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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Like I stated.. I'm trying to sell the bike whole but if I part it out I would like to trade them for stock parts + cash so I could have another shot at sellling it. Anyway heres the prices (including stock exchange, except for the handguards and pegs).


    +2+1 Chrome upper blue pc lower quicksand arms: 425+shipping

    Elka dual front shocks w/ remote rezzys: 475+ shipping

    powermadd hanguards: 45 shipped

    dg nerfs (blue nets): 110 shipped

    ac bumper: 35+shipping

    dg 6pack rack: 35+ shipping

    Roll pegs w/ kickups: 175 shipped

    -2 stock swinger: 50+ shipping

    LSR axle: 225+ shipping


    I'll let it run as a whole for this week, next week I'll trade for stock parts... if that don't go then I'm gonna tear it down to the frame.


    Edit: Those that have already asked about the stuff have first dibs... I would prefer to hold most of the parts off until next weekend so nobody gets something sold out from under them.



  2. One of two thiings need to happen.... The 'shee is going out and being replaced by my new ride sunday. I can part it out but I'd like to see if I could get a bite on it whole

    (4k obo). I'll run it for maybe two weeks and then 'shees getting tore down. By tore down I mean to the ground.


    Aftermarket parts:


    +2+1 Chrome upper blue pc lower quicksand arms

    Elka dual front shocks w/ remote rezzys

    powermadd hanguards

    dg nerfs, ac bumper, dg 6pack rack

    Roll pegs w/ kickups

    -2 stock swinger

    LSR axle


    I'm sure theres some other stuff I'm forgetting... I won't take less than 3,600 for her.



  3. i have a yfz450 and i love it. tons of power and real quick for being stock. ive had mine for over a year now and if youve ever seen any of my videos you know i ride the fuck out of my quads. ive never had anything break on it unless i rolled it or something. ive raced many a 450r and never come close to being beaten by one. at our hillclimbs i run my completely stock yfz450 against a lot of cammed, piped and ported 450r's and them dudes cant touch me. im running times over a second faster than them. of course this may be due to the fact that once i get on the gas i NEVER let off until i cross that beam at the top. my buddy has a 450r and he hates it. its piped, ported, cammed and all that and its still a turd. he still cant even come close to beatin me on my 450. i would have to go one up for the yfz450.



    What about a crf hybrid?... Which i got the loan for today :dance: .




  4. NJ give me a call and I'll try to help you out. I hate to see people get the shaft on hard earned money. The main problem with the UGLY's also known as ACTION  and know FULL FLIGHT is the fit. The uppers hit the shocks etc.The may be powder coated but he'snot doing the process correctly (sandblasting before paint) Designing a arms is a difficult task. You have to take into account alot of things like how far you want arms to compress without the frame smacking the ground and breaking someones wrists or bending or the steering over rotating and locking like I read or even just simple stuff like the tierods hitting the uppers at full compression on a hard turn. I understand the money thing all to well. I've been riding for 28years and have not always had the money to get what I wanted. You can get alot of good deals on EBAY thats for sure but be carefull on new hardware such as suspension parts. I've seen alot of brand new twisted up crap.


    Its good you can get ahold of him still and he's sending your money back. alot of guys got screwed by this guy.



    ..... and that's another reason why i'm running quicksand arms :headbang: . Gary, I've beat the ever loving hell outa your arms... landed on tree stumps, slammed trees, waded up in 4th gear.... not so much as a scratch on the pc. Kick ass product man.. keep of the good work :cheers: .



  5. IMO, If you don't have the cash then don't skimp out and buy some un-proved product. Especially something as critical as a-arms... to me saving 200$ isn't worth breaking my fuckin neck when some off brand a-arm craps out on me on the track. Then you have some 350$ busted ass painted metal hanging off the front end of your bike. Better off scraping up the extra money and buying something reputable ie; QSM, jannsen, gibson, so-cal fabs or even LSR.



  6. It's like 200$ a pair to get them reworked for +2's... Just save yourself the cash and get them setup for +2's when you order the shocks. Ride quality will still be great... and will get better when you get the arms. It'll save you about 250$ too.




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