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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Is there going to be anything fantastically new?  I've got all the Huevos and even though they are still good to watch I can't bring myself to drop another $30 on a vid.  It's like watching the same thing over and over again from different angles.  Is the whole video shot on nice man made dirt and freestyle ramps or are they going to venture out and hit some natural jumps? Are they going to bring back the huge dune jumps, hydroplaning, and stuff that just makes you say flower how'd he do that?



    Mix of both.. Foam pit action, free riding in hawaii, tricks that haven't been pulled on quads b4.. like double seat grab indian airs, KOD, executioners, backflip no hand lander.... video strays away from anything h-bomb you've ever seen.


    Edit: How's a 130ft metal to dirt hit trained together with two 100ft doubles sound?



  2. Cole is awesome to deal with. Straight up honest guy right there.

    I hope he scores some pussy at college this year. Some of the good stuff. :cheers:



    Cole is gonna be the next 40yr old virgin...




  3. LMFAO


    Seriously. We got some strange fuckers in this neighborhood and I'm tired of being one of em. I gotta get the hell out of here and in a more "normal" area.


    I have a neighbor that lives in what we call "the inside out house"


    2 months ago, he took everything that was on the inside of the house and garage, and put it on the lawn.

    Its been there through rain storms, the heat, etc, for about 2 months.

    It looks like his fuckin house threw up on his lawn.


    I'm curious to see if he has dirt on the inside now.



    I would say I was suprised... but then look were you live :rolleyes: .



  4. Now think about this. You have to have a fucking license to fish.

    :huh: Same with driving a car or a motorcycle. You have to at least pass a test.

    You have to get "permission" to get married. My dog has to be licensed. My truck has to be licensed.


    But any asshole can have a kid. That aint right.

    Damn right.

    Next time my neighbor from down the road comes to my house in a drunken stupor and tells my wife "Its too bad you're married" at 9 oclock at night I'm gonna YANK him in the house and beat his ass even more senseless than it already is. :angry:



    Sorry about that stan.... you knows how I get on that whiskey :wacko: ...




  5. pour some of yhr premix into the jugs? how much.... i am gonna get a couple sets of plugs...prob 50 bucks worth so that way i will have em



    I just coat the cylinder and put a wee bit on the pistons... slowly kick it a couple times..




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