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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Only Okies get tunnel vision...


    Just got to San Fierro and got done meeting all of the hippie's peeps.  Then went and stole the helicopter and took a spin.




    I unlocked the 3rd island.. got my pilots license and unlocked the nrg-500 (BADASS BIKE!!) b4 I left outa town. I like jumping outa the choppers over water... dumbass thinks he's gonna splat.



  2. I have elka dual-rate ssd's up front and a derisi re-work in the rear... the bottom of my pegs are a hair lower than 9'' off the ground with zero weight on the bike and 20'' razrs outback. I've ridden one 'shee with the 450 shocks.... nice... but then the guy rode my 'shee and wished he would've spent the extra change on at least some front elkas or tcs for that matter.





  3. 74 on the flat at sand moutain NV. my banshee ,

    about 7 years ago, 103 at the beach on the oregon coast on my step dad's.

    how the hell would you hit 103 in SAND......asphualt i can understand, i've done that......but sand...come dude, seriously.

    Well I think scott hit like 110 when he ramped of the backside of that dune b4 he ate shit.





  4. What about in a XC environment where you have longer straights where the speeds might get a little faster or hold higher speeds a little longer? You guys think a -1 might work better in that environment or a -2 will still be stable and fine for that?


    I've really had a hard time working this one out in my head, and anyone that knows me knows I can't make a decision for shit when it involves my banshee, I weigh it over until I go nuts. I've got one txblueshee let me "borrow" to cut down and try out. Part of my wants to go ahead and cut it then and another part wants me to hit ol Gary up for a nice -1.

    Get your ass down here... crank it up and tap it out on the two-lane beside my house.....




  5. Alot of people have real strong opinions about this but I say go with whatever you can get a good deal on... I don't like LSR's customer service.... you can't get ahold of rpm..... dura-blues=dura-break.... and I ain't heard anything about the team industries. Like I said, I don't like lonestars customer service but I found one of there axles for 265$ shipped, so that's what I'm running :shrugani: .




  6. Get yourself some +2+1's, +4 axle, axis, pep or tcs (zero-preload) all around and a -2 swingarm, and that shit will handle like a slot car. If your 1/2 ass fast now, when you get your chassis mods on it'll be un-real...... find the fastest guy out there during practice and the races. Pace him for a couple weeks... then before you realize it you'll be passing him, gettin the podium and bangin mx bunnies :dance: .




  7. Well if your sig. is correct you're still running stock chassis... when you get the arms and shocks it will be 50x easier to bang that bitch through the corners. Tap that bitch out in a gear, downshift once... unless it's a long ass straight. If it bogs abuse the clutch... that's why they sell new ones :headbang: .




  8. The only thing I had mount up worth a f*ck was my fmf pipes... I was ready to through my fuckin ac bumper out the window, but then I got to beat on it with a BFH to make it fit. My dg nerfs fit even worse, think I got like 10 washers on the right side to get the shit to line up. I just bought some IMS/Roll pegs and I'm dreading putting the fuckers on just b/c my nerfs are pieces of shit. You think for the money we shell out for this shit it would fit a little better :shrugani: .




  9. The vid looks pretty good, not much footage but what little is there is great. ( will put it to some music and toss in some graphics)

    Who else was jumping... white and black shee?

    I think April got some great shots of us on top of the dune and some action shots of TX and the rest of us that were riding

    while we were all BSin.

    PS... Oklahoma Schools didn't have school Thursday or Friday... that why it was PACKED :(

    Next time we all get together remind me to check the OK school schedule :shootself:


    Other then it being ruff and packed we had a blast, I wish we could have rode more with you all, but it was hard to keep er under control with April and me holdin on for dear life. I told my roomate it was like riding thru a plowed field... :blink:

    That was ron (bdbanshee) jumping the dune with me..... wish we would've had that camera when me and screemin went to buttercup later that day for a "cruise" that ended up with me being in the air......again :dance: . It was smoother and launched higher/longer.






  10. Well I don't think that I've been this sore in my life.... for the record I wasn't involved in the PI incedent :D . Ron, you missed my ripping my paddles off all around the south camp :evil: . Can't wait till 03le gets the vid posted up. Screemin, we need to buy some stock in coors b4 we get together again.





  11. my bad my computer was being gay. can u get me picks of that stuff n what about a package deal

    WHY IN THE f*ck DO YOU BOTHER PEOPLE WITH YOUR RIDICULOUS POST!?!?! Are you on these boards just f*ck people over and bother them with 30 fuckin pm's a week?? Does your mommy know that your trying to buy all this shit with her money!?!?!





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