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Everything posted by nater006

  1. HJC CLX-2. Nothin' super, but it protects the melon.
  2. hell.. not everyone can spell, and not everyone knows a lot about ATVs.. but.. everyone has the CHOICE whether to be a jerkoff or not, and it is pretty obvious what he has chosen.
  3. Thanks.. I already got a set of those spiffy spring-loaded ones on order from CEJ. Everyone says that they're the shiz.. so.. can't wait
  4. What a crock. "How come it didn't get any bids...?"
  5. couldn't resist after seeing that, below..
  6. Yup, $6 for in-state, $8 for out-of-state. Or, $24/annual for in-state, and I think like $28 or 30/annual for out-of-state. I got an annual just casue i go yakking and hiking and stuff up north. Anyway, I'm definitely game, especially in Sept. Should be less croweded then, too... and my new motor should be done. WOOOT! anyway.. someone pick a date! mid-late sept would be best... and like Boonman said.. they *are* checking dB.
  7. J.J. did a good job of explaining that.. especially the centerpunch part, and the tap breakage part. That is of the utmost importance -- use lots of cutting oil or other lube, and don't ram straight through nonstop to the other side. Tap a little, and back off a little. Slow and steady wins the race.
  8. Sellers like that are what the rest of us hate. At least be a good enough person to understand it is 100% a piece of junk, don't try to disguise what it is with clever wording, and throw it away. People trying to make a quick buck by clever wording can rot...
  9. #1) if you would finish your hooked on phonics course, you'd understand all the words in Wallrat's post that are longer than 3 letters... and as an added incentive for you to learn, yes, the post did make sense. #2) This is so not about your spelling. People here won't hate you because you can't spell correctly. Everyone here hates/dislikes you because of your attitude and stupid responses to everything. The spelling is just like... an added bonus... #3) The "nobody likes you" business is not about us or you being cool, last time anybody checked. If you want to understand what we really mean by it... lemme spell it out for you... NOBODY in here likes you! It doesn't get any more plain than that and it really isn't about being cool. It doesn't take ANYTHING to make people in here like you or think you're cool or not -- but it takes quite a bit for everybody to dislike you enough to start numerous anti-Dirtrider threads.. and numerous polls! Who really cares if people think you're cool? We're here to chat about quads and stuff -- and being cool is a helluva lot different than being liked! Apples and oranges.. And um... yeah you are wrong and we're trying to "show you the money". Open your eyes.
  10. good call! since we're in the roostin room... dirtrider, you're a stupid lil shit. i hope someone smacks your head in with a baseball bat. Nobody here likes you at all, so go away you stupid turd.
  11. nater006

    28mm PWKs

    Lookin for some 28mm PWKs. Seen them go by on Fleabay from time to time, but if someone has some on here they want to get rid of, lemme know. Just gotta be the 28's and PWK. Thanks! edit: oh yeah, juts PM or e-mail me if you want as I may forget to check this thread :\
  12. http://www.bansheehq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27310 It might be something like that.. the impeller gear might be worn out and it isn't pushing the coolant it should be.
  13. uh huhhh huhhh... uh huhhh huhhhh...threatning.. B&B
  14. Ouch. My educated guess would be that you'd be entirely at fault in the legal aspect. The entire argument on her side would be that you should have never been there in the first place, due to your vehicle. Its a little different when you're on something that is meant for the street but not street legal, and something that is 100% not supposed to be on the streets, with no exception. Guessing that she'd be in the right, legally, despite that she would obviously be the fault of the crash..
  15. http://www.s10forum.com/blah always got a kick out of theirs..
  16. Nothing wrong with 'em. Just prefer the light-switch throttle response, tearing things to shreds, being loud, etc. The 4-strokers have their place in my heart also..
  17. Sounds like the decision is made for me to get a set, but would still love to see what they are.. something to drool over while waiting for their arrival
  18. Wooot.. you know, after you mention that... i heard that somewhere before which was one of the reasons I asked you to send me the list via e-mail Brain fart..
  19. Could use a set of extra hubs for the rear if you got 'em.
  20. One of the mounting brackets for my T5 pipes is coming apart. The little rubber damper in the middle of the two triangle-like bracket pieces is tearing. Is there a good repair for these at all, or is it basically just buy new brackets? Didn't see them readily for sale on their site, so perhaps it is something available elsewhere... and maybe with a better design. Any info/brands/links/etc are appreciated.. thanks!
  21. looks nice.. some stuff didn't like me though. I went to the "About us" section, and from there (from the pop-up) clicked on the "Quads for sale" section and it hated on me. other than that and the "new window on clicking a link" deal, it looks great!
  22. when bored and not flying through computer stuff.. and actually using the mouse.. I have a habit of staring at the pointer and constantly trying to find the perfect center of buttons on the screen. I, too, have the drumming habit wipeout is still one of the favs.. whether on a table or tarzan-style. Gotta keep the fingers moving!
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