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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. If you posted in the right section you might get more responses but anyway..... Like dlnoss said if your jetted correct and whatnot it shouldn't overheat but if it does pick you up some engine ice. If that don't do the trick snag you an aftermarket head (I heard this guy on the forum called makes a good aftermarket head :P )




  2. Down to 110 on left side and 120 on the right side, time for some pistons. I have always been a Wiesco Pro Lite kind of guy, any suggestions as to what to run. this is my first time rebuilding the shee so any info would be awsome. I've seen people saying the vito kits can give ya some more ballz, but not really any claims on the wiesco kits boosting power. So I'm not really sure whats the best kit to buy.


    Get the pro-lites if you warm up your 'shee b4 hauling ass... go w/ pro-X if you just crank it up and take off. Make sure you order a gasket kit, order some engine ice also (gooooood stuff), get you a clymer (I'm sure you have one), lube up everything as you put it together (don't want to kick it over dry), and for the break in just go like this:


    First ride: 15mins. 25% of power, 15-20 cool down (I set a box fan on the radiator)

    2nd: 15min. 50% of power, cool down

    3rd: 15mins. 75% of power, cool down

    ride again at about 75% occasionally gunning it for a couple seconds and let it cool down.

    5th: 15mins. 100% of power and cool down... then your good to go. (that's off of duncan racing website) Don't hold steady rpm during break in and if the engine is running you want air flowing through the radiator.



    Mike :dance:

  3. The steelers are pretty decent for the money I guess, but they don't have any clickers (no adjustment). If I had to do it over again I would have spent the extra money and went with elkas or axis.

    If I had a dollar for everytime time I've heard that.....





  4. I am going to admit that I am the one other person {other than dirtrider himself} that voted not to have him banned. I think the only reason I don't want to see him banned is because when he gets in prison for parole violation, DUI, criminal tresspass, resisting arrest, etc. and he will be the steady girlfriend of some hairy guy named Tyrone, and because he will be a broke biker but NOT a brokeSTONEDbiker anymore, the only people that will care about his sorry behind is his new boyfriend and us guys here on the HQ. He will be able to log on from the big house and tell us about all the fun he's having as Tyrone explores dirtriders feminine side. He may also be afforded the time and ultimately the reason to STUDY the bible that he so freely misquotes and not just simply memorize the idiotic catch phrases that are posted outside of so many churches lately.

    So in conclusion, let's keep him around. If nothing else we'll get some reality TV without the video ;)





  5. Yeah.. Here they call it illuding an officer, or evading an officer, or resisting an officer, there is even a "insulting an officer" law on the books. You tell a cop to go f*ck him self and you are looking at a court date.

    I think it falls under disorderly conduct or something.

    Actually my reciept reads "Evading/Resisting arrest or detainment from an officer of the law" :P .




  6. you need some fatter cable so the net will flow better man :P where the f*ck you been mike ?

    I'm fixin to get DSL.... Porn sites here I come!!!! :dance: j/k.... I was wonderin the same thing about you evil, I changed my IM name to txquadrider though B) .




  7. here is a little something funny you can do to piss someone off. It may sound a little childish and inmature :rolleyes:


    Find some fairly wet mud and make a ball, about the size of a soft ball. Then take it and roll it out to where it looks like a foot long hot dog. Then coil it up to where it looks like a big pile of shit and take it and lay it on someones door step or car hood.


    Last time I done this I laid one on this womans car hood and I watched here go get a stick and she tried to scoop it off. it was fuunny. :P

    Did you fall and hit your head or sumtin?




  8. at least dg fits alot better then ac :angry:

    I was tempted to take the cutting torch to my ac bumper. :evil: I've never heard 2 words good said about the dg pipes but there chassis parts are strong (but still fit like rosie O' donnel in a size 2).




  9. Normally idiots like this dont last long but this turd seems to be hanging around wasting bandwidth. There are more useless posts by this idiot. He takes decent to off track by replys that no one can understand (even if they were crack addicts)

    So should Lee do something about him or am I wasting my time with this post?






  10. Patriot build a damm fine motor, durable as hell, i can see why they are so busy, Passion also builds a great engine, but in my opinion a passion stroker has a pinch more grunt on the bottom, last weekend i rode a guys patriot stroker and had to feather his clutch everytime i came out of the whole, but when it came on it flew geared 16/41, if i did that on my passion stroker geared 17/40 id loop it, he rode my bike and was amazed how hard the first 4000 rpm pulled, but his bike had a fantastic over rev it just never stopped pulling on top, where my engine peaks his was still pulling, he had cpi inframes and pj 34's, id like to see how my engine runs with the cpi's and really be able to compare the 2 stroked engines :cheers:

    Well I'll be damd, look who finally came back out to play! B)




  11. getting dressed up and going to the dentist are my 2 least favorite things to do in the world.3 rd thing i hate the most is baloons in the house.

    im with you. i HATE gettin dressed up. f*ck that shit. i like bein in my work clothes so that at moments notice i can hop on one of the 4 wheelers. :clap:

    :headbang: speaking of riding.... I'm on vacation sooooo :bolt: .




  12. well i think i figured it out. I think the whole a-arm is bent. How that happend i dont know but i guess i need a new one now i justt need to find one.

    Jumping/ Hard Riding will bend the stock junk.... At least yours only bent... my left shock tried to go through the bottom a-arm when I cased a double.




  13. Dude your really gettin off to a bad start.... Take a look at the mods I have in my sig. The fastest I've gotten mine up to is 87 (beside a 3000gt so I'm sure it was off a little bit) and it sure as hell wouldn't in no 1/8 mile. Might as well quit while your not ahead.




  14. wut type of rear shock would be best for a +3 swingarm? any suggestions would be helpful...






    they're all good and much improved over stock. You can also get your stock shock revalved for a much better improvement. Call Elka Shocks on that. As far as shocks, just get what you can afford, you get what you pay for. Works are inexpensive and much better, Custom Axis are great and more expensive, and Elkas are pricey and supapimp. But they are ALL going to valve it specific to your riding style, application, weight, and so on. So there's not a bad "type" of shock, it's all on price.


    Searching shocks will lead you to more info.

    Great reply!! Just thought I would add that I had my rear shock reworked for my -2 swingarm by santo derisi and it feels 20X better than an improperly setup PEP my buddy has on his 'shee. I believe it ran me 250$. It's a perfect choice for those who don't have the cheddar for full aftermarket replacement.


    Edit: BTW: It dropped my rear end about 2'' so now it sits level w/ the front end... which has elka dual rates and +2+1 arms on it. My 'shee measures 8 3/4'' from bottom of peg to ground without anyone sittin on it :dance::headbang: .




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