for the past two rides at mid throttle before the powerband the bike seems like its chocking about to die and it has killer top and bottem end , but the confusing part it doesnt happen all the time and sometimes it chokes really bad kinda like when you hit the killswitch and still try to rev it kinda just bogs out , and before last ride i started it to warm it up and i barly idled and couldnt even rev . so i did a minor carb clean and it got back to were it was on the other ride just choking on mid , now ive played with jetting so i know its not that ive had the same jetting for almost 2 years and nothing has been wrong before , i did a compression test they are both putting out 50-55psi with 30thous shaved head , any info would be GREAT i got a sand dune trip coming up in a month and a bit , need to get her back to 100%...thanx