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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Well i've recently spazzed out with my music collection.. thought I'd share some stuff...




    Atreyu- Five Vicodin With a shot of clarity, right side of the bed, demonology and heartache, bleeding mascara.....alll there songs kick ass


    Trivium- A gun shot to the head, departure, dying in your arms, pulling harder on the strings of your mardyr


    Quarashi- Mr. Jinx


    Matisyahu- King without a crown, close my eyes


    Kmfdm- Drug against war, ww111


    Element Eighty- Broken Promises, Texas Cries


    Dark New Day- Follow the sun down


    Bleed The Dream- Black Skys


    Haste the day- breaking my own heart, blue 42, muddy waters


    From Autumn to ashes- short stories with tragic endings, no trivia, i'm the best at

    ruining my life, reinventing your exit


    Underoath- A boy brushed red, alone in december, reinvinting your exit, im content

    with losing, when the sun sleeps, impact of reason


    The used- Take it away


    AFI- Silver and cold, the leaving song part 1, leaving song part 2, god called in sick today, the boy who destroyed the world


    All that remains- Tattered On my sleeve


    sloth- billygoat (sounds like a perfect circle kind of)


    The Melvins- Queen


    Stuck Mojo- Assassination Of A Pop Star


    Sinnistar- Freak Of Nature


    RX Bandits- Holy War


    Pillar- Epidemic


    Methods Of Mayhem kicks ass


    KMFDM- Jihad


    Celldweller- Stay With Me (Unlikely)


    PAX 217- Engage


    Umm that's about it for now...




  2. Everybody should pick up the fallout by akraix entertainment and huevos 8.... checkout www.drasticsports.com.... that guy owns everybody when it comes to prices... even bigger discount if your a member on atvriders.com...


    BTW... Flips are going to be the demise of bike freestlye comps...




  3. theres no shortage of white,green ,yellow ,red  pieces of human shit in this world ,but what blue is saying is when its scott peterson  is being killed ,a nation of whites will gladly clap as that needles is going in his arm  being scott is  white ,jesse al ,and all the washed up 60's gray pony tail folk singers wont be  singing "give peace a chance or reciting poems . in case youve been asleep ,theres a huge bias going on in this country IMO ,i have nothing against blacks, i have balck friends !but alot of them  will go through any means to play the race card  even when the penalty is clearly justified as was in the is case . alot of peeps were worried the blacks would riot if he was injected ,but they didnt ,you know why?probably  cause after all the bullshit played out they knew deep in their heart of hearts  he was guilty and deserved it . look at oj orwacko jacko l ,all clearly guilty ,its a shame when theres unbelivable evidence even DNA and we stil cant convict known killers casue were concerned the balck community  might cause an upheival in society. i didnt see al or jesse in La. doing much of anything to help blacks  :confused:  just like these fuckin black rappers ,they cry and bitch how horrible and unfair their race  has it compared to whites ,yet when they finally rise up and get rich/and known  ,do they donate al l their time,efforts ,wealth, and  fame to their cause ? fuck no ,they buy gold teeth,gold bath tubs  and multi million dollar mansions w/ rolls royce cars and speak about gang bangin,fuckin chics,beating on people  and  do nothing good for this world  . when they die theyll have no legacy,just  a shit stain in life .the sad part  is blacks really have no prominent role models to look up to ,maybe michael jordon ,but even he was caught cheating on his wife  <_<



    I like your style...




  4. Well I took two routes and they seem to have worked pretty well so far. I like the look and feel of the boots and they do grip on the stock pegs very well. I've just worn them around a bit and it rained so I think that helped a bit too. I took them to a boot and saddle shop and had some mods done to them (the two bottom straps slipped so I had them stitched in place). They are very comfortable and I like them alot. I've had two dif pairs, the ARC Corona's (said it wrong in original post) and a pair of AlpineStar's and so far I'm likeing the ARC's alot better. The AlpineStar's have WAY to much plastic on them which makes it INCREDIBLY hard to break them in so I got rid of them. But thanks for all the help guys.


    I'll try to get some photo's of muh shee up so you guys can see what I got. I've had the worst luck ever with this thing ever since I got it so I'm proud to have it going in full force again.



    That's the first I've EVER heard anybody ditching a pair of alpinestars for some arc's... were they the vectors or something?..... I wouldn't trade my tech8's for anything... well maybe a pair of Sidi's but that's a whole nother ball game..




  5. MMmmmm


    I'm sure by the time I can afford one, they won't make them anymore.

    I tried to convince the ol lady that we need to get approved for our home loan this summer, then once be buy the house, sell it, and buy a Saleen and buy a trailer house with the change, but she wouldn't go for it.




    Well I think it's the fact you have to have a minimum 7 kids to have a single wide... let's not even get into the double wide category...




