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Everything posted by nater006

  1. So... wanting to buy some equipment to do tires myself. Replacing, etc, that is. I have an ATC70 and ATC110 in need, and it would be very handy for swapping tires around on the Banshee. Someone posted a $40 tool from like.. Northern Tools or similar on here for breaking the bead and getting tires off the rims. Anyway.. anyone got any info on this? Tried searching.. didn't find much but I probably worded it wrong Just looking for the best way to swap tires around with minimal effort (or chance of messing it up) and wondering what all you folks use.. the dealer here isn't much of an option.
  2. When i got mine, the guy at the Stealership said that some guys put a dab around the edges of the seals to keep them from potentially walking around in the future. if you do it right, doubtful that would happen anyway, but it doesn't really hurt by any means.
  3. $290 doesn't seem too bad for those. They're like $440+ on Trinity's site, and the low end price is for unfinished pipes. It'd be a good place to start, anyhow!
  4. Beat me to it... either Northern or Harbor Freight ought to have something that'll work for ya. I would get a pump vs a siphon, personally... they're relatively mess free.
  5. Thats probably the easiest. We have 55 gal drums of coolant (unmixed) and 10w40 for farm equipment, both with small handpumps on top. They should just thread right into an opening on the top.
  6. Yes, you can switch gears as long as the shift drum, shift forks, gear clusters, and shift star (and detent lever) are all intact. It will shift relatively easy by hand if there's no fluids in it, no clutch hooked up, etc. And nope, you don't have to do anything with the engine itself to make sure the transmission is shifting properly. Should be able to start at N, spin the gears freely, and spin 'em all the way through 6th -- either twist the shift star/drum manually, or put the shift lever in temporarily for testing.
  7. You definitely want to get lots of 2-stroke oil on it before assembly. Don't fill the case with it or anything but get a lot in those bearings to get 'em started properly.
  8. ... also, its Yamabond #4 that you want.
  9. Sounds like it is servicable then... good deal. Got it just recently and finally need to use it and its irritating. Tried the manual thing... to no avail. They didn't have diddly on their website, and couldn't find it elsewhere in my searches.. not yet, anyway.
  10. Yup, was thinking that mebbe the head surface might be warped or damaged. On the old Zillas, the studs weren't enough to hold all the beast down and eventually would expand and blow head gasket after head gasket. might wanna check and see if the studs are all OK, and not tweaked.. if the head is slightly warped, you might be able to get it milled back to normal or just invest in a Noss head or Cool Head.
  11. I don't think the plugs will make a diff... those just keep the ignition from being affected by other stuff, but not *from* affecting other stuff. I had a similar deal on my mountain bike at one point. It was the mounting distance between the magnet and the pick-up that caused the problem. At higher (haha) speeds it would fizz up. Tweaked it and voila... fixed right up. Though, it could always be a bad sensor on it also.
  12. I took a buttload of brake cleaner to mine to clean the crap out of it. Sprayed it, let it sit, sprayed it again and got the gunk out. Then, I just filled one of the lil oiler cans w/ my Amsoil and made sure all the bearings had more than enough oil. Yeah it smoked a little extra once I got it back up and running but now runs like a champ. Don't think I would use soap and water though.. use something that won't leave a film or rust behind. Brake cleaner, or carb & choke cleaner.. something along those lines.
  13. Got this Craftsman floor jack.. its new but came w/o a box. Anyway, on the jack, it says to read in the owners manual about adjusting the air vent -- which, of course, didn't come with. Anyway so it doesn't lift very high, guessing it is because of the air vent deal. I inspected it really carefully and there were no leak marks from oil or anything leaking out. Anyone know how to adjust these? Its the 3 1/2 ton floor jack.
  14. I run either Gnome or WindowMaker, depending on how much of a hurry I am in... the newest Gnome is pretty good. I'd do everything in the console too but usually am on ICQ (licq), AIM (gaim), and whatever else... so just bust open a couple of Eterms to get that terminal fix. The Gnome Panels are really great too.. like the Windows taskbar, but on steroids.. total configurability. I run 3, 1 at the bottom like Windows with the apps menu and programs list, and one vanishable one with the clock, battery meter, CPU monitor, etc, and one in the upper corner with my 8 desktops showing. The vanishable one is just like the ol Macintosh control strip... zips to one side or the other. Only downside to Gnome that I've found is that it is pretty hard to just strip it down so it'll run faster. It runs fine on my P3 1ghz Dell laptop but always looking for a little more speed. WindowMaker is fast and efficient but I've moved away from being obsessed with having square docked applets everywhere..
