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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. The best 200$ I've ever spent on my 'shee.... you could hit my foot with a fuckin sledge and it wouldn't come of the peg. Best part is jumping and not having your foot fold over on the the pussy ass stock peg... or bend it to shit like I did mine. Like tats said... don't ride with anything but mx boots unless you wan't the sole cheese grated.


    Edit: They work fine with my dg nerfs.



  2. my buddy will be doing the work for me, i just wasn't sure where to take from for performance issues with the shock. i need to know where to cut, infront or back of the shock mount.







    Click right here ~~~~~~~~~> Clicky


    That should tell you everything you need to know..... You better buy your buddy a case of beer and throw some chops on the grill. It'll take a solid 4 hours to git r done.




  3. yeah, landlocks are fuckin cool too.  but i (read: my parents) dont have a boat with a big enough wake to do that.


    the only other board i have ridden extensively is a LF trip 133. so i hope this isnt oo much of a switch.  BTW i dont have the parks bindings, just some Splits.



    Could you say that again... in english please?




  4. No big deal, I do need those tie rods still. I have had a few people ask about my banshee but I dont think anybody has been that serious. I have not really advertised it either, any idea's on how to get the word out on it?




    Park it at the races with a for sale sign on it..... cycletrader should get you plenty of hits also.



  5. I've beat the ever loving hell outa my quicksand a-arms... still kicking. I landed on a tree stump one time... didn't even scratch the PC. Gary is hard to get ahold of b/c he's a motormouth, everytime he picks up the phone it's a 30 min. conversation. I wouldn't run ASR arms if you payed me.




  6. I run a 15t with 20'' tires and you couldn't pay me to go back to the 14.... piped/filter/cool-head on pump gas. I've ran everything from trails to duens..... maybe the way I ride but I love it... guess if you rode like your 85 then it might pose some problems.




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