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Everything posted by nater006

  1. You check Macomb Cycle? They seem to have a decent stock of stuff when I was there last. Its on Gratiot.. I think around 21-Mile or something.
  2. Rode a Honda Rancher.. 500cc.. and it was really nice.
  3. Doesn't take much for anyone to get a loan and those bikes aren't that expensive. You can get a mildly (intake, ignition, exhaust) modified one for <$8000 easily, used.
  4. Surprised it hasn't burned up due to an air leak. If its still running strong after 2 years, dang... what oil are you using?
  5. I gotta agree with banshee370.. just a FYI, my earlier comments about the "people dying for oil" were just the expressions I've heard people use from the first day of the war. Personally my thoughts are that Saddam was a monster and needed to be taken down. Whether oil was another motive, I don't know... what I do know is that monsters like that man need to get an ass whoopin.
  6. Most people I have heard getting mad about going to war over oil (not saying that's what we did though) are getting that way because of the loss of human life for a material thing (oil). Just a FYI. Each person has to decide for themselves whether they think the losses and suffering are acceptable for the results, or not.
  7. That brings back a memory... The most "racist" thing I ever did was at school (MSU). They had this group in the dorms named The Black Caucus. Of course, folks of all walks of life were allowed to attend. We tried, but were encouraged to leave, and our hall director forced my 2 hall-mates and I to have a talk with her about what we did. We were like.. what the hell. Anyway, so we tried to start a group called The White Caucus (open to all folks, of course) but got severely shot down by the Hall Director Nazi... threatening disciplinary action if we continued. The Black Caucus got quite a bit of funds... which, incidently, always went to pizza parties and such that none of us could attend without being talked to by the Hall Nazi. When we tried to start our group and asked for funds... that was the coup de gr
  8. Whatever you want to call it. Just plain old discrimination then. They're discriminating against members of one color of skin (not "race", just for you, hehe) basically. Decisions based upon distinguished objects (i.e., skin color) are discriminating. And, Push The Throttle has the right idea -- I don't care what color your skin is, what language you speak, etc. Makes you no less (or more) of a person. If you're a jackass, then you're just a jackass.. it doesn't mean others with similar physical characteristics (there.. stayed away from saying "race" again) are jackasses too.
  9. Yeppers, just multiply the feet by 12 or divide the inches by 12 and you'll get either the in/lb or ft/lb, respectively
  10. I'm not racist, but I think affirmative action in the schools... and especially in the workplace.. is plain bullcrap. The fact that someone has a much better chance of getting hired at a job here than me because they're a minority makes me mad. Its just reverse discrimination..
  11. If you run a search in here you'll find a bunch of different options. Lucas Gear Oil will work fine. I use ATF Type F.. just have to change it every few rides. Some use 10W40.. someone even mentioned using hydraulic oil, recently.
  12. Replacing it isn't too overly difficult with the right tools. Have to pull the right case cover, meaning that you gotta drain the gearcase oil and coolant. The only hard part past that is pulling the clutch. Pull all the fibers, etc, then the basket has to come off. Then the shift star just has a single phillips-head screw holding it on.
  13. The stock star makes it hard to find neutral, and the shifting is really harsh. The modified star is a great improvement! I never had a problem with it missing gears on the stock shifter, but it was a pretty harsh shift and not the best.. If you do get a new star, get one of the cut ones instead of just another stock one.
  14. Yup, replace it. Happened on my Tecate-4. I got the lights working after replacing bulbs and wiring and after a few days.. POP. Stupid voltage regulator! Have replaced a couple on snowmobiles in the past also.
  15. See there's a pretty big problem with that. You pop *anybody* in the back and unless it is in a couple rare situations, you are going to prison. Per Michigan's CCW law, the only (2) times it is acceptable to shoot someone in the back is 1) If they are in your house and going after another family member, or 2) if they are going to burn down your house (but not outbuildings or unattached garages). The means, you had better shoot them and have them fall in your front lawn, head end towards the house, with a can of gas in one hand, zippo in the other, and a written confession in their pocket that they were going to dedicate their life to burning down your house. Same goes with head shots. Even in self defense, you might be heading to prison. But if you shoot someone in the face, its not a head shot in MI thats in the triangle (head / neck / shoulders) area and considered a legal shot, even in self defense.
  16. Used to be able to donate your houses here in MI and use it as a tax deduction, even, if they can torch and practice on it. Talk about a noble cause and a noble end...
  17. Hell yeah.. just haven't had a chance to burn anything down (legally) lately. But.. awesome heh heh heh.. fire.. fire.. fire!!!!
  18. that guy and the damn fat ass tiger guy need to be taken out back and run over with a damn truck. every convention i've been to and those guys were, they pretty much got run out. Heh... that would suck. To have something permanently (I mean, who's gonna spring for laser removal of that..) tattooed on your body and have people think that it is just dumb.
  19. You could be like.. the Terminator.. just... tattooed.
  20. Very nice, Led! Good laugh to start the Friday with
  21. You've got to have a leak somewhere then, if even a pinhole leak, if the stuff isn't going into your crankcase or burning through the engine. If its a pinhole leak they can be hard to detect. I don't know how it would react to the Shee's cooling system, but there are kits with a dye you can put in and find where it is leaking out. We did that to a buddy's Silverado, and sure enough it had a big dye mark in the middle of the radiator. Never saw it between the clutch fan, etc, but the dye marked the spot. Probably want someone with a little more cooling system experience on the shee to answer whether it is safe or not. I dunno why not but... can't hurt to have second and third opinions.
  22. "This here is my BOOMSTICK!" About the court deal... that was the one thing they really hit on in my CCW (carry concealed weapon) class. They basically said that if you shoot somebody, be prepared to go to court. It sounds silly but... if you shoot somebody and want *less* hassle, make sure they're dead. All of us looked at each other like... huh? They had their range lawyer stop in to answer the questions the range/teacher legally couldn't. She has a REALLY good reputation amongst the gun crowd (probably helps that she's an NRA certified instructor, also) and she concurred on the "shoot 'em dead" thought. PUSH THE THROTTLE is right, also.. better jail than the morgue.
  23. Get some Keihin flat-slide carbs. Those'll give some pretty good kick... and they're pretty darn easy to tune! Wiseco pro-lite pistons are a good move, also. Might want to get the crank welded sometime, too. And.. a Noss head or Cool Head is a basic bolt-on mod that you can use to bump up your compression on it which will be a good difference too. and you can also advance your timing, and get the flywheel lightened.
  24. Go for two That way you're always up and riding if you're doing an extensive upgrade or fix on the other one..
  25. Looks nice! *cough cough (chop the front fenders) cough cough*
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