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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. "Caravan"... :D  your the only one who's even replied so far.  I have one guy here in TX, but I'm having a feeling he won't be able to afford it, but maybe by then.  My other buddy loves to ride, but I'm not sure 400 miles in 4 days is something he's dying to do.  So, it may be just us two... :P  Nah, I'm sure I can get some peeps once the ball gets rolling.






    Maybe duece, evil and some other cali boys could meet us there :shrugani: .




  2. i freakin hate 450r's soo much they are the most crappiest quad ever they look so gay and they aren't even close to the power of a yfz or a banshee...my freind has one and all he does and can do is wheelie....pretty gay :yank:



    That is the most ignorant post i've ever read on the HQ.



  3. :rotflmao:

    no shit!!  remember before when sig images started getting outta hand huge and lee ended up saying no more pics in sigs??  pimp is gonna prompt a ban on images with his pimp-mobile




    Shit that's right up stan's alley...




  4. Jonathan... That's what time i'll be getting out there.. maybe we can hook up from my neck of the woods and roll....


    As for the beer.. im a coors light man but i'll drink anything lite and cold :cheers: . I don't need electric hookup.. i'll prolly be sleeping in the f150 inn.




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