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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. ATV sport said that the '06 YFZ has 80 improvements made to it.  More rear shock travel, 449cc, YZ intake, softer seat, aluminum bumpers....some other crap.  I think the Bill Balance edition is just a dress up kit isn't it?



    Basically... the '06 also has a taller stem so you won't knock your knees on the bars... Just a thought man, if your gonna drop that much into it why don't you pick up a used one that's been babied just to save some $$$ :confused: .....




  2. This very well may be a repost, but I don't think it has gotten the attention that it deserves on BHQ.

    After searching the web for years for Banshee info, I stumbled upon this thread.

    It's a 143 page thread with 1,421 replies in the Fight Club section dedicated to any asshole that wants to try and bash the Banshee.  :whoa:

    I came into the thread kind of late, but I put in my 2 cents (whole nine yards on page 106) and even though most of it is bickering, I still think it's a great thread to explore.

    It's actually the thread that mostly got me involved in the online Banshee thing.

    It's on atvsport.com, so unfortunately the thread (and the entire site for that matter) is filled with immature 4 strokers who think the Banshee is old news that just breaks down.

    Most of them also fail to realize the Banshee's potential when it's up against the new 450's.

    There's some funny shit in there, along with some slightly informational stuff too, so I would suggest taking a look at it.

    It took me about 3 weeks of reading maybe an hour a day at work to finish the damn thing.  It was somewhat worth it  :lol:

    I would encourage you guys to take a look at it and check out my lengthy rant on page 106  :cheers:




    I'll give it a look if I got a couple days to burn and the sudden urge to feel nauseous..




  3. A new father goes into the delivery room to see his newborn baby boy. The doctor pulls him aside and says " I have the most amazing news. Your boy can fly". The doctor sees the doubt in the fathers eyes so he offers a demonstration. He picks up the little boy, holds him high in the air and then lets go. The baby falls to the floor with a loud thump.


    "You son of a bitch" says the new father, ready to kill the doctor. " Wait, something must be wrong. He flew this morning. Let me try again". He flings the boy across the room and he slams against the wall and slides down to the floor.


    "Oh my god, I am going to kill you" says the father as he is running towards the baffeled doctor. "No no wait, I know what I did wrong. I promise it will work this time". He opens the window and tosses the kid out. The kid of course falls 7 stories and leaves a mess on the sidewalk below. By this time the father is choking the doctor. With his last breath the doctor says " I was just messing with you. Your son was born dead."




  4. id go for the elka shock.......and sell the stocker to someone whos not as serious a rider, unless you want a plush shock for the pits, then rebuild the stocker, a shock thats going to soak up hits at 70 mph is not going to feel like the Works shocks you have up front, it wont be soft or plush but the faster you go the better it will feel, but will feel stiff hitting shit at low speeds, and the plusher rebuild will feel great at lower speeds but will pitch you off the bike at high speeds, i havent found a great all around shock yet............



    You could just quit being a pussy :shrugani: ....




  5. haha, ya. well ya know, living 7 miles from cooperland and 14 from area 51 had an affect. :shrugani:




    I've never been to area 51 but I'm gonna be hittin up cooperland at the end of this month...... The '06 250f looks pretty slick with the dual exhaust.... My buddie has a crf450 and he weighs a buck fiddy soaking wet. I wouldn't let the racing class make your decision for you seein as how you're in college(how you got in is beyond me :shrugani: )... It takes major cheddar to race.... I say opt for the 450 and it your last bike to ever buy.



  6. Duece.... I think I'm gonna have to move or something.. every chick i've tried to f**k for the past 2 months is best friends or f**kin the girl that a railed b4 her.... It's not gonna be too long b4 I get chased to south dakota by a gang of bra burners throwing dildos at me the whole way :ph34r: ....




  7. I can't believe you just asked that....Are you saying the Honda 450R and the YFZ450 are the same bike?  :rotflmao:  At least they don't look anything like each other



    They're essentially the same... cept one of them only has one eye and a bad case of down syndrome....




  8. well boys my rents recently cut me off from using there 4x4... and hte banshee just isnt making it threw the trails and 3 feet of water.... anyway im looking for a good trail/woods/mud quad.... anyway i been trying to think of something and only got a few things.... first off.... i deff want a 4 stroke... these trails are tight and i dont need to be fowling plugs and junk... i wanna keep the price under 3g..... around 2 if possible.... now after thinking i have come up with one quad.... its a 400ex.... now i know these have very good geometry and all and are used for gncc a lot.. now im wondering how they will do over rocks and rivers and all that stuff..... or if there is any 4x4 out there that are decently fast... either way i want it in a auto clutch or clutch.. what about warriors? idk i would like the idea of a 2x4 becuase then i can use it when the shee is down... and still have some mayjor fun in like flat landing and track and stuff... but then again how would a ex or warrior do in water? mud? climbs? rock crawling? and so forth?



    They'd do decent if you had 3g's to blow on beefing them up first... You're best off with a rancher or some big shit like that.




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