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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Shit man i'm running some cheapy hose clamps from home depot.... and on the shock valving the weight should be ok depending on how the shocks were setup. If there setup for SERIOUS mx and you trail ride there gonna be a little rough, it will still be 300x better than the stock shit though.

    Heres a pic of were my rezzies are mounted:





  2. man if you thought draggin was expensive..............wait till u really start jumping.....then your gonna find out how small your balls really are.............i got a swinger and some a arms for sale..........

    1st couple of times I mx'd my balls were out to lunch.... then I nutted up and got rid of that thing that tells you that you're fucking crazy (aka brain). Like tats said.... this ain't a po' boys sport.




    i ain't that damn crazy.....................well till i see a big ol' jump..............than it's on like donkey kong!!!.....................mike didn't u hit the kicker??? i still haven't done that yet..............




    Mike :cheers:

  3. More and more companies are making ATV Boots. Gaerne, Thor, and Sidi, just off the top of my head. They don't have a smooth bottom because you don't need to slide your foot and stuff like that. They have more of a hiking boot bottom for more grip.

    I won't buy another boot with a slick bottom.... sucks having you're ankle ate.




  4. man if you thought draggin was expensive..............wait till u really start jumping.....then your gonna find out how small your balls really are.............i got a swinger and some a arms for sale..........

    1st couple of times I mx'd my balls were out to lunch.... then I nutted up and got rid of that thing that tells you that you're fucking crazy (aka brain). Like tats said.... this ain't a po' boys sport.




  5. I told them to pick the dates and I'm there.


    Well that sucks a fat whoofing hole Scott. :shootself: Just think....sand....beer....maybe some titties...more beer....banshees....sand....beer....banshees....sand....beer....campfire.....roost...ringdingding....Did I mention Sand, Banshee's & Beer. :rolleyes::D;)




    Nov. 1-7

    Just insist on going that weekend. :D Gotta do whatchya gotta do...we'll definately have to have another HQ LS ride in the spring or sometime, so bet your ass if you don't make this one you'll be at the next. B)





    ...sand....beer...banshees... :clap:

    sooooooo what's the problem :shrugani: ??




  6. I ran the 3'' spacers on each side.... aslo turned my stock axle into a U and warped my hubs at the same time. Unless you just put around (which in such you should sell the 'shee) then I wouldn't reccomend the spacers. Save up another 200$ and just buy the aftermarket axle.... you're gonna end up doing it anyway.




  7. Sredish


    Where you at homie? If I make this trip, like I am plannin- I could just swing thru and pick ya up. Ive got an 18 enclosed, got plenty of room for another bike or two.


    I figure I can fit 4, maybe 5 if I squeeze em ( a whole lot more if they ride on the grab bar), and I am only bringin 2.

    Haven't heard from Screamin in awhile, just checkin to see if he's still out there.

    Screamin ain't gonna be able to make it..... personal reasons :( .




  8. bring the wakeboard I will try anything once.


    I'll def. have to give the sand boarding a try.... even though I've never ski'd <_< .



    I'll be there... with the 'shee of course.... Think me and sredish are hooking up friday moonin. Might show up in his pimp ride, if not i'll be easy to spot. Blueishgreen 2wd f150 stuck in the sand with the 'shee on the trailer b/c it's too wide for the truck.






  9. Not only is it against forum rules but it's pointless and waste bandwith........ If you're question don't get answered in five minutes don't run around like a fuckin tard and post it up everywhere you can :angry: .




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