  6. 4 stroke race bikes dont like to start. The '01 YZ250F should have a manual de-compression lever. Here is the 4 stroke starting drill:


    # Shift the transmission into neutral.


    # Turn the fuel petcock to "ON" (or "RES") and fully open (i.e. pull out) the black starter knob (choke).


    # Leave the throttle closed for starting. In temperatures below 41 degrees F. (5 degrees C.) only, first twist the throttle three or four times to pump some fuel into the intake tract; then close the throttle for starting.


    # Slowly depress the kick start lever until you begin to feel resistance. Continue depressing the kick lever slowly until there is maximum resistance, which indicates the piston is at TDC (top-dead-center) on the compression stroke.


    # Pull the decompression lever to the handlebar and hold it.


    # Slowly depress the kickstart lever about 1.5 to 2" (40-50mm) more. This puts the piston just slightly past top-dead-center.


    # Release the decompression lever, then allow the kick starter to return to the uppermost position.


    # With the throttle completely closed and the decompression lever released, start the engine by kicking the kick starter forcefully with a firm stroke.


    Do not open the throttle while kicking the kick starter.

    Otherwise, the kick starter my kick back.


    # Run the engine at idle or slightly higher until it warms up; this usually takes about one or two minutes. Do not warm up the engine for extended periods.


    # The engine is warmed up when it responds normally to throttle with the starter knob (choke) turned off (pushed in).




    Call me lazy but if my hybrid was that hard to start I wouldn't ride....

  7. the rear shock shouldnt be like that, no matter how you set it. It is probally blown, and the front forks will need new seals. Its a big risk with these 4 strokes, it could just be worn or out of adjustment valves, or the top end could be shot, which isnt rare. These damn 4 strokes are expensive to fix, so watch what you get yourself into, it may cost more than you would expect to fix.



    Word... I'm in the process of rebuilding my crf450.. gonna cost me around 400-500$ by the time it's all said and done... just the top-end alone... Sounds like that thing is clapped out.. wont run b/c a dirty carb wich equals dirty filter which equals piss poor maintanence...





  8. My dad and I have talked about this very subject, and more so extensively after this last election.


    He came to the conclusion that after all the years of them pretending to be something they aren't for money (acting) and having people praise them, and throw millions of dollars at them, placing them on these figurative pedestals they start to meld their fantasy with reality. I think a majority of them are megalomaniacs.


    They think that because "everyone loves them" that they can lead us around by a ring in our nose. Ever hear Camron Diaz speak about voting? Brad Pitt discuss stem cell research? Tom Cruise spew on about psychology? They all stammer and stutter and ramble on, and the second someone corners them with an intended "check mate" they either change the subject or get more wound up in an attempted effort to control the situation. They literally act as if they are someone important with something important to say, yet they really have no script to follow so its more like improv.


    I don't think for one second any leader of ANY country gives 2 fucks about what Angelina Jolie has to say about starving kids. Oh, sure, shes a GoodWill Embassador, but honestly.....If some hot woman wanted to come over and talk you into buying a vaccuum, you'd do it. You wouldn't even hear 1/2 the words she said. You'd be too busy staring at her juggz, and thinking about sniffing (pooning as it were) the chair she has been sitting on. :shrugani:


    Not every celebrity is a vacuous imbecile, but the ones that happen to know something are far and few between, and for the most part, I think they are the ones that don't care to be in the spot light.



    You hit the nail on the head... Hell if I had bitches beatin down my door 8 days a week and making more money in one day than the average man makes in a year I might feel somewhat special... until then... I'll tell brad pitt to kiss my nuts the same way I would to the guy down the road...




  9. I'm kinda hoping there is going to be a "blacklist" (sorry if that offends anyone...its what they are called) of these hollywood precious special celebrities trying to defend him. I'd like to see some carrers ended by this honestly. Celebrities need to be put in their place imho.


    Seeing those pictures only makes me more sickened by them and their flagrant taunts and jabs at the justice system. They need to go back to their gated communities, and to their $40,000,000 homes with the 10 foot security fences, get into their $500,000 water fall pools and let the system do its intended job. Who knows, maybe one day one of their loved ones (like Bill Cosbys son, Venus and Serena Williams sister, or Michael Jordans dad) will be gunned down and they'll find themselves on the other side of the picket line screaming for the same justice they cried foul about years earlier.



    I always wondered why the celebs think there opinion miss more than piss on the sidewalk... I rather them just shut the fuck up and drink there mocha....




  10. yeah, nekkid if possible.



    yea word up. welcome to the site if u really are a girl with nice fake round boobies..if ur not really a girl then ur are a plain wierdo... :cheers:



    I'm banking of early to mid 40's.. closet full of gray sweatpants and wife beaters... looks something like this carl5.jpg

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