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Everything posted by banshee370

  1. Banchetta: I normally have no hesitation... Now that I see I have/had a problem... Its time to figure out exactly what it was... I'll let you ride it again and you can tell me how it is later. Bump your cpmpression and timing and you will be quite supprised
  2. Banchetta: Im thinking either my CDI or coil..... I have a spare CDI somewhere in the garage . just gotta find it. K&K may have a spare coil.... I'll be up there friday so I should know by then. I need to break out the multi-meter to see just whats bad. I cant rmember if it was you or Johnny next to me when my bike was idling.... The idle would rise and fall by at least 300-400rpm and it seemed to have a skip at low idle... UGH! I dont need this now.... hehe As for my traction issue..... The bike gets scary when it hooks.... I was just set up completely wrong for your terrain. I woulda destroyed my paddles just getting to that pit we raced at... but that would have been the only place I could have run them w/o killing em. Then things woulda been interesting Ahhh Antifreeze..... now I know what keeps you boys warm up there all winter. I'll see if I can get away for a weekend this month...... "Sorry honey... I have to go to Maine for work" hehe
  3. Why not just ship it to Evil and let him PC it for you. I have silvervein on my shee frame... It was done at least 6 years ago at least and it has held up great! If I wasnt planning on going crazy on my shee custom paint) then I would just leave the frame alone... I'm VERY pleased w/ mine done in silvervein. by the way... I paid 175.00 to blast and p-coat the frame, a stock swingarm, and a few brackets. (they also just sandblasted my old T5's for the total bill of 175.00
  4. I uploaded this to a friends server since mine is full This is a factory repair manual in pdf format so you will need acrobat reader to view it banshee manual .pdf
  5. Chase: I kick myself for not having the camera.... Banchetta doesnt need any more encouragement when climbing STUPID F'n hills!. I dont know how the man can walk w/ the size nuts he carrys around every day! It took me about 2.5 hours to make it up... averaging 85-95mph+ towing a 2 place enclosed w/ 2 quads hehehehe I raced banchetta's friend w/ the SST's (blue banshee) and a few other bikes. (sorry I dont know who) I think 99NHbanshee was in the line too. Banchetta wasnt there. I launched in second and never saw anyone on my side. By the time I made it to the other end of the field I left off the gas and the guy on the SST banshee was waving me to just go cause I was covering him w/ roost the whole race. On the sencond race back to where we started from the first time I launched in 3rd by accident.. One slip of the clutch and I was gone. Again I didnt see anyone next to me so I dont know how far ahead I was. The first race when I turned around I think I was at least 6-8 bike lenghts ahead of the SST bike after I let off the gas. I was having major traction problems all weekend.... My +4 swingarm is way to long for that hard packed gravel roads. My Trail ClawII's were spinning all the way through 6th gear. Banchetta road it and he couldnt tell if he was on pavement or dirt... all it was doing was spinning Ask him.... I think he was a bit impressed w/ my shee. I doubt I will be able to make it up again this year... I took my shee out for a quick ride tonight and something let go I had to tow it home w/ my boys lil 50. The bike was acting a lil funny this weekend (idle was all over the place) It just died outright. I get an intermittent spark... time to tear into it anyways.... Ugh~ Thanks 99nhbanshee... I got a better look at it today... I guess I messed up a whole buncha shit when I decided to turn it upside down on me heheh Banchetta: check out the drag forum and a post on some T3's Since you have an unbiased opinion maybe you can explain how my low end is and throttle response w/ my cut T3's Thanks again everyone! Lets get together again next spring!
  6. I will have to say that I have no problems w/ my cut T3's for low end. Dont get me wrong. They can be (depending on your motor). Mine are also cut by 1.5 inches.... so take that into consideration.. that will only hurt low end even more..... Banchetta rode my shee this past weekend... maybe he can tell you how my low end is By the way.... I can trail ride my lil 350 w/ cut T3's and drag ported.... w/o fouling a plug. I think my compression and timing help the most w/ my low end.... but I think you can get some decent lowend out of them....
