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Posts posted by txblueshee

  1. umm there air cooled and it doesnt have a oil filter but i thought it was the 40w and it has all the wiring just not the cdi i think where is the cdi mounted? thanks



    Well shit :P ... You can pickup a cdi from anywhere if you want a oem one... www.servicehonda.com ..... they have an online microfiche...




  2. what weight 10w 30 and have u seen any wiring diagrams for these the guy i guess took the cdi out when it got impounded so nobody could ride it there plugs hangin by the bars on the right i guess that were it was any of u kno a way around this so i can start it  :dance:



    Oh shit... you didn't say anything about a wiring harness.... that could be a nighmare.... Best off is stroll down to the local stealership.... pickup some oil, coolant, clymer manual, oil filter and a spark plug...... I run 10w40 in my crf... I'm not home right now and I can't remember what oil I run for the life of me.... Pick up the clymer at least... all else fails and you have to spend 500$ on all new electronics... then you'l have a grand into a dirtbike...not too bad if you ask me :dance: ....




  3. They hold about 1 1/2 quarts of oil... the oil should be toast after one hard day at the track or 2 weekends of riding.... It needs tires, some soap, new oils/filters and it's good to go... Little fuckers make decent power to.... Best way to check up on the maint. is take off the filter and shine a light down the intake....




  4. 06 450r if you want to go new.... anything older go yfz unless you don't care about power :confused: .... If you're over 5'11 you're gonna need at least a +1 stem with cr-high bends on the yfz unless you like knocking the shit outa your knees....


    BTW: I wouldn't piss on the outlaw to put it out....


  5. This is rediculous!! this post was for some guy wanting to go riding and wanting a couple buddies to go along with!!why is thier so much hate!!  we are hq brothers we need to stand together so that we wont be tore apart by outsiders.we are taking stabs at each other, for wat benifits. as i sit here looking out my window atop my hillside over lookin my town i wonder when will it stop. i just want to come to the hq to get away, if just for a few hours,away from  life,bills, and just everyday struggles.it just kills me when we fight!!  guys i ask put the past behind us lets move on,for a greater good, and do what we do,we ride!!!  live fast ride hard!!  plz for my sake love not war.

    p.s. yes i know i am a complete idiot



    Raise your hand next time you want to speak....




  6. That is a good point!!! Actually this guy is a close friend and a co-worker. He actually said he wouldn't take posession of the shee until all my orders have been made and payment made in full. Thanks for the comments DD, same reason I wanted your bike, one of my favs.



    Sounds like a done deal :cheers: .... That is if it's what you wanna do..... maybe it's just me but having a bike that's only good for 300ft straight would be boring as hell.... If you're gonna build a dragger... at least put some marvins under it....




  7. Sorry about the list of other stuff I listed, it was something that I already had saved and just copied and pasted it.  The R is an 86.  It has a pipe, larger carb, k&n, .40 over, reeds, It has better mods for mx racing, but I think it needs all bearings replaced, the stock shocks are pretty much shot, the frame is in rough shape(I mean the paint (its 20 years old)), but no cracks.  My biggest concern is the left case, where the case saver bolts up, the bolt holes are broken (like many), but it does not leak.  I love my R and would like to race it, but I also just have the banshee setting around.

    After rethinking what I have asked, I now relize that the R is the way to go (what was I thinking), I just some how got it in my head that is would be cheaper to get the banshee racing ready then it would the R, even though the R would be the wiser choice.  Money is my biggest problem right now (poor college student).  So now what do you all think, would the R be the wat to go, if so what mods should I focus on getting it.  Or should I try to go the banshee route.  I just want to RACE!



    You can race the R with just a set of shocks and tires.... it'll handle almost as good as a full mx 'shee...



  8. who needs nicotine when you  have a healthy coke habit???


    ....just kidding, geeze what do you think i am??


    i dont do either. i quit smoking a few years ago.  my new vice is junk food, which will promptly be replaced with sex if i ever start dating again.


    Why waste time with the dating..... guess it makes the chick think he bought dinner instead of pussy :confused: ....




  9. you can say its a turd cuz its big, slow and ugly. those things look like shit on wheels. ds are too big for trails or woods. a stock banshee will work even a modded ds650 over in the trails with comparable riders. more suspension? thats cuz it weighs 600 fuckin pounds. more power? yea it needs it to lug that 600 pound turd around. better handling? how can you handle that bike? its too fuckin big to be handled. and also, ur comparing a craptor 700 to it? well they are turds too. so what your turd ass ds650 can beat a turd craptor 700..i got a little ol stock yfz450 that will work your high hp ds650..



    So harsh :cry: ....




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