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Everything posted by nater006

  1. Yup, what BD said.. its just a resistor, keeps it from being interfered with by RF devices.
  2. Dan's building me a 4mm stroker right now. He recommended 28mm carbs to me, also. Have heard nothing but good stuff about his work so, like tats said... not gonna question it
  3. Mine are the same color (bought it that way)... too much of a red tube look.
  4. Make sure to get something that is designed to bond to and prevent rust. That POR-15 stuff is pretty good though. Otherwise, if you want to do it on a $1.99 budget, get some decent spray paint designed for covering rust and have at it!
  5. Hmmm.. guess ya gotta say it with Krylon There's some stuff they sell for vehicle frames and undersides. Goes right on top of the rust. POR-15 I believe it is. Anyway it bonds pretty darn tough. You'll be limited in colors though.
  6. What was the joke again? Your spelling?
  7. Yeah and I guess being a follower if something was pushed on you, you wouldn't call it bullshit. In your previous post you said you don't agree with religion being pushed on people. Well what the hell do you think I'm talking about with religion in the government and law. Its being pushed on non-religous people and IT'S BULLSHIT. Yes I am a follower, and I also don't believe the un-believers should force their beliefs (say that 10 times fast! hehe) on others. If you want to take up that argument...haha.. I suggest you look at the exact OPPOSITE of it. What about those of us that believe? We're having a FORCED separation of religion from everything else! People that complain about small remnants of religion still in everyday society.. well.. it is somewhat laughable, no offense. They've torn so much more religion out than they've left, it isn't even funny. You make a good case, but I hardly see it as a point of complaint when you look at what the opposite side has been through... I mean no offense or bashing of anyone's religious point of view by this... just explaining that there are two sides to *everything*
  8. Not a guilty conscence, just a little pissed because the whole relgion bullshit is pushed off on evryone, in law, government, and even money. It might as well just say "In budda we trust" on our money or any other fictional character we decide to make up. It is kind of funny... not to take a side but.. I haven't seen any of the "religious" people (or those with beliefs) calling the other side "non-religious bullshit"
  9. tell your uncle that if he manages to get spark to the other cylinder, it'll ride a lil faster
  10. Good, just what I wanted to hear. Actually, having that twin-spar frame should be nice. Only complaint I had about my old 500s (1990) were that they just felt too awkward for jumping.
  11. I am Christian, also. I don't dislike people because they don't believe, or even have a separate set of beliefs... but I do dislike people who attempt to force their beliefs on others. I do my best to explain my beliefs when someone asks, without pushing it on them. If they choose a different path, its all up to them. My belief is that when they are standing there, being judged, and say "um... oops?".. glad it isn't me!
  12. THe rents got me an ATC70 (now *mine*) that I rode for years and years before moving up to their ATC110. First quad was a '87 Tecate-4. Pretty darn fast for a 250.. just lacked handling.
  13. Patriot Racing is building me a 4mil stroker right now also.. Can't wait...
  14. Sweet, thanks! Will check it out... got a link to the CR500 riders forum, per chance? locogato, the frame is alum. Just lookin to drop the entire 500 engine in, intact, but not sure what mods the frame would need or similar. Will check out the CR500 riders forum though and see what they've got to say... thanks again!
  15. Got a CR500 motor lyin around at home that i picked up a while back but never used for anything.. its a 93 I believe. Anyway.. a friend just messaged me that he's selling a newer CR250 with a grenaded motor. Wondering how well the CR250 and CR500 engine will go together, if at all... only ones I have experience with are the '90-91 500's and no idea on the 250s. Anyone got any info...?
  16. Hmmm.. I'd always heard in the 160 range is where you're cutting it close.
  17. My neck is sore from holding up his arm over my shoulder...ha. He woke up and went.. "um.. what time did we leave the bar? who drove us home?" luckily the third person who wasn't constantly carrying him (though I pretty much did it myself) was taking a few pictures. To top it off, his fiancee called partway home (having her bachelorette party) to see how he was doing...hehe. Ugh. The lesson to be learned is... don't start drinking strong microbrewed beer (Michigan Beer Festival) at 1PM, get wasted, have dinner and sober up, and get wasted again after dinner off of liquor. Hehehe. Oh well... my first experience with carrying somebody home. hopefully last but.. doubtful.
  18. They are 2 small retaining clips. If you look at the wristpin through the edge of the piston, you should be able to see 2 small internal retaining rings (circlips) that keep the wristpin from walking out. Pop one out and carefully drift the wrist pin through.
  19. Best friend has his bachelor party tonight. He drinks regularly (read: every night) and could outdrink me in a heartbeat. We could barely get him out of the bar.. .muchless the 1.5 mile hike home. The cops were out taking down barricades from the art fair that was in town and I swore we were busted more than once. Pretty much carried him back home myself.. and he's passed out on the couch. Oh well... mostly just venting out my tiredness and frustration and giving a word of advice.. don't ever EVER drink so much that you can't walk, because real friends aren't always around.
  20. Just got my new pipe hangers and dipstick in the mail today. Ohhhhh spiffy. Definitly will be the shiniest parts on the quad just have to say that the stuff looks really top-notch... and.. thanks Stan!
  21. Mrmatt, I couldn't agree more. I got a modded one off of fleabay a while back and tossed it on. Could tell a difference.. much less clunky to shift.. and neutral.. holy cow the quad has neutral and not just when going like 40mph or when turned off and unloaded on a flat surface and I shift it in with my hand...
  22. I run Linux and Windows simultaneously occasionally in VMware but thats about the extent of it.
  23. I grew up on fruit farm.. apples and cherries Right north of Silver Lake, too.. hehe. Anyway, big fan of the Golden Delicious, Red Delicious (even if the taste is a lil bland), and Spartans. Mmmmmmmm mmmm. Nothing beats an apple, fresh off the tree
  24. Say it with Krylon! or aluminum foil.
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