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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. Ill be there if night promises to bring the blunts,40s and Bitches.. We can talk about his home planet of zolton and find constilations(sp) on the strippers asses.. It will be a jolly good time with all the little trolls and th_air G/F and the trollets with th_air B/F.... Oh and Night, you should also bring of what on planet earth we call funions..




    don't forget the bean dip... next time you crack a beer and a bag of funions... pop a can of bean dip and try er out...




  2. LOL!

    If you don't believe in God, then their is no reason to live a good moral productive life?

    That's just more nonsense!!!!!!!

    How about this. Instead of serving God, try to serve your family, neighbor and fellow man. Try taking some of that time you spend giving praise and thanks to God and give some of that praise and thanks to the people in your life who are important to you.


    Holy shit... I actually agree with you on something :baseball_bat: .... It seems like as more time goes the ruder people get in general... Like last night I was out on a date at a resturaunt... Of course as usual.. You end up holding the door open for people... well this one man was holding the door and his wife walked up and slapped him on the shoulder and was bitching... and I quote "WHY YOU HOLD THE DOOR FOR STRANGERS!!?" Then proceeded to jump in there 40,000 suv with the little jesus fish symbol on the back... guess I gotta get me one of them to let everybody know that god loves me so I can be a bitch to whoever I want...




  3. Let us chose a place and time.


    We will play, socialize, laugh and play guitars, and girls dance while we watch them.


    This get together, every man should bring his g/f and the girls to bring their b/f.


    This get together, every woman should bring his b/f and the men to bring their g/f.


    Also everyone should bring their Banshee with their g/f at thier back and girls should bring their Banshee with their b/f at their back.

    We will spin/slid/donut the banshee, with occucasional wheelies.


    I shall fully finance the Banshee Head Quarter Banshee Party.


    So what do you say.


    I say that's the funniest shit i've read in a couple weeks...




  4. I get a phone call from my buddies mom last night... she said "heard your b-day is around the coner" yup... " Well you know that that tool and chevelle are coming to town right?" yup.... "how would you like free pit tickets with vip passes for both shows?" :baseball_bat: :baseball_bat: .... Long story short.. my buddies mom hooked us up with free tickets for the nickleback(gay)/Hinder(gay)/Chevelle show and the Tool show.... fuckin sweet...




  5. I am not a religious person, first off. I grew up catholic, but have long jumped off that bus since I was young(er).

    The middle east has a hatred for the western world that is hard to fathom. If you think racism in the south was bad 50 years or 100 years ago...that's like Sesame Street compared to over there.




    That's my point.. those fuckers have been fighting for thousands of years... that's a hate that we can't even fathom.. and America comes in at barely 250 years old and says you guys can't do this anymore :baseball_bat: .... Which by the way.. this war that's been going on for thousands of years is all because every body's favorite subject... religion


    Blah Blah Blah the world is going to end, second comming of jesus, blah blah blah. I will believe it all when I'm standing at the gates of heaven and they tell me to fuck off because I didn't believe in them. As for the end of the world, I aint skeered.


    No shit.. I quit going to church when i was about 12 years old and could finally form my own opinion about things and realized that 85% of your churches are damn near propaganda....



  6. I would like to see what the judges need to see to give a rider a "10" ! maybe a blow job in mid air with a 4 foot dildo up the riders ass??? c'mon X-games judges !!! Get a clue . (just my opinion)


    IMO the reason he didn't get 10's across the board is b/c it's not your household trick... like with the bar spin... I'm pretty sure that's the last double backy you'll see in comp.... thus they 9.86 or whatever it was... Granted it's about the sickest thing you can do but it kinda kills the competitive atmosphere of the whole deal....




  7. I was at the X Games to see it live and let me tell you, it was even more crazy in person. Hell, even a regular back flip is WAY cooler in person than on tv.


    Not only was the double backflip crazy, so was the whole FMX competition, as well as Supermoto and the Rally cars...I'm going back next year for sure!


    I had a free ride... couldn't have came at a worse time for me though... I agree the camera kills everything... seeing a 250lb dirtbike backflip in person over a 90ft gap is rediculous..... I about shit my pants the first time I watched Jon g. flip a quad in person..... I would love to see it go back to the fmx roots with combos... like somebody throw a ssg to a dead body sterilizer over the 115ft gap......




  8. You think he'd be any faster at a rebuild (revalve, not service)?


    Being that the nats. are winding down I don't see why not... He can rebuild a shock on the side of a track in under an hour...




  9. Your fucking crazy, That double was way better than his hanger flip,Travis was doing that hanger flip last year! Havent seen Bilko do it once in a foam pit so go figure :baseball_bat:

    Just my opinion... I mean.. Hanging off the bars takes balls as it is.. then to do a better hanger upside down than most people do normally is just plain nutty.... Then again..he did get bronze for it... What about faaist getting scared 1/2 through the 360? That shit was nasty... Travis is hands down the most progressive guy in fmx... I just don't like him :baseball_bat: ....


    anyone know where video of that flip is?? i didnt get to see it.

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=OFBUew6Ak6o ....He stuck it perfect...



  10. That CR 500 would probably shake so bad, it'll rattle off the takeoff jump...

    It's like riding a paint shaker...


    Put a big 4 stroke in there...all that centrifugal force...ouch....


    Bilko was rockin the crf450 in the games.... His hanger flip should've won the gold as to a trick that's been practiced 5000 times in a foam pit...




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