well when I took my cover off my nut on my crank was just hanging on a tiny bit, but it didn't look like my water pump gear was wore though, but I really didn't pay attention to it much.
no I'm no the original owner I traded it for my yz250 from a buddy of mine, and I don't have kids and I'm the only one that rides it.
my clutch does'nt have any cushions in it, and today I noticed that my basket had grooves in the fingers so I know it's time for a new clutch and basket.
well I drained my new oil out today after I rode it a little and just a tiny bit come out in my oil, and last night I put gas into the bottem end 2 times and washed it out the best I could, I'm gonna change my oil again today and see how it looks so maybe it ended up stoping grinding what ever it was grinding, I'll keep ya'll posted, Thanks alot, Jonathan