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Everything posted by nater006

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. My "self defense" comments were *not* aimed at assault rifles. My .45 goes with me into bad neighborhoods, and just out of town because I never know where I/we will end up. In the house, if I felt threatened, I'd have my pump 12 gauge loaded and ready but... I don't. Assault rifles themselves have no place in any defense situation in America. Some valid points were made by others also... when it comes down to it, in a situation, how does one know the guy/gal isn't going to mug you and *then* kill you? Yeah, I would be willing to take a beating but when it comes to great (read: possibly fatal) bodily harm or emminent death, the rules change. When it comes down to it and you don't know what is about to go down... are you willing to chance your life and perhaps that of whoever is with you, to find out? I'm not.
  2. Yep, everyone just has a different view. I usually only carry mine when I know I'll be in an iffy neighborhood where the chances of something happening are higher.. which, unfortunately, seems to be that I'm there regularly but what can ya do. It is different being scared into doing something than understanding the potentials and being prepared. A thin line, yes, but one nonetheless. No assault rifles under the pillow I understand the other views just fine.. and just wish others understood my view on it as well, and that it isn't coming out of a "tough guy" attitude..
  3. I don't think it will really be hard decision at the time - IF you mentally prepare yourself for well before. See, the big difference is, I'm willing to fight fairly AND unfairly at any cost to defend myself or loved ones. I should not have to be a skilled fighter or strong or fast to defend myself from people willing to put my health in serious jeopardy. There's no "tough guy" act. I'm the first to admit that I am not a "tough guy" -- but, due to the fact that you just can not predict when some jerkoff is going to do something totally off the wall... to hell with being big and tough and taking them on hand-to-hand. The real world does not play by the rules -- so I won't, either.
  4. You can't be serious BansheeBrian. It's not the gun that makes a man, It takes a man to use his weapon when the need arises. You wouldn't have lasted long back during the Revolution hollering put that weapon down pussbag and be a man. I do know what you mean about some of these heroes of today. The modern day Rambos. Most have never had any training or any real experience using a firearm in self defense situations. It can get ugly in a hurry. What scares me is the ones that are trained to shoot at fellow Americans. This is the real world and it is inevitable that a high percentage of us will encounter a situation where we will need to defend family or self. Be prepared or get wasted. I could not agree more! Who cares about being big and tough and all that crap, when push comes to shove? If someone is going to potentially seriously harm myself or loved ones, they can suck on a .45 hollowpoint. You don't strut around and be "all tough" with a firearm. If you do it right, people won't even know you have one on you. My gf doesn't even know 99% of the time. In a nutshell, I'm a sissy. If someone wants to get dangerous, I'm not going to be a big tough person and try and beat them and their weapons down. I'm going to take the easiest, "most sissy", and effective route and shoot them.
  5. I think its one of those cardboard pizza deals
  6. If the petcock is closed and its still leaking, yeah, the petcock needs to be rebuilt. I think its just an O-ring and such in there. Your float level needs adjusting and/or needle valves need inspection and possible replacement, as even if the petcock is bad those should stop fuel from filling into the carbs when the level is correct. In the meantime, unhook the fuel line and drain it back into your gas can so you don't lose your fuel and create a mess.
  7. Drain your crankcase oil... see if it comes out all milky or otherwise odd. That might be your antifreeze leak. Unless you have a leaky head gasket and it leaked out during riding, in which case you'd probably see a bit of white smoke during the ride.
  8. Chances are... it sounds just like the rest of his songs which all kinda sound the same no offense intended...
  9. the thing about that is "assult rifles" could still be bought during the "ban" so that same knuckle head could have bought one. Also they are still so expensive that a knuckle head wont be able to afford one...its alot cheaper to get a illegal gun at the corner. and how is someone less dead from something that isnt an "assult" rifle? The more i browse AR15.com the more im jealous off you people that dont have the ban anymore Hopefully the price of the 10+ year old formerly pre-bans in most states is so low it will chear me up I have no objection to someone being shot 8X as many times if they're going to die anyway. My objection is the idiots who are going to just spray the bullets everywhere. People who say the "well the criminals are going to get their hands on them anyway.." thing are only partially right. The criminals who might not be so motivated don't really need it made easier for them, though. Just my $.02. Again, I'm a gun owner (4 and counting..) and gun nut, but still have mixed feelings about the ban being lifted.