  15. Lee, how does that Fedora work out for you? The Redhat versions have always had some pretty good GUI service configuration tools. Though, they never cover as many features as just editing the bloody configuration file by hand. Anyway just wondering how its working out, what peeves you have with it thus far, etc.
  16. I'm over there *all* the time in Harrison Twp area. Will have to give you a ring and we'll go riding sometime! And cool on the bullgap. Looking for some small stuff to learn on.. doubles, table-tops, etc.. something that won't hurt too overly bad.. something to build some skillios and confidence on.
  17. Was riding down a 2-lane highway on my first CR500R. Addicted to wheelies and speed Came over a hill right before the intersection to the 1/2 mile dead-end road to my house, and a county copper (Sheriff) was going the other way. I kept looking behind me and was freaked out and drove right by my road. Turned around.. he came flying back over the hill and did a big U-turn and got on the shoulder behind me. I let loose.. prolly sprayed the shit out of his car w/ gravel. Got back on and flew down the 2-lane highway, well over the 55 speed limit. Was going to go down the next road after mine (1/2 mile away) which leads to some of our farms and take some back trails home but was going too fast and missed the road, which ended up to be a good thing.. damn adrenaline. Ended up going right by that road, and flew through some dood's yard on that right side of the highway to the orchards behind. Cop followed into the orchard but that was where he stopped. I headed home. Got stuck in a stream like 1/8" mile from the cop and freaked out. Pulled the bike out sideways.. took one of my wet socks off and rode (slowly) 1-handed home w/ the sock covering the silencer. Threw it in the barn, tore the numbers off the side, and put a tarp over it. Cop ended up going up and down a few country roads, asking every house if they knew who it was. Had only owned the bike for 3 days so nobody knew it was me yet. THey were looking for an "older 125cc Honda". Haha! Riiiiiight.
  18. ...just to add, I got my new pipe hangers through CEJ because mine were coming apart at the rubber pad. The new ones are pimp. Very bling! Oh and the construction is spiffy too... well worth the money.
  19. '93 CBR900RR with a *few* mods. Pressurized ram air, full Two Bros Racing exhaust, and some billet bling here and there, etc. Here's me being the oddball a while ago at work...
  20. I played the computer game of that when it came out not too long ago.. and lemme say the Predator kicked some ass. Only problem was in the levels with mixed enemies (Aliens, humans) you had to keep flipping from one vision mode to another to see 'em. But, it was good and hte Predator 0wned. oh yeah and what someone else said... there were multiple predators. And that was just one ship full
  21. Ha! That cake is badass! very well done! Sredish will be proud too..
  22. DON'T waste your money on a software firewall. Get a basic router. The Netgear MR814 is my fav for a basic economical but effective solution.. you can get it for cheap, like $50. I paid like $30 after rebate at Circuit City, they might still have that deal going on. Anyway.. nothing software-based on your machine will be able to compete. Plus for one license, you could just *have* the router. The built-in XP firewall is OK but still leaves quite a bit to be desired. Even if you decide to offer public services off of it (e.g., run a web server or similar), it is very simple and secure to set up through that firewall. And, as an added bonus, the MR814 adds 802.11b wireless connectivity to the area if you have laptops you want to use wirelessly -- or you can just turn it off. Lemme know if you have any questions on a particular model, or need info on how to hook it up! antivirus.. McAfee is my personal fav.
  23. ...when I was teaching the gf to ride.. when she stalled it and hadn't mastered kicking it over yet, I'd kick it backwards (like the R) from standing next to it. man was that easy. But, once you learn to kick a CR500 over successfully... the shee is *easy* I saw someone kick over a ported CR500 that also had the compression bumped way up. This guy was well into the mid 200's, probably 250lbs+ and he had a hell of a time getting it to kick over. Once it started up that thing was gone! I don't think I could have kicked it over to be honest. I might have got one or two good kicks, but I think it would have bucked me off if it would have caught near TDC at the end of the kick starter travel. Yeah that would have gone hella fast. Mine were relatively stock except for a pipe and intake. My bro borrowed it one day to go riding with one of his friends and his foot slipped off the starter and it went up the back of his leg and cranked him behind the knee. Ouch. Needless to say, wasn't wearing riding boots. The travel of the kicker on that thing is insane though. Its like.. your whole torso and body weight get into the action. If my CR250 w/ CR500 motor project comes through.. i'll be complaining worse about kicking over a 500, again..
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