI. Just had to brag.. was bored!
  17. ....unless ya just so happen to get extremely lucky and bend it balenced Impossible though. Saw a flywheel on fleabay a while back with jaw marks on the backside. Guy even advertised it as that but said "it will work fine!".. as your bike rattles to pieces, blows your crank to pieces, and whatever else... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...&category=43972 though ya can't really see the marks.. wouldn't even take the chance.
  18. Kind of a hasty conclusion to jump to there, isn't it? I wrote Dan initially to poke his brain about building me a crazy engine. It took him a little bit to respond, but ya know what? Planning and building a good engine is not something you do overnight -- I'm glad he took a little longer and gave me an EXTREMELY thorough rundown on build options, results, prices, and more. If anything, it should be a testiment to their work if they're *that* busy. They obviously aren't building "average" stuff with that much business... isn't that what Trinity is for now, anyway?
  19. Do not use a jaw-type puller as it'll muck up the flywheel! There is a special puller. Its got reverse threads and an inner bolt that threads in to pop the flywheel off. They're like.. $10-20 on fleabay, at the stealership, or online.
  20. Oh yeah and make sure your sound is turned on...
  21. Led's funny car vid made me think of this one... searched and didn't find it posted in here before, but if it was, my apologies for a re-post. Its 14MB, so dial-up users beware, but... its worth every second http://webuser.bus.umich.edu/olmsnj/snowtowcar.wmv
  22. This is what happens when the coworkers leave at night, you get stuck on the late shift, and have the whole pipe to yerself... this is downloading from a university down the road a ways (MSU). Check the 3rd line from the bottom...hehe. yes, that's kB, not kb.. Mmmmmmmmmm good times.
  23. Blah blah blah... my vac doesn't start till Fri so I envy you! Have a safe trip!
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