  10. Mixed emotions here... I'm a gun nut and all, but just worried that more innocent people are going to get caught in the crossfire because some A-hole decides to buy an assault rifle to commit their crime instead of something a lil less.. but, who knows. I'll be buyin one next hehehe
  11. Q: Why do farts stink? A: So deaf people can enjoy them, too.
  12. My $.02... not saying any of this is right or wrong but you have to keep in mind that there are people out there with nothing better to do than cry conspiracy. Add to that that people have this habit (read: human nature) to bias their attitudes, information, presentations, etc, to support what they either 1) believe, or 2) want you to believe. Not saying that those sites are right, wrong, or in the middle, but.. take into account that you might be dealing with some crackpot putting the stuff online.
  13. You are worth exactly $2,477,576.00 An email with your results has been sent to milkmygoat@hotmail.com (sorry if that is actually any BHQ member's e-mail address) ohhhhhhhhh i feel so inferior..
  14. Well, saw him on Fri... I have never laughed so hard in my life. The guy that opened for him was unbelievably funny. These idiots in the audience kept yelling for him to do Rick James, Tyrone Biggums, and others... its like, STFU, idiots.. he's not here for an in-person re-run of his TV show. He took it in stride and shut 'em up pretty good though. hehe. Anyway if any of you like the show (which it seems some of you do), if you get the chance... see him. Its well worth it!
  15. A hammer should work. Best thing to do is support the backside of the hub on some metal pieces or on top of a vice or similar... something with a slit or hole so the stud has room to move backwards out of the hub, but the back of the hub is supported.
  16. Yeah, I have owned 2 of them.. an 87 and '88. Lots of stuff you can do to 'em and the engines are really strong 250s. Best mod, after pipes and intake, is to dump a KX250 powervalve assembly in them. It really opens the engine up and is worth every penny. If you can still buy Klemm Research stuff for 'em, they made some really good pipe/silencer combos for the T4. Only hard thing to find is plastic... kinda screwed in that capacity. Other than that, its a lil tippy which can be fixed, but a very fast quad overall. Even comes with a nice round swingarm carrier.. no lovely "Banshee" chain adjusting. Crap I just re-read your post and you were planning on parting it... you should be able to get a MINT for the plastic if its decent. That stuff is damn impossible to find.
  17. oh yeah.. still remember duke nukem 3D.. all the smartass comments in it. and walking up to the pole dancers.. "shake it baby" hehe
  18. My bro has an S4... chipped and stuff. It was like 310HP after the chip alone. Its a pretty quick car. Would consider buying it from him (its for sale) but know the trans is probably on its last legs w/ him driving,
  19. Gonna tear the engine down to rebuild it this winter and figured... might as well build it up as best as possible, and am just pricing stuff out. And no, bikes can't be too fast... Thought about getting a newer bike, but keeping my "oldie" around and modding it is just fun. So many aftermarket parts available for it. Its a project bike, thats all.
  20. Want to send my 900RR head out this winter to get worked, possibly.. anyone know of a good shop that does good work on bike heads? Oversized valves, etc, whatever.. just looking for a good reliable shop. Still considering options for a nice build-up for it this winter, so if somebody knows these heads are already a great design and not much improvement can be done... just tell me that thanks for reading..
  21. yeah, Special Ed owns.. though the Niles Standish "Caulk" one was pretty damn funny. I was laughing my ass off at the Terrance Catheter one where he pretended he was Rosie O'Donnell's assistant. On his desk he had this Emmy-lookin award and it said "Rosie O'Donnell -- Man Of the Year"... and he was trying to talk some candy store owner into letting them rent out the shop for Rosie's birthday because she just likes to go crazy in the candy store for the day.... hehehe.. good stuff.
  22. Zorak i think was his name. lmfao It does!!! God I miss that show. I haven't seen it in years. I don't get cartoon network anymore. LMFAO! Well done... well done
  23. haha.. Space Ghost. Yeah, the Mojave, Tecate, V-Force, and Bombardier are all fugly quads. Fugly fugly fugly... oh and Walter's banshee... kidding!
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