  7. Banchetta: Ahh yes i need that recipe too And the other one too.... I forget what you called it. On the way home Johnny mentioned to me that you have to be insane. hehe I kick myself for not bringing my camera.. but its a good thing cause it woulda been smashed when my shee landed on me. My cell phone didnt seem to like it. Good thing its a work phone... they can buy a new one for me
  8. Most (not all) sticker kits are made of a very thick vinyl and they come w/ a seat cover. Also think of the time involved to design them. Once they are designed someone needs to be able to cut them out so they will fit correctly. I dont know how others are but I was able to to remove a complete sticker kit on a 250R and re-apply it to a new set of plastics. Mind you that the sticker kit was almost a year old
  9. Evil: Here are a few pics of mine... They are a little old but it gives you an idea how I cut mine. Only bad thing.... I rolled it this weekend and f'd up the rear plastic a lil Held up very well tho! it only made 2 small cracks and a whole buncha scratches. Then again what would you expect when you endo going down a 20' embankment onto gravel. At least I was under it when it landed to soften its landing. I'll get some better pics tonight.
  10. I think this is the pic of the tranny d34 was asking about... (marked w/ what gears to cut. I can also mod the image for shim placement too. Its too bad that rz shift fork post was lost..... great info there.
  11. Banchetta: Thanks again for the hospitality... Ohh and the "entertainment" lastnight! Especially the...... Well ya know I know Johnny had a great time.... Post the ingredients to your "antifreeze" when you get the time too Nice to briefly meet you too 99nhbanshee.
  12. I got some online deal... 59.00 a night Not a big deal but I do greatly appeciate the help. See ya sometime tonight
  13. Banchetta: The hotel info you gave me ended up being booked. I booked a night over at Hampton Inn over on Industrial Rd. I'll give you a shout when we get up in the area. Thanks again
  14. I just got my fullbore lastnight and I messed around with it. I was NOT impressed with how tight it is to get the front fender on. Does anyone else w/ Fullbore have this problem? I am about to paint this set and I dont want to maul the shit out of it just to get them on. Is there a trick to installing them? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  15. I guess that would all depend on your mechanical abilities. Its not that hard, but it may be for some people. I do NOT recommend and spray cans if thats what you were planning on using. If you do get it stripped down, then I would recommend powdercoating the frame unless you want a color thats not available in powder. It would also be around the same cost as if you used urethanes.. but it would be a little more durable. Stay away from Enamels or Lacquers. They dont hold up to chemicals or abuse.
  16. What is happening is clear coat delamination. There is nothing you can do to stop it or repair it without damaging the color/paintwork below the clear. I would contact Troy Lee and see if he will repair it under a product failure. As long as its JUST the clear thats coming off. There are many different things that will cause it to happen, but it would come back to product failure or application failure. See what Troylee will do first. If he fails to do anything about it... Then you may want to do some touch up. (i can explain later) But I wouldnt do anything to it w/o first talking to Troylee to see if he will repair it.
  17. Here is something that was sent to be by a friend... Have any of you ever heard of Motowoz shocks? motowoz fire My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you in the middle of this fire.... Friends of mine were just evacuated and they dont expect to have a home to come back to.... Good luck and god bless
  18. You can not brush any of those products on. I also dont believe you can get them in a spray can either. They are all activated w/ catalyst. This makes them cure/harden. I would look into having the cases powdercoated. It may be more cost effective for you if you dont have access to spray guns and other necessary tools/equipment.
  19. I just thought I would start a new post.... I will be there with a friend this weekend.. Anyone else going to be there this weekend?
  20. Do not use ANY lacquer based products... They will NOT hold up to the heat or any chemicals... (cleaning or fuel) I recommend beadblasting like you stated.. then clean VERY well with a solvent based cleaner (Prep solvents) Then apply either an Epoxy primer or an etch primer. (epoxy would be best) If you use an Epoxy primer then you can topcoat with either a bc/cc urethane or a single stage urethane. Stay away from Lacquers and Enamels. They will not hold up. As for the chip... post a pic of it and Im sure someone here can help you decide if its bad or not
  21. I also have a set w/ the idle screws and carb tops. They also have dynojet needles. Make an offer
  22. Banchetta: Try again... I cleaned it up now Thanks
  23. Ummmm Boonman.... I meant the blackout of the site being down I can deal w/ no power.... Then I have an excuse as to why I can visit the site/forums.... but when the whole site is down.... and the rest of the internet works..... Now thats no fun. hehe
  24. How did everyone survive the blackout? I didnt realize how much I actually check in here.... While the site was down I felt as if I was lost. Please Lee... the next time you need to take the site down for such a long time... Please warn us... Thanks again Lee... Great work!
  25. Banchetta: can you send me your info again (phone # and hotel #) In the conversion the msg must have been lost. Anyone else going up this weekend? As it looks the weather is going to be in the high 60's almost 70 Thanks